There is no doubt about the strength of the giant orc. This guy rumblingly crawled back from the passage, scared the people on the 2nd floor, and retreated to the 3rd floor. The entrance shivered, not knowing how to deal with this huge monster.

Gu Jiyu learned of the situation in the conference room and scolded his mother angrily. He had to wonder whether the researchers under his hand were lying to him. This behemoth could have been controlled, but he was violated by the guy. Said as irrational.

After the monsters really threatened them, these people finally exposed the secrets that the giants could control.

"Damn! Damn bastard!"

Gu Jiyu thought of this, and the anger in his heart grew stronger. He turned his head and ordered the intelligent system coldly and said: "Open all the synthetic man cages on the 2nd floor for me. After Li Yun and the behemoth come in, open the poison gas purification equipment. Kill them all inside!"

The poison gas system is the last resort to prevent synthetic riots. If it is turned on, if you are not careful, poison gas will spread from the second floor to all places in the underground laboratory, killing all the creatures inside.

But at the moment Gu Jiyu can't manage that much, what he wants is Li Yun's life!

"Yes, accept the order."

"Ding, veto."

The intelligent system has just accepted Gu Jiyu’s command, and immediately rejected it in the next second, prompting: “The command from the control room is contrary to your command. The system judges that your command is too extreme and doubts whether you are in a sane state. Therefore, your order will not be accepted."

The laboratory leaders in the conference room were silent, most of the orders of the Gu Patriarch were rejected by the control room, he must be furious.

Everyone looked at him, and sure enough, Gu Jiyu's face was green with anger.

"You, he, mother ass!"

Gu Jiyu was going crazy, "Damn Liu Yu, I trusted you so much in the past, you **** fellow!"

At this time, the intelligent system said: "Since you must act against the command of the control room, this system prompts: you need to go to the control room to hold all the system permissions in your hand."

"Get out!" Gu Jiyu cursed: "The **** Liu Yu shut the control room to death. Do you want Lao Tzu to become a mosquito drill?!"

The intelligent system was silent for a while before saying: "There is another way you can take over the 2nd floor."

"What way?!" Gu Jiyu frowned, why didn't he remember this setting?

"According to the settings of this system, this system will not do behaviors that harm the highest authority. Specifically, it is centered on you, and all behaviors that may harm you will be prohibited."

The intelligent system explained: "That is to say, if you go to the vicinity of the 2nd floor, all the electronic devices on the 2nd floor will obey your orders, without the consent of the control room."

"Patriarch, this..." the person next to him said cautiously: "It's too dangerous to go to the second floor. Now the giant beasts are under their control, I'm afraid..."

Gu Jiyu's face is cloudy and uncertain. He remembers this setting of the intelligent system, and the surrounding electronic devices are also under his control. That is to say, as long as you go to the 2nd floor, you can turn on the poison gas equipment inside.

"Hmph, as long as the poison gas kills the people inside! The behemoth can't help me."

Gu Jiyu finally made a decision and left the meeting room and walked towards the second floor.

"Brother, Gu Jiyu is here."

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