Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1224: Quarrel (Part 1)

The three of them got out of the car and brought shovel, hoes, buckets and other tree planting tools to find the class who picked the weeds. As they passed through many luxury cars, they heard a quarrel from the crowd in front of them.

"Hey, Guo Fuhua, can you move this broken tricycle between you and your family?"

An extremely arrogant and arrogant boy voice came from the crowd. He said ironically: "There is no three-wheeled car in the room. Only your Guo Fuhua car is the most powerful. Why, want to rely on it. Pretending to be pitiful to win people's sympathy?"

Their previous quarrel caused a lot of onlookers. The boy named Guo Fuhua's face was flushed, and he retorted unconvincingly: "Liu Zhikai, don't be too proud, don't think you can bully people if you have money at home! What about tricycle Yes? The school doesn’t stipulate that you can’t come by tricycle. I came first. I also took the parking space. You should find another place by yourself. Don’t take me!"

Guo Fuhua didn't seem to want to quarrel with Liu Zhikai in a large court, but the two had long ago had grievances. Liu Zhikai naturally couldn't let go of this opportunity, and mocked: "It's really a bun. This broken tricycle was used by your family to buy scraps, right? , I saw that it was all dirty, I can’t go wrong if I think about it! You are as dirty as your car!"

The crowd onlookers all looked good at the show. Liu Zhikai was dressed in brand-name clothes, his temperament and appearance were not bad, but his expression was arrogant and domineering, which made people look like a rich dude.

As for Guo Fuhua, although his school uniform was clean, it was inevitably a little wrinkled. There was even an inconspicuous hole in the coat. The shoes under his feet were also very old, as if they had not been changed in four or five years.

But Guo Fuhua is now in adolescence, a pair of shoes cannot be worn for four to five years, so this pair of shoes is likely to be bought from elsewhere.

Li Yun frowned. Tianhua International doesn't seem to be all polite nobles. There are also abominable rich second generations like Liu Zhikai who bully the poor.

Although the two quarreled a little bit, the reporters were all attracted to them like sharks smelling blood.

"Tianhua International actually drives a tricycle?"

"Last year, Guo Fuhua was quite famous. He opened a scrap shop at home, but he entered Tianhua International as a special enrollment."

"A group of luxury cars dare to drive a tricycle. I am convinced of this courage!"

"What is the origin of this arrogant Liu Zhikai?"

"There are several nightclubs and hotels that are overbearing and not easy to mess with."

When someone who knew the insider talked about a nightclub, the onlookers next to him suddenly understood that Liu Zhikai's family was on the road. No wonder he was so aggressive.

"Huh~, this guy is really annoying, see if I don't teach him!"

As Jin Liuli said, she picked up a small stone with her toes and weighed it in her hand. Xiao Jiayu reacted and quickly grabbed her: "My little aunt, grandma, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? Of course it is to teach Liu Zhikai!" Jin Liuli replied confidently.

Xiao Jiayu nodded her forehead angrily, "You are innately going to join in the fun, there are security guards and teachers present, and they don't even start to deal with you. Isn't this an adult bullying a child?"

Li Yun basically agreed with Xiao Jiayu's view, and Jin Liuli had no choice but to give up.

A girl next to him looked at Xiao Jiayu for a long time, and tentatively asked: "Are you Xiao Mingxi's family? I think you are like Senior Sister Jiayu, may I ask you?"

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