Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1168: Blind little girl

The little girl staggered to Li Yun under the support of people, and asked in a trembling voice: "Li, Brother Li, can I really see the world today?"

She is only ten years old, with red and cute cheeks. Apart from wearing glasses and looking forward without focus, she is very distressing. She is no different from ordinary primary school girls.

Li Yun couldn’t help but soften, touching her head and saying, “Of course! As I said on the phone, Kexin may not be able to use her eyes like a normal person today, but she can definitely see you, Brother Li, and me. La!"

"Thanks, thank you, Brother Li~" Kexin's tone couldn't hide the excitement and tension.


"See the world?"

The reporters on the side finally determined that today's press conference is the subject of eyes and light!

Looking at this little girl wearing sunglasses, everyone felt sorry for her, but they couldn't help but wonder what kind of black technology Li Yun would use to restore her sight!

"Go, my brother will take you into the venue!" Li Yun took this little girl named He Kexin by the hand and walked to Dingwei Building with Lu Ming.

He Kexin silently followed Li Yun forward, and suddenly shouted: "Dad, are you there?"

"It's here, Mom and Dad are here."

Professor He, who works at a certain university, responded quickly. The expression on his face was the same as that of his daughter, both excited and nervous.

His daughter was born blind. Ironically, both he and his wife are biological workers, but their daughter has suffered from genetic diseases since birth.

In the ten years since the daughter was born, Professor He and his wife have taken her to too many hospitals, and cheekyly sought out countless experts in genetics and genetics.

But the opinions given by every expert and professor are: There is no cure, and there is no hope at all!

The current human science and technology, although medical genetics workers have made some progress in genes and genetics, they have clarified the pathogenesis of some genetic diseases, thus providing a certain basis for the treatment and prevention of genetic diseases, and continue to propose New treatment measures.

However, this type of treatment only has the effect of treating the symptoms, the so-called "phenotypic treatment", which can only eliminate the pain of the first generation, but does not touch the disease-causing gene itself.

What is also very desperate is that He Kexin’s congenital blindness is completely impossible to cure. Her eyeballs have shrunk and been removed during the treatment process. It can be said that there is no cure except for the transplantation of a whole eyeball. Possible.

In general transplantation surgery, only the cornea can be transplanted. There is no way for the eyeball directly connected to the nerve.

The long-term treatment when she was a child made Kexin seem very sensitive, usually either sticking to her parents or just listening to music. It is difficult for other people, even the nanny, to approach her.

Professor He felt sorry for his daughter and invited many psychologists to enlighten her, but his daughter still did not feel happy.

In other words, after his daughter was sensible, she was never really happy.

Professor He invited several braille teachers, but his daughter couldn't learn a word, saying...learning these things ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Seeing the wonderful world described by others would only make her feel more uncomfortable.

Seeing my daughter listening to songs all day, feeling extremely depressed, both Professor He and his wife were very worried. Finally, under the recommendation of a friend, they felt that they would accept the visual restoration experiment of Taisheng Biotechnology Company. The first volunteer.

"Hope... my daughter can really get light."

Professor He looked at his daughter holding Li Yun tightly. Now in his daughter's heart, he probably told her that the big brother who can see the sun and the world is in the same position as her parents.

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