Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1268: Battle (on)

Sun Tianlai said viciously, and the sword in his hand was slashed towards Li Yun without fancy. The sharp blade pierced the air and made a sharp whistling sound. Before the sword arrived, the strong killing intent had already invaded Li Yun In the bone marrow.

Li Yun unconsciously compared the Kongming School with Ling Jianlou.

Ling Jianlou's Lingtian swordsmanship, the sword moves mighty and violent, and is known as "the world is hard to stop, but the sky can kill!" ’

The Kongming Sect's swordsmanship, while swift and violent, has a pure killing intent, which makes people shudder before they touch it.

At the critical moment, Li Yun stared at Sun Tianlai's sword.

It fell inch by inch and struck him at a mysterious angle. Li Yun had an intuition in his heart that if he avoided this time, Sun Tianlai's sword would be cut from his side the moment he avoided it.

If he...

Li Yun quickly calculated Sun Tianlai's possible sword moves in his heart, and finally chose an appropriate plan.


When he was in a trance for a moment, Sun Tianlai was happy in his heart and urged the sword to be cut quickly towards Li Yun again, and he would directly split him in half if he wanted a sword.


Amidst the exclamations of Xiao Jiayu, Jin Liuli and others, Li Yun took a small step back at the last moment, avoiding Sun Tianlai's sword by a few cents.

"I was scared to death. I thought Li Yun couldn't stop him with a single move."

Before Jin Liuli had time to sigh with emotion, Sun Tianlai's attack went to Li Yun again.


His sword is so close to Li Yun that Sun Tianlai only needs to lean forward to pierce his sword.

But just as Sun Tianlai's body leaned forward, Li Yun's body also leaned back, avoiding his attack again.

Li Yun avoided it by a few millimeters every time, obviously deliberately, and the anger in Sun Tianlai's heart was instantly ignited!

"Boy, dare to play the old man!"

Sun Tianlai was furious and went mad to kill Li Yun. His moves were endless, seemingly inevitable, and he did not give people a chance to breathe.

However, Li Yun avoided every time by a few millimetres, leaning forward and back, advancing and retreating freely, and the steps under his feet drew a graceful trajectory, evading every time Sun Tianlai in a leisurely attitude. attack.

Captain Gu and the others were dumbfounded, and made such a thrilling but extremely precise action. Is this still a human?

Jin Liuli was even more shocked. At this moment, Li Yun seemed to have known Sun Tianlai's movements in advance, and could dodge his attack every time.

Isn't it like her move?

Jin Liuli's fingertip Golden Needle Dance, if the gold needle and silver thread are wound around the enemy's weapon, it can achieve the same effect as the current Li Yun, or even better.

However, Li Yun does not have the gold needle and silver thread to predict the enemy's moves. He has achieved such a terrifying performance by relying on his super reaction speed and on-the-spot adaptability.

After dozens of moves, Sun Tianlai stopped the onslaught angrily, and said with a slight fatigue on his face: "Boy, will you avoid it?"

"Senior, I think you misunderstood me."

Li Yun smiled slightly and said, "Senior, you are a late congenital stage. I am only an early congenital stage. I can't compare the true energy of decades of hard training in your body. Naturally, you have to consume your physical strength before the official fight begins. Just laughed."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Li Yun's words are tantamount to saying that Sun Tianlai bullied the younger with a big deal, and he was still too old to be useful. After decades of training, he couldn't beat a little boy. An angry Sun Tianlai said three good words.

"Now the old man's true qi is only equivalent to a mid-innate period, similar to yours,"

Sun Tianlai raised the long sword in his hand again and sneered: "Now you can fight back boldly!"

"Right on my mind!"

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