Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1394: Thousands of ancient monsoon

"who are you?!"

Dozens of Gu Jiyu glanced over, and a murderous intent was revealed in their ferocious eyes.

This place is full of Gu Jiyu, and the two who suddenly appeared are undoubtedly enemies!

Li Yun was surprised secretly, and took Xiao Jiayu's little hand and walked back a few steps.

Just kidding, this large group of ancient monsoon rains, even if it was only in the early congenital period, Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu could only escape in embarrassment.

Fortunately, as long as the passage is still behind them, these ancient monsoon rains can't be enclosed immediately.

"My God~!" Xiao Jiayu exclaimed, hiding behind the tunnel with Li Yun, hiding behind the explosion-proof shield to observe the large group of ancient monsoon rains.

They range in age from 10-year-old teenagers to white-haired elderly people in their 60s. There are people of every age group. There are even tanks filled with nutrient solutions that are in the ‘ancient monsoon rain’ of maternal embryos.

"Who are you?" a 40-year-old Gu Jiyu called to Li Yun.

"They are enemies!" Gu Jiyu, who was sitting in a chair with only one arm, shouted: "These two people have brought people to capture our laboratory! We should be the same enemy, kill the two first and then argue about who It is Gu Jiyu!"

Li Yun doesn’t have to guess, this broken arm Gu Jiyu was the one who attacked him in the laboratory before. This person fled here and awakened the sleeping Gu Jiyu without a word, in order to get out of the predicament by everyone’s strength. .

When things have developed to this point, these ancient monsoons also understand their situation, they are all clones of ancient monsoons!

"Kill them!"

All the Gu Jiyu shouted loudly, staring at Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu, either empty-handed, or casually picked up objects next to them as weapons, and walked towards them together.

"and many more!"

Li Yun shouted: "I will explain the situation to you. I believe you are still in the dark and don't know what the real Gu Jiyu did?"

Sure enough, when it comes to the real ancient monsoon rains, these clones stopped.

Li Yun coughed and said with a serious face: "I want to ask you one thing first, do you know the jelly monster?"

"What jelly monster? Can jelly become fine?"

"You kid, shut up! My old man should answer."

"Fart! Don't think you want to do what you don't die, you just want to clone a young me to achieve the goal of immortality. This is the decision of Gu Jiyu when he was a child, fearing death, after seeing his mother die. Isn't that true? "

"Shut up! Don't talk about these secrets in front of outsiders!"

"Hehe, I don't bother to care about you, I am not Gu Jiyu, I have decided, I will leave the identity of Gu Jiyu in the future, my life will start now!"

Li Yun just asked, this group of ‘Gu Jiyu’s are screaming and screaming. Some agree with Gu Jiyu’s identity and think that they are Gu Jiyu, while some don’t, wanting to be independent and become a separate individual.

Among them, those who identify with the ancient monsoon rains are mostly those who have received the most memories, and the more they are affected by the ancient monsoon rains.

As for the young clones, their impact was minimal, and they quickly denied the memories of Gu Jiyu, and began to seek their own memories instead of false memories.

Of course, there are also some who are in confusion. After seeing that Li Yun is not hostile, they also have no intention of fighting Li Yun to death, and instead squat on the ground thinking about life.

Xiao Jiayu and Li Yun were once again shocked by the performance of this group of people. Although the memory is the same, the cells of the body are all cloned from Gu Jiyu.

But each of them has a different thinking logic. I believe that if they live outside for a period of time, the gap between these people and Gu Jiyu will increase.

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