Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1173: Protest (below)

The source of light, its practical technology is the probe technology of the gods.

Put a probe capable of emitting and simulating electrical signals in human organisms into the human body, and use it to simulate human senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and other five senses. This is the principle of the source of light. Waiting for people to control the wing monster is actually the same technique.

For example, after the probe is put into the human body, a camera is used to transmit the captured object to the probe. The probe can send out electrical signals and can also simulate human nerve signals. Therefore, through this external camera, The human body can'see' things outside!

It's just that this technology is too horrifying, and it is easy to remind people of scenes in some movies.

For example, in The Matrix, the humans in it are living in a false world. A biological cabin completely simulates the world perceived by the human body, creating the illusion that everyone is living in a virtual life.

There is an experiment called the ‘brain in a tank’. The basis of the experiment is that everything humans experience is ultimately transformed into neural signals in the brain.

Suppose a mad scientist, machine or any other consciousness takes a brain out of the human body and puts it in a tank filled with nutrient solution to maintain its physiological activity. The supercomputer transmits the same kinds of neuroelectricity to the brain through nerve endings. Signals, and give the same signal feedback as usual to the signals sent by the brain. The world experienced by the brain is actually a kind of virtual reality made by computers. Can the brain realize that it is living in virtual reality?

"Brain in a tank" was proposed by the philosopher Hilary Putnam. In the age when he proposed this hypothesis, there was no probe-like technology, but it has already caused panic in the world.

Because if there really is a technology that completely simulates human perception, then humans will always know whether they live in a virtual world, whether your head is on your neck, or is packed in a tank full of nutrient solution, You will never be able to tell.

Simulating human sensory signals is undoubtedly a very advanced and terrifying technology.

Li Yun smiled and asked him: "Have you heard of an artificial heart? If you haven't heard of it, have you heard of a prosthetic limb? It's someone whose leg was accidentally amputated and finally stood up mechanically."

Strictly speaking, these people are transforming people, or robots, but the degree of transformation is different.

Lawrence's face sank, "These technologies are completely different from what you are doing now, you know what you are doing! You are deceiving the consciousness of all mankind! You devil!"

Being scolded as a devil by them, everyone looked at Li Yun with worried eyes, for fear that he would suddenly become angry.

Not only were domestic reporters present, but there were also many people sent by well-known foreign newspapers. This conflict will surely spread throughout the world, regardless of the outcome.

"Where is it different?" Li Yun said calmly: "I hope you can calmly analyze and explain in detail, otherwise, I can easily think that you are deliberately making trouble and blasting you out."


Lawrence roared a little angrily: "Don't you understand yourself? Put some probe into the human body..."

"Have you never had an injection?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Of course I've played... I didn't say this!!"

Lawrence quickly woke up and said loudly again: "But the injection is completely different from your probe. You are transforming the human body. This is absolutely unacceptable!"

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