Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1375: Underground secret road

After the building was turned into ruins, the three winged monsters rushed forward, flicking their claws and tail violently, and quickly swept away the construction waste on the ground.

This is what they did in Chedun Studios.

However, he still could not go to the underground laboratory.

Li Yun sighed, then turned to Captain Gu and said, "Prepare the excavation equipment, or call the A-5 for the excavator."

"There is no way, it has to be this way." Captain Gu nodded, took out his mobile phone and started calling.


Xiao Ai said at this time: "I found a BMW car three kilometers away. The owner of the car should be Gu Jiyu."


Li Yun was taken aback, how did Xiao Ai know?

Then I thought, she must have sneaked into the city's surveillance system to check the video-with the name of dealing with the ancient family, this kind of thing is also allowed.

"Let's go and see."

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu took a few soldiers to some place three kilometers away, and found the BMW car abandoned by Gu Jiyu. There was no one inside, and there were no important things.

"Sir, there is a well here." A soldier found a dry well hidden in the weeds.

"Huh? Let me see."

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu went over. The dry well was flush with the ground, and a stone slab was placed next to it. It must be used to hide the dry well. The stone slab was only removed after the rain in the ancient season.

Li Yun looked into the dry well. The dry well was more than ten meters deep. It was dark and could not see the environment inside. He could only vaguely see a lot of water at the bottom of the well.

"This is the escape exit of the underground laboratory?" Xiao Jiayu asked suspiciously.

"Brother, I found a camera, just underground not far around."


Everyone was startled, Xiao Ai said again: "There is no one at the camera, but...I can't get in temporarily."

Li Yun understands what she said, saying that it is impossible to invade the network. It seems that the protection system of this underground laboratory is not simple.

"I'll go down and take a look."

Xiao Jiayu said immediately: "I will go down with you."

Li Yun did not refuse either. Jiayu's strength is not what it used to be, and it is enough to deal with dangerous situations.

Both of them were born and jumped directly in. When they were about to descend to the bottom of the well, they vigorously swung their weapons into the wall of the well and forcibly stopped the downward momentum.

They don't want to fall into the water at the bottom of the well, the water that does not flow is too dirty.

"The entrance is above."

Xiao Jiayu shouted, and Li Yun looked up and found that there was an opening more than half a meter high about ten meters away from the ground.

"I'll go in first."

Li Yun took the lead in getting in. Inside was a damp passage. After a few meters, the front suddenly opened up and entered a 5*5 meter wide secret room.

There is an iron door in one of the walls of the secret room, and the camera Xiao Ai said is above the iron door. Its indicator light is flashing, indicating that it is working.

"Brother, I have controlled this camera, and the people in it don't know that my brother has found it."

Then Xiao Ai said frustratedly: "But I couldn't intrude along the camera. The other party's defense system did a good job and rejected the access information that I disguised. Fortunately, the other party's system didn't know what I had invaded, but just refused. I intruded without warning the people inside."

Li Yun nodded and comforted: "It's okay if we can't invade, we can break through from the front."

"...It's not impossible to invade."

Xiao Ai said hesitantly: "However, it may disturb the people inside."

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