Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1200: Shadow Organization

"Are you from the shadows?"

Li Yun glanced at the dazed Jin Liuli, then turned to look at the four men in black who fell on the ground, "Who sent you?"

The man in black looked at the sword next to Li Yun with a frightened expression, but the Shadow Organization stipulated that the employer’s origins were not allowed to be told. Once said, they would be hunted down to the end. The shadow organization left them with a psychological shadow in the past, which made them Even if he is afraid of Li Yun now, he dare not say it without authorization.

"Don't tell me?"

Li Yun smiled slightly and pointed at the black-clothed men. The sword suspended in the air let out a soft hum, numb the scalps of the four black-clothed men, and their eyes were dull. Then, when the sword moved, the handle radiated. The radiant sword slashed towards the four people in the air with sword groans.

From the point of the sword, four white sword auras came out, whizzing towards them, and in a blink of an eye, the four unresisting people were cut all over with cuts and bruises. They made a scream of pain, causing the people on the side Jin Liuli was very scared.

"This one……"

Jin Liuli hesitated to speak, then said weakly, "Hey, just let them go, these people are already miserable enough."

Li Yun took his hand and turned to look at her lightly and said: "I forgot, and you, are you with them?"

Jin Liuli's eyes widened suddenly, and said angrily: "You're just one of them!"

Being suspicious of this person, Jin Liuli's previous good feelings for him immediately turned into disgust. This person is too disgusting. Not only to torture the enemy, but also to slander him, it is useless to look good!

"Then who are you?" Li Yun said coldly, "Why disguised as a maid and mixed into Dingwei Building for what?"

"This... is wrong, in fact I~~~"

Seeing her eyeballs started to spin again and again, Li Yun waved the sword and said half threateningly: "I advise you to say it obediently, lest my sword will not be affectionate!"

This woman seemed to be from the rivers and lakes, and she didn't know that she had little to do with the sects that Li Yun knew, such as the Xiao family and Murong family.

"Huh, I won't tell you! Bah~"

Jin Liuli made a cute face to Li Yun, but she still wears a 40-year-old aunt's human skin mask, and her cuteness is greatly reduced.

Judging from her performance, Li Yun probably confirmed that she was an underage girl, with a playful, quirky character, almost the same as Zhao Xinger, and it was even more troublesome.

After all, the little maid would not mess around on the battlefield.

Li Yun put her aside for the time being, turned his head and looked at the black-clothed people with bruises, and said coldly: "Your shadow organization has been modified. You have never entered China before. Now you dare to come here to make waves, and also When it comes to death, the shadow ghost is so bold!"

As soon as these words came out, Jin Liuli showed an expression that I knew so, while the man in black frowned deeply and said in a deep voice, "You know Lord Shadow Ghost?"

Li Yun smiled, "Teached him several times, but I didn't expect him to become the boss of the Shadow Organization now."

These people are not weak, and they are also called the shadow ghosts adults. It is obvious that the shadow ghosts are now elevated.

However, Li Yun was not innate at the time, and the shadow ghost was naturally not innate, and to be the boss of a dark organization, according to Li Yun's speculation, at least he had to be innate.

It seems that Shadow Ghost has also made great progress in the past two years.

"Teached him a few times...You are a knight!" The leader in black suddenly widened his eyes.

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