Fortunately, Li Yun helped her up in time, and Jin Liuli woke up, and a big red face instantly appeared on her face. She stood bewildered and dare not look at him.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Jiayu couldn't help but snorted in a jealous tone to express his dissatisfaction. Li Yun has done a heroic job of saving the United States. Just now, he almost didn't hesitate to rush up to help Jin Liuli block the air wave and corrosiveness. liquid.

Obviously she is by your side, can't you let her help Jin Liuli?

Although I thought about it carefully, it was indeed Li Yun who helped Jin Liuli, and she helped her sister faster.

"Continue to escape, we can't beat these things."

Li Yun was a little embarrassed, so she had to deliberately ignore Xiao Jiayu's jealous eyes and decisively led them forward again.

There were small jelly monsters all around. Before finding the weakness of these things, Li Yun estimated that one person could deal with at most ten. These tens of thousands of jelly monsters would be tantamount to killing them.


A huge roar came from high above, Jin Liuli looked up, and suddenly jumped up in shock: "Wow, Li Yun, look, there is another monster here. It will fly this time. It's miserable! "


"Why are you laughing?!"

"Don't worry, sister Liuli, this time is the person who came to help us."


In Jin Liuli's doubts, the Wing Monster landed with its huge wings flapping, and she could see that there were three people standing on it, it should be the knights of these monsters.

"Li Yun!"

After Captain Gu landed, he couldn't wait to ask, "What is it this time?"

"Swallowing deformed cells, I call it Jelly Monster."

Li Yun asked Jin Liuli if she wanted to leave now, she resolutely shook her head and said: "I said I will help you, how can I leave now, I am not a coward."

Li Yun had to let her jump on the back of one of the winged monsters, but Jin Liuli cowered and refused to go up, and still clutched his clothes with one hand, apparently a little scared at the monster.

In desperation, Li Yun had to ride one with her and asked Xiao Jiayu and a knight to take Xiao Mingxi away from this dangerous area.

"wait me back!"

After Xiao Jiayu gave Li Yun a jealous look, he left with Xiao Mingxi who was reluctant to leave now.

Li Yun shrugged helplessly, grabbed Jin Liuli's trembling little hand, and carried her on the back of the Wing Demon.

Seeing that Jin Liuli had been clutching her clothes, Li Yun put her hand on the single horn on the head of the Wing Demon, "Hold this sharp corner, just be careful, there is no big problem."

"Uh, uh." Jin Liuli's face flushed, and she shook off Li Yun's hand in a panic.

After the Wing Monster lifted into the sky, Jin Liuli couldn't help shivering due to the coldness brought by the wind. Fortunately, she was innate, so she could resist the cold with a little movement of Zhen Qi.

After the initial fear stabilized, Jin Liuli began to observe the surrounding situation.

For the first time, she felt that the clouds in the sky were so close, so close that they seemed to be able to be grasped by a hand, and underneath, was the vast ground. Before, she felt that the big things became small when viewed from a high altitude.

The woods became the size of a little finger, and the river meandered across the earth, nourishing countless lives, and bringing a little emerald green to the gray-yellow scene.

"Li this the feeling of flying in the sky?"

Looking at all of this with his eyes open, Jin Liuli couldn't help but grabbed Li Yun's hand beside him, and said happily, "Curious~, it turns out you have been experiencing such wonderful things."

"Wonderful, but also dangerous."

Li Yun smiled and took out his phone to ask Xiao Ai for something.

"Xiao Ai, can you reach Zhang Xiaotian?"

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