Jin Liuli was like a crazy little girl, shooting with a submachine gun, yelling at the same time, making the person on the other side upset.

Only God knows how frustrated they are now!

As a frightening force organization in the dark world abroad, the name Shadow can scare half of the killers in the world!

And the five of them are the gold medal killers in the Shadow Organization. Not only are they skilled enough to climb dozens of floors of buildings, but they are also proficient in various modern killing tools. An embroidery needle or a small drop of venom can kill people. invisible.

But now, the gold medal killer of the Shadow Organization had something wrong with this little girl. Not only was he killed a companion, even their proud gunfight was beaten by the opposite little girl!

This made the leader of the man in black couldn't help but think of an order from the controller behind the organization: never enter China, and offenders die!

In the past, he thought it was the people behind the scenes who came from Huaxia, so they were forbidden to come here to do tasks. Now it seems that because there are so many capable people and strangers in Huaxia, they are forbidden by the people behind the scenes!

"Damn it! What the **** is that little girl?"

A man in black shouted angrily, shrank and hid behind the cabinet, quickly withdrew the empty magazine, reached out and took out another magazine to put it in, "Why is the firepower of this little girl so fierce? Lao Tzu's bullets? It's almost gone, why are there bullets on the other side?"

As soon as this curse came out, the scene suddenly became quiet.

Yes, they have been fighting for a long time, and the person on the other side still has bullets?

"Ah, why is my bullet gone?"

Jin Liuli was puzzled, she was shooting happily just now, and suddenly the bullets said nothing.

"Hit, hit me hard!"

The captain yelled, and the four men in black stood up abruptly, and after a burst of shots, their bullets were gone.

But Jin Liuli had been hiding behind the bookshelf, and the blast just now did not reach her at all.


The leader in black woke up and looked at the opposite bookshelf with a look of horror, "We have been playing for so long, but the bookshelf is still blocking bullets for her?"

You know, with the power of modern submachine guns, even the iron bookshelf has to be swept through several layers of iron under such close-range shooting, is this wooden bookshelf okay? !

The four men in black looked at the bookshelf in shock. Although there were many bullet holes on it, they still stood upright. The bullets just now didn't look like they passed through the bookshelf and killed the opposite person.

"This girl has never changed her hiding place!" The other person also woke up, thinking of the weird situation just now.

They have changed several hiding places in a row, from desks to drinking fountains to file cabinets and sofas, because they know that these things cannot withstand the shooting of submachine guns for so long, and it is very dangerous to keep hiding in one place. That's why they change positions frequently.

"No wonder the little **** the opposite side can press us down." The leader in black reacted, but still can't explain why a bookshelf has withstood the baptism of four submachine guns, but it is still strong.

Jin Liuli's petite body hid behind the bookshelf and did not dare to show up. She wasn't sure if the other side was really bulletless, the best way was to wait.

When they take the initiative to come and check, she will never be afraid of these people in close combat!

The scene fell silent for a while, the man in black dared not step forward, and Jin Liuli dared not get up.

"What the **** is this?!"

A man in black couldn't stand the atmosphere, and threw the submachine gun against the sturdy and terrible bookshelf, "What the **** is this!"

"Want to know? Let me tell you."

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