Jin Liuli opened a gap with her hands covering her eyes, quietly glanced at Li Yun's chest, and she really saw the clothes intact.

"Huh? Did you go back and change a suit?"

"No, my clothes are from the gods, and they are made of something called specific active cells."

Li Yun took a deep look at the pair of gold wire bracelets, and said: "Like your gold needle and silver thread, it can be changed at will, and it is not difficult to repair it automatically."

He had some doubts that if Jin Liuli could emit brain waves, this pair of gold bracelets might have new functions.

"Specific active cells, what... wait, the gods?"

Jin Liuli finally reacted and stood up, feeling a wet mark under her body. She hurriedly squatted down and hugged her knees again, her face flushed unavoidably.

Li Yun deliberately ignored her embarrassment, and said solemnly: "Yes, this technology is from the gods, so I suspect that your gold wire bracelet that can perfectly transmit innocence and can automatically repair is also from gods. The teaching hand."

Maybe it was only her mother accidentally got it, maybe it was her mother's spoils, but in short, this incident, like the previous shadow ghosts, deserves Li Yun's attention and investigation.

Jin Liuli thought for a long time, shook her head and said: "I don't know how my family is related to the religion. I once asked my mother where this thing came from. She said that it was a relic left by my father to me. There are the exercises I practiced, the fingertip golden needle dance, these exercises are also taught to me by my mother..."

She revealed all this information, and she trusted Li Yun inexplicably in her heart, perhaps because Li Yun was a fighter who had fought with the gods, perhaps because tonight, because of what happened just now...

"Your father's relic? He..."

"I died early. I died before I was born." Jin Liuli had no good feelings when she talked about this, because her father, whom she had never met, her mother would sometimes show sadness and loneliness when she sits alone. Liuli felt distressed when she saw it.

"Oh... leave this in advance, and I will talk to you later."

Thinking of Jin Liuli’s previous embarrassment, Li Yun had to suppress the incident. Seeing that she was a little flustered, he comforted: “You don’t have to be too anxious. This thing has been with you for nearly 20 years, and the gods have not yet treated it. Take it back, it means they haven't noticed yet."

With Li Yun's words, Jin Liuli relaxed a lot, and muttered quietly: "You have only lived for 20 years, and they are only 17 years old this year..."

Li Yun smiled: "At the age of 17, you have achieved innateness. You are much better than me."

"Hmph~, it's useless to praise me, people won't be happy!"

Jin Liuli's face almost smiled crookedly, "17-year-old innate, no better than the eldest lady of the Murong family and the eldest lady of the Xiao family, those two are with you..."

She stopped, her chest was blocked and it was very uncomfortable, and a sour feeling appeared in her heart. It was the first time she encountered it in her seventeen years of experience.

Li Yun couldn't help but changed the subject and said, "It's not too early tonight. I'll take you back. Where do you live?"

Jin Liuli suddenly felt a little angry, and turned her head angrily and said, "I won't go back, I will live here tonight!"

Li Yun didn't know what she was losing, and wondered if the heart of a 17-year-old adolescent girl was so changeable?

He couldn't guess what Jin Liuli was thinking now, and for a while, the two of them became quiet again.

Under the dim light, the girl squatted against the wall, her lonely figure looked particularly bleak, and Li Yun could not leave alone anyway.

"That one……"


The two spoke at the same time, and Li Yun smiled and said, "You speak first."


Jin Liuli struggled for a while before she said, "Why don't you ask me why I am troubled by you?"

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