Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1185: Envy you

Li Yun replied: "There are various reasons for the price of selling. This technology is obtained for nothing, and the manufacturing cost is far beyond the limit that human current technology can withstand. Now it is only barely able to manufacture. Very expensive."

Dugu Lingxian was silent for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, Li Yun said again: "However, with the advancement of technology, I think I will soon be able to reduce its manufacturing cost to less than 10,000 in the near future."

The premise is that mankind has not been ruled by the gods in a few years, and Li Yun didn't say this.

"Well, I can understand." After a long while, Dugu Lingxian said.

Li Yun thought she was worried about the cost of treatment, and explained: "The company has arranged several measures to help those in difficulties in their families, as well as donations from Jiayu's Foundation and some other people. You can put it down. , Most people will definitely get treatment within a few years."

This technology mainly earns money from families above the middle class. They can spend half a million, and some wealthy families can even spend several million for treatment, as long as it works.

Moreover, Li Yun took one million points in the system store to redeem the'full set of biological basic equipment', which has been handed over to the Qingya Research Institute for processing. When these technologies are thoroughly understood in the future, related research can be accelerated.

"Li Yun, I especially envy you and Jiayu now."

Suddenly, Dugu Lingxian said that she felt complicated when she thought of Zhang Yuanbai. What Li Yun and his girlfriend were doing was something that was of special benefit to humanity and society, but she was still struggling with these trivial matters for her fiance His insensitivity hurts his brain.

Even if it can save some people, the sum total is no better than what Li Yun did for the blind this time.

Xiao Jiayu's expression became even more strange when she heard it. Dugu Lingxian envied her as a fake, and envy Li Yun is true, or admiration.

And the admiration of a girl for a man can easily develop into love...

Li Yun smiled and said, "Didn’t I tell you? Everyone always has a place that suits them. You don’t have to always want to put yourself in an inappropriate position. I and other people who fight against the gods are charging. The soldiers, then your doctor fairy, Jiayu and others are the nurses after the battlefield, each performing their duties."

Xiao Jiayu gave him a white look and said, "Who said I am not a soldier? If I had not confronted the tyrant in the last mental power cage incident, Xiangshan would have been destroyed long ago~"

"Well, well, you are also a fighter, you are the Snow Queen, okay?" Li Yun could only smile and beg for mercy.

"The mental power cage incident? Tyrant?" The medical fairy on the phone didn't know yet.

Li Yun hesitated, "I will tell you this later when I have time."

He wanted to enlist the help of this medical fairy who had a good status in the arena to promote the spiritual power cultivation method.

But when she thought that there was another person beside her who was suspected of being bewitched by the gods, and she had been protecting her fiance, Li Yun finally did not say it.

"...Well, I'll talk to you again when I have time."

It seemed that Li Yun's words were understood, and Dugu Lingxian could only say goodbye helplessly. She wants to learn more about the source of light, if possible, she even wants to learn this magical medicine.

However, she had just quarreled with Zhang Yuanbai, and turned around to meet with Li Yun who had caused the two to quarrel. So I had no choice but to give up.

"Then I will hang up first, and be careful of the people around you."

"Yes, I understand!"

Involuntarily, Dugu Lingxian agreed loudly.

After the other party hung up the phone, she froze for a moment before remembering that she couldn't help but answer loudly because she was reprimanded by Li Yun a lot last time...

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