Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1178: How happy you are

After everyone's excitement subsided, Li Yun didn't let He Kexin step down immediately, but acted as after-sales service, introducing her the specific usage of the source of light.

"Two hairpins, just open one, and the other is a spare. Take it out and charge it when it is dead."

"Yeah." He Kexin nodded obediently.

"It doesn't matter if it breaks, but you are the first person to use the product. My brother is responsible for the entire warranty. If it breaks, you can just replace it."


"In addition, the world you see is actually flat, which is very different from the real world."

This Li Yun also experimented. He closed his eyes and asked Xiao Ai to send him the picture information. This was very similar to Kexin's current situation, so he could accurately tell the difference between the two.

"But the world you see is flat. There is no relationship between distance and near. Walking may not be as smooth as a normal person. The clarity of what you see is not better than what we can see by normal people. Pay attention to this. "

Li Yun patiently urged that because the camera had to be very small, the clarity was naturally not better than the human eye.

"Well, it doesn't matter, brother."

He Kexin gave Li Yun a happy smile, and said seriously: "I am happier now than before, and I dare not ask for so much."

Li Yun smiled and touched her head, "Perhaps after the development of medicine, Kexin's eyes may be completely restored."

"Yeah!" He Kexin said happily, "I believe that brother, he can definitely do such a thing!"

"Haha, that was not what I did, but the result of the efforts of scientists."

Li Yun let them go down, and invited several leaders of Zhonghai City to give a speech on stage, to give a final summary and blessings for these technologies, and this far-reaching press conference came to an end.

As for the follow-up pricing and marketing issues, it will be decided later. This conference has invited so many bigwigs, they don't have so much time to listen to them.

"Li Yun, you are amazing, and you did a great job this time!"

Immediately after the press conference, Yi Shanshan rushed up to give Li Yun a hug, then jumped and screamed in front of him, expressing her joy.

"Uh, it's actually not me who played the main role." Li Yun was quite embarrassed. Some reporters hadn't left yet, and he didn't know if there were any entertainment reporters in it. Fans must fry the pan.

"Hehe~, I know."

Yishanshan didn't know how ambiguous she was just now, and blinked at Li Yun, with an expression that I knew everything.

She must also know that this is a technique from the gods, but she thought, it must have been captured by Li Yun, right?

Li Yun could only smile helplessly, and walked to the He Kexin family who was still sitting there. Several professors and some reporters surrounded her and asked some questions.

"Little sister Kexin, do you know what color this is?"


"Ah? Impossible! You have been blind before, how do you know this is white? Is there an inside story? Is it cheating..."


He Kexin interrupted his excited expression and said seriously: "Mom told me that white is the brightest. The first time I can see it, I know that the color on the wall is white. Moreover, I also asked before. Brother Li is now."


The foreign reporter looked embarrassed. Li Yun smiled and told the security guard to blast him out.

"Hehe~, my heart is really good!"

Yishanshan smiled and touched her little head, this child is really cute as she looks.

"Sister Shining is also very beautiful~"

He Kexin smiled happily: "Furthermore, the song you sang, sister Hui, has finally become a reality, and my bright future has finally arrived~"

"Then, do you want my sister to sing it to you live?"


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