Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1248: Terrible jelly monster



The strong sound of corrosion accompanied Guo Lide's screams, causing the faces of the people present to change again.

Compared to Li Yun being corroded, Guo Lide, who has no innate Qi this time, can clearly understand the corrosiveness of blue jelly.

Almost in a blink of an eye, after the billowing smoke came out, everyone smelled a strong burnt smell, and the muscles on Guo Lide's hands were burned into charcoal before they could be fully cooked.

Moreover, this intense corrosion spread from his hand upwards, quickly corroding the palm inch by inch, and the exposed finger bones were still white at first, but they were also corroded into a black residue in an instant.

"Save me, it hurts me to death, save me, please!!!"

Guo Lide screamed. He was fainted almost at the beginning of the corrosion, but the continuous corrosion caused him to wake up with pain, and then the intense pain made her unable to bear to faint. Within a few seconds, Guo Lide repeated Fainted and woke up again, most of his tortured life was gone.

"This, this, this, how to save it?"

Everyone was frightened and at a loss. They didn't even know whether the thing was a strong acid or a strong base, and they were even said to be rescued.


A cold light flashed across the air, Guo Lide screamed again, and half of his arm was cut off by Li Yun with a sword.

Only then did Guo Lide finally get free, no matter how blood was flowing from his severed hand, he fainted without humming.

"Guo Fuhua, tie up the wound for your father." Li Yun said lightly, and at the same time carefully looked at the blue jelly on the ground.

Guo Lide's broken arm fell on the ground, but the blue jelly stuck to it still refused to leave. The jelly monster wriggled slowly until the entire arm was corroded and turned into a black residue that was swallowed by the blue jelly. stand up.

Looking at its direction, it was the residue corroded by the corrosive liquid that Li Yun had thrown out before.

"It, it's really alive!" Jin Liuli's six golden needles had already been recovered. She was worried that her weapon would be corroded and completely gone, and there would be no place to cry by then.

"Moreover, this monster has become bigger!" Xiao Jiayu said solemnly.

The other pieces of blue jelly that Li Yun had exploded before also crawled onto the black residue and started to swallow.

"I, I dare not go."

Guo Fuhua saw a few jelly monsters lying between him and Guo Lide. He cowered for a long time, but finally he didn't dare to save his father.


Jin Liuli cursed, but still took out her golden needle, and threw Guo Lidla aside.

Guo Fuhua hurried over and saw his father's **** appearance, coupled with the bones exposed from the broken hand, his legs trembled in fear, and he barely tied the wounds for his father hastily with his clothes, and his heart became a mess. Ma, regretted what happened today.

"Take your father and let's go."

Li Yun decisively ordered.

This jelly monster squirmed and gathered into a mass while eating the black residue. Judging from its ability to disperse and aggregate, I am afraid that cutting it with a sword will not have any effect on it. Without knowing what it is, Li Yun doesn't want to take risks.

Jin Liuli was a little unwilling to retreat without seeing the enemy, which was too embarrassing.

But this jelly was too powerful, she was unwilling and dared not to go up alone, so she had to follow Li Yun unhappy.

"Little Love."

Li Yun took out his mobile phone: "Help me inform Captain Gu and let him execute plan 1."

In such an emergency, Li Yun can only ask the ubiquitous love to do these things.


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