Jin Liuli's six golden needles were cut four by Li Yun, but there were still six silver threads, but the four cut off were much shorter in length.

Just as Li Yun’s sword of love was about to attack, Jin Liuli directed the six silk threads to wrap around the sword of love, and immediately wrapped it up, as if making a silk for the sword of love Scabbard.

It's just not that dense.

"Hehe, I caught you!" Jin Liuli smiled triumphantly again.

It turns out that this is what she said, whoever knocks down the opponent's weapon first loses.

Li Yun thought to himself that even if he entangled his weapon, the two sides would only become a rival of innocence. He didn't let go. Could Jin Liuli's innocent aura be comparable to him?

Thinking of this, Li Yun smiled slightly: "Really?"

He didn't continue to attack, recovered his strength, and took a step back, trying to pull Jin Liuli over.

Really pulled it over!

Jin Liuli seemed to have no bones, and was pulled by Li Yun forcefully, and the whole person swooped over. It was like Xiao Jiayu who hadn't seen Li Yun for more than half a month during the Chinese New Year and wished to rush into his arms.

"What's the matter?"

Li Yun was surprised, a huge force suddenly passed from the silk thread, and it slammed into the direction of his force, causing Li Yun to retreat several steps involuntarily to stabilize his figure.

"What's the matter?"

Fighting with this weird weapon, Li Yun's mind is full of doubts, what the **** are these things?

But there was not so much time to think during the battle. After seeing Jin Liuli also being pulled over, Li Yun stabbed with his sword and once again slammed towards Jin Liuli.

"Hee hee~" Jin Liuli swiftly avoided, seeing through Li Yun's movements almost at the same time as Li Yun launched his attack, and easily avoided Li Yun's sword of love.

Moreover, a pulling force came from the silk thread again, dragging him in the direction of Li Yun's attack, making him almost staggered.

"Could it be...?"

In order to verify the conjecture, Li Yun turned around with another sword.

Like last time, Jin Liuli dodged the attack lightly again, and made mocking laughter, just like a little girl playing happily.

Li Yun finally understood that his current movements were all sensed by the silk thread wrapped around the sword of love.

The connection between Jin Liuli, Silk thread, and Li Yun is like an ancient puppet show. Li Yun is the puppet, and Jin Liuli is the puppet master who manipulates Li Yun!

With these threads sticking to his weapons, unless Li Yun takes the initiative to let go of the sword of love, his attacks are all known to Jin Liuli.

Moreover, she can also drive Li Yun's involuntary movement through the silver thread, as if she was actually manipulating a puppet!

No wonder she said so confidently that she could defeat Li Yun's weapon.

Li Yun smiled bitterly in his heart. Every time he underestimated his opponent, his opponent could always slap him mercilessly. Sometimes he wondered if he had offended God!

However, it is too early for him to admit defeat, Li Yun also has a killer move!

"Mental power attack!"

Seizing an opportunity to attack, when Jin Liuli was about to counterattack, Li Yun attacked her fiercely with mental power again.

Jin Liuli had no power to fight back against such an attack, so she could only bear it hard, and Li Yun had already come to her when she was shaking her head.


Jin Liuli was frightened and screamed again, her head seemed to be smashed with a hammer repeatedly, which made her feel a little nervous.

Li Yun's attack came instantaneously. At the moment of the moment, Jin Liuli's fingers danced subconsciously, violently pulling away the sword of love in Li Yun's hand, and the silver thread bound it to fly away.

"I won! Hahaha!"

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