Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1222: Arbor Day (Part 1)

Wednesday, Arbor Day.

All qualified schools and institutions in Zhonghai City have sent at least one team to the suburbs to participate in tree planting activities, and Tianhua International is no exception.

In the junior high school, a group of about five hundred junior high school students including Caixia, Caiwei and Xiao Mingxi took a bus to a barren **** in the outskirts of Zhonghai City, preparing to plant saplings by themselves.

Five hundred students, together with their parents and the bodyguard team of their families, a group of about one thousand people, like a spring outing, set off to the destination with joy and laughter.

Arbor Day, in a sense, is an outing festival, they did bring a rich lunch and some snacks.

Therefore, the aristocratic school of Tianhua International also invited parents to participate in tree planting activities with the students. This is tantamount to holding a parent meeting in disguise, and also allows some busy parents and students to have a good exchange of feelings. It can be said that it is Three birds with one stone.

Li Yun drove the off-road vehicle sent by Bai Fumi sitting in the back row and followed the bus. Next to Bai Fumi was Jin Liuli who did not know why.

"Li Yun, do you think Sun Tianlai will attack Caiwei on today's Arbor Day?" Bai Fumei asked in an intimate manner. This made Jin Liuli a little bit hated, and this big satyr really stepped on two feet. The boat has a lot to do with the two beautiful and talented women on the rivers and lakes.


Li Yun nodded and answered Xiao Jiayu’s question: “When Liuli said that Sun Tianlai might launch an attack on Arbor Day, I thought of Long Fengming’s words. I called his disciple Liu Gaojie and his daughter Sun Qixue also came to me. During the trouble, people who were taught by gods became zombies. I want to come. Sun Tianlai probably wants me to taste the loss of my loved ones, so he launched an attack on the Arbor Day."

Tianhua International’s security is very good, and Xiangshan is the same. Caiwei and the others don’t usually go anywhere, so Sun Tianlai can’t find the right time at other times.

The only chance is during the Arbor Day.

"So you bad guy called an official car to clear the way?" As a native of Jianghu, Jin Liuli was naturally also affected. Although he is not hostile to officers and soldiers, he has no good impressions.

Li Yun said lightly: "You think too much. With so many students going out to participate in tree planting, it is inevitable for the police to take the car to protect them."


After sitting for a while, Jin Liuli couldn't stand it anymore, and asked again: "Then why don't you call your sister directly and we will go planting trees together. Are you afraid of being seen by Sun Tian, ​​so that he dare not show up?"

"a part of it."

This time, Xiao Jiayu took the conversation and said, “Another important reason is that my sister and Li Yun’s sister are not easy to leave when an entire class participates in the Arbor Day. This is not conducive to their participation in group activities and will be excluded from school. of."

Jin Liuli, who has never attended school, said: "...oh. You care about your sister a lot."

She has no younger brothers or sisters, nor elder brothers or sisters. For so many years, her mother has not remarried, and has been staying in Stout Pavilion.

Li Yun smiled and did not answer. Of course he cared about his sister, and Xiao Jiayu was the same.

He drove an off-road vehicle and followed the twenty-two buses. There were many luxury cars behind him. Those who can get on Tianhua International are not from poor families. It doesn’t matter how many luxury cars per person in the family are. under.

Of course, Tianhua International also has relatively poor families or general special enrollment. They are talented students with particularly good grades in other schools. Tianhua International promises to recruit them with high scholarships.

High scholarships + ability to meet wealthy classmates from extraordinary backgrounds, which leads to the fierce special admissions examinations of Tianhua International every year.

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