Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1220: Conversation (part one)

Jin Liuli snorted and turned to enter, but the door was not closed.

Li Yun calmly went in and sat in the living room and waited. The more he showed his hands and feet, the easier it was for people to see the problem.


Jin Liuli in the bathroom suddenly shouted.

"what is the matter."

"Last night...you big pervert kisses me desperately, you are so perverted to a forty-year-old aunt? Don't you ride two boats and have two beautiful boyfriends?"

Jin Liuli asked questions like a bead, which made Li Yun suddenly embarrassed: "Dare you feel that you have been thinking about this last night?"

"Poor, almost."

Jin Liuli did not sleep well last night. On the one hand, it was because of what Li Yun did to her last night. On the other hand, she couldn’t figure out why Li Yun would still make up her as an aunt. Do such an abnormal thing to her.

Is it that he is so cold, so perverted to any woman?

Or, he doesn't care about her appearance at all, he likes her...

Li Yun said: "I didn't mean to shirk about what happened last night. It's all my mistakes and it hasn't changed. It's just too bizarre, so I didn't say the reason at all."

"Say!" Jin Liuli shouted fiercely in the bathroom inside: "No matter how bizarre I am, I have to listen!"

Li Yun had no choice but to say something vaguely. Jin Liuli was still dissatisfied, and asked: "Your body causes you to run away impulsively? What is the physical reason?"

"This involves the religion of God, you'd better not understand too much now."

"I want to know!"

"No way."

"I just want to understand!!"

"I said, no!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, I am so angry! Tell me!"

Jin Liuli's irritable little character broke out again, and shouted loudly in the bathroom. Li Yun remained unmoved and sat quietly looking at the phone.

Jin Liuli had no choice but to change into a suit, took a bag of her own, and followed Li Yun to breakfast.

Li Yun glanced at her roughly. The clothes he had given her last night, and some of the exposed gaps revealed that her night-walking treasure was still on the innermost, and it should have been washed.

Thinking of Jin Liuli's graceful body under her tight-fitting leather jacket, coupled with the fact that she has now revealed her real face, her cute and somewhat quirky face, what temptation would it be if she revealed the blush that was trembling last night What a sight.

Realizing that he wanted to be crooked again, Li Yun quickly stopped his mind and took her to the restaurant on the 71st floor.

"This is... the restaurant?"

When he came to a strange place, Jin Liuli's inquisitive and restless heart that wanted to derive sales information became active again, began to look around here, and touched the things next to him with his hands.

Li Yun said lightly: "It's a special restaurant for Miss Murong. Put your thoughts away. You are not allowed to disclose any information in the Dingwei Building."

As Li Yun heard that Jin Liuli had mixed into Dingwei Building to gather information so that he could sell it to others, he would not be angry. If it weren’t for doing something sorry for her, Li Yun would have to learn a lesson. She can't.

"If you don't sell, don't sell, why are you so fierce!"

Jin Liuli hummed and expressed her dissatisfaction, followed Li Yun to the restaurant, and officially met the eldest lady of Murong's family.

At first glance, she was shocked by the beauty and temperament of the eldest lady.

It turns out that Miss Murong is really like the rumors of the rivers and lakes, the temperament is as cold as the moon, and the beauty is the best.

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