Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1190: Ren Xiaoxia's actions

Regarding Liu Fang's statement that Ren Xiaoxia was here to steal information, Li Yun couldn't deny it, so she only asked her to investigate secretly, talk to Ren Xiaoxia's direct leadership, and ask about her situation.

After Liu Fang left, the little maid suggested: "Just grab her directly, it saves so much trouble."

Li Yun shook his head and refused, "She's just a pawn. Before you know who is behind her, it's best to inquire first."

"Ah...Isn't that putting a time bomb by your side?"

"No." Li Yun pondered. "Will she often work overtime at night? Just tonight, let's catch her!"

The eldest nodded lightly and agreed to Li Yun's proposal.

After Liu Fang came back, she told Ren Xiaoxia that there was nothing special, but her personality was very lively and active, and she liked to ask people questions, but this was in line with the salesperson's personality, so there was no doubt.

Li Yun smiled and said, "It seems that this female spy is pretty good. Okay, Sister Fang, go ahead and I will take care of it."

Liu Fang has no objection. She knows that Li Yun and Missy are very good at martial arts.

In the following time, Xiao Ai focused her attention on Ren Xiaoxia. As long as she went to the place that was photographed by the camera, her whereabouts were completely controlled by Li Yun and others, and she couldn't avoid it.

Observing too much, Li Yun found that Ren Xiaoxia really had two troubles.

There is no problem in dealing with people, and she is familiar with the languages ​​of several countries. The Liu Yiyi recruited by Li Yun in the jewelry store happened to be by her side. When Liu Yiyi asked her about language-related questions that she did not understand, Ren Xiaoxia could explain in great detail , Even some foreign habits have been pointed out to Liu Yiyi.

Li Yun had judged that she was not old from her little girl-like coquettish tone, but now she hesitated a little.

How old is she?

At the end of the day, at least half of the employees working in Dingwei Building did not leave work immediately. Instead, they went to the restaurant for dinner and rest, and continued to work overtime until 9 or 10 in the evening before returning home.

This is the normal state of the company. Internet companies will even work overtime until 11 or 12 o'clock.

Ren Xiaoxia and Liu Yiyi did not get off work either. They went to the restaurant on the 48th floor for a meal.

After the end, the two separated in the elevator, Liu Yiyi continued to study in the sales department, and Ren Xiaoxia went to the gym on the 57th floor. It is estimated that her excuse for Liu Yiyi was to come here to exercise.

She has just joined the job, and she doesn't have much work yet, so she doesn't need to work overtime.

However, because there was only one person in the elevator, and the elevator had recording equipment, Li Yun heard her complaints, and said it in the delicate voice of a little girl.

"The owner of this building actually belongs to the congenitally consummate young lady of Murong's family, and the company of that big **** ghost is also here. He hooked up with Miss Murong again?"

"Li Yun, this big pervert really looks good. Last time I was in the hotel with Xiao Jiayu, my lips were to my lips. Obviously it was the relationship between men and women. Now I still have a lot of relationship with Murong Qingyue?"

"Hmph, two boats, men are so damning! If I sell this information to Murong's and Xiao's, I will charge them at least 100 million... right?"

Li Yun: "..."

"Lookie! Bad guy!"

The little maid stared at Li Yun with angrily gaze. In the end, she was furious. She stretched out her small hand and twisted his waist, "Let you step on two boats, you are necrotic!"

Li Yun could only endure it, and it really didn't end well on two boats! !

"Last hotel?"

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