Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1213: Jin Liuli's name


Jin Liuli snorted coldly, but stopped talking, and the scene fell silent for a while.

After a long silence, the two didn't know what they were thinking.

She did not leave, nor did Li Yun.

Jin Liuli bends her knees silently, hugs her with her hands, burying her face between her hands, she refuses to say a word, seems to be waiting, thinking about something.

Li Yun did not hear the crying, but without thinking about it, she knew that she must be in a bad mood now.

Although she didn't know about men and women, she had been kissed by a strange man on her lips and the secret place of other girls. Jin Liuli did not seek life or death like ancient girls, or forced Li Yun to marry her. It was considered open-minded.

After all, she was born in the ancient and conservative sect of Stealing Heaven Pavilion.

Hearing the sound of footsteps going away, Jin Liuli secretly raised her head and took a look. After not seeing Li Yun in front of her, she suddenly panicked.

"Where have you been?!"

Jin Liuli stood up abruptly, and she couldn't find Li Yun when she looked left and right, which made her panic immediately.

When Li Yun was there, he didn't feel that after he left, there were dim lights all around, and the dark corridors looked terrifying, which reminded Jin Liuli again of the dark elevator, like a scary female ghost about to get out of the screen.


"where are you?"


At the end of the shouting, Jin Liuli became more and more confused, as if there was a missing piece in his heart, empty and very uncomfortable.

"Li Yun, if you dare to leave, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!!"

"I didn't say to leave."

Following Jin Liuli's yell, Li Yun walked quickly from a distance, holding two white coats found in the laboratory in his hands.

"You bastard!"

Jin Liuli leaped forward violently, hugged his waist tightly with her hands, with her little head pressed against Li Yun's chest, she cried again and said, "I thought you were leaving without permission. In that case, I, I... …"

"I'm not the kind of person who will leave directly."

Li Yun put two white lab coats on her, wrapped her petite body, patted her little head, and said: "Now it's cold, you only have a thin piece of clothing. I will experiment. I got the clothes for you."

"Huh, don't you care!"

With a cold snort, Jin Liuli blushed and left his embrace, but her hands tightened her white coat.

Li Yun looked at the tears on her face and sincerely apologized: "I'm sorry, Ren Xiaoxia, I'm not good tonight, I shouldn't treat you like that."

There was a moment of silence, and Jin Liuli sat on the floor again and hugged her knees. Although there was some coolness under her body, her heart began to warm up.

"I'm not called Ren Xiaoxia, I know that I came out of Stealing Heaven Pavilion and called them this pseudonym..." She muttered, her tone much better than before.

"Then your name?"

"Jin, Jin Liuli~"

"Jin Liuli...this name is pretty good, very nice." Li Yun exclaimed.

"What? You must have come to please me deliberately. Few girls call Liuli." Jin Liuli was pleased on his face, but he refused to say it.

Li Yun smiled, and said, "Golden colored glaze, pure colored glaze. Colored glaze is man-made crystal, and its color is vivid and brilliant; its quality is crystal clear and dazzling.

The glaze world where the Oriental Medicine Buddha lived and cultivated, such as the Buddhist "Tathagata Tathagata's Original Wish Merit Sutra", is also an ideal land for Buddhists. The ground there is made of colored glaze, and even the body of the Medicine Buddha is as smooth and clean as colored glaze inside and out, so it is called the Oriental Pure Colored Glaze World.

Your name is probably taken from this too, right? "

"It's not!"

Jin Liuli was praised by Li Yun, his face became more ruddy, and his mouth stiffly said: "I was named Jin Liuli by my mother because I passed on my mother's golden needles. It's not a Medicine Buddha Tathagata."

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