Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1261: Fried directly

Knowing that the missile was about to be launched, Li Yun and others once again moved away from the sky above Chenqiao Village, and flew to the distance to wait to observe how the giant jelly monster handled the missile.

The last time the sea monster showed only four powers: the golden war soldiers on board, the strong jet of water, the powerful network intrusion ability, the white bird guards, and the super flying ability when it finally escaped. It can directly from the inland. Flew to the sea.

Swallow the deformed jelly monster?

It didn't realize that the danger was coming, and it still wandered and ate leisurely on the ground, jumping happily from time to time, causing a violent tremor on the ground. Besides, this thing has no sense of crisis at all, and it is not controlled by Sun Tianlai. Thus violently wanted to attack Li Yun and others in the sky.

The boss is so, so is the little one.

The big jelly monster had crushed to death its companions in Chenqiao Village when it fell from a height of 100 meters before, but it swallowed the corpse again and ‘sputtered’ tens of thousands of small jelly monsters.

At this moment, they are all the same as the boss, wandering around on the desolate slopes, exploring the world briskly, corroding everything they touch into black residue and swallowing them.

"The blue light from its body is gone." Li Yun sensed this.

After it had soared in size before, its body was emitting a cloud of blue glowing light, like a huge force flowing in its body, but at this moment it was dark blue, and there was no light emitting.

"Really!" Jin Liuli smiled: "Is it because she gave birth to..." She stopped in time, her cute face flushed with shame again.

She actually told a man about having a child!

This made Jin Liuli almost want to jump off ashamed.

Li Yun didn't think too much, and nodded in agreement: "Maybe the color on its body represents how much energy."

He thought of the first five jelly monsters. They were light blue. After eating some blue liquid, the color became thicker.

"Brother, the missile is coming soon."

Even after the missile was launched, Xiao Ai still monitored its position and status throughout the entire process.


Li Yun looked up to the sky, and soon, a tentative medium-range missile fell towards the big jelly monster, and its long tail flame made the reporters around him exclaimed.

These are the first time these people have acted as reporters covering land, and this is the first time they have seen this stuff.

Li Yun stared at the jelly monster underneath. As a biochemical weapon developed by the gods, what tricks would it use to deal with missiles, a very important attack method in the human world?

If the sect wants to fight with all mankind, the weapons it manufactures must consider the issue of missiles, otherwise it will be wasted effort and will not have any effect at all.

Is it corrosive water column?

Or jet clone?

Or is it a new move?

But until the moment the missile crashed down, the big jelly monster did not respond. Li Yun only vaguely saw this guy lift his eyes slightly, it seemed that it didn't react until the last moment that something came to attack it.

The five-meter-long missile penetrated into the body of the big jelly monster at a super fast speed. Although this thing is extremely soft, but under the condition of extremely fast missile speed, the body of the jelly monster is similar to the concrete ground. It was hit by the missile. The whole body was shaking.


There was a thunderous sound, and the monster was blown to pieces. Under Li Xiaoai's control, the missile was accurately detonated in the middle of the big jelly monster's body.

Most of the missiles on the opposite side and on the ship are of delayed contact type, requiring an explosion inside the target in order to achieve the best effect.

But generally there is no remote control, because the speed of the missile is too fast, and the old automation system can't respond in time. After the operator knows the information, it is no longer meaningful.

But these are no problems under Xiao Ai's personal control, she is the missile's missile computer.

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