Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1166: Fan's wailing

The two got into a car, and Qian Xiaorou, Yishanshan's agent, a beautiful mature imperial sister in her thirties, was in charge of driving.

When Qian Xiaorou first promoted "Angry Chicken" to Li Yun for free, Qian Xiaorou also acted for Yi Shanshan to fight injustice.

But now, the influence of Super Technology is increasing day by day, and she also has to admire Yi Shanshan's vision, a free promotion in exchange for tens of billions of revenue, although these benefits have nothing to do with her, she still admires Qian Xiaorou. .

If Yishanshan knew the thoughts of her agent, she would be speechless. For her, money is not important anymore. What matters is the people sitting next to her.

Li Yun and Yi Shanshan came to the downstairs of Dingwei Building. As expected, a large group of fans and reporters were waiting downstairs.

As soon as Ishanshan appeared, her fans cheered.

"Sparkling~, shiny, you are the best!!"

"Sparkling, I love you, look over here!"

"Wow, the glittering cheongsam is so beautiful! I patted it, took it and took it home and slowly licked my glittering beauty!!"

"Damn it, this man is always with Shining, it's really annoying!"

"Could it be... Shining is going to announce her relationship with this man? No~~~"

The fanatical voices of many fans made Li Yun, a man who was calm and calm in the face of countless zombies, couldn’t help being afraid for a while. He and Yishanshan lived in Xiangshan and rode in the same car to the press conference. What is the rendering of entertainment media.

Li Yun was very uncomfortable with this scene, but Yishanshan seemed to be as happy as a fish in water. She handled these scenes as simple as eating and drinking.

Moreover, Li Yun can see that she also really likes these fans.

For Yishanshan, each of these fans is a lovely person who can continue to support her and encourage her to go further in the entertainment industry.

"Well, my dear flash fans, I'm going to the press conference. Later, the staff will invite some people to the press conference. If you are interested, you can check it out."

"Interested!" xN

Yishanshan smiled slightly and took Li Yun's hand and walked towards Dingwei Building.

And this scene made many fans and entertainment reporters stare. When I got off the car just now, it was Li Yun who helped Yishanshan out of the car like a gentleman. I didn’t expect that Yishanshan took the initiative to lead Li Yun this time. hand? !

"This is big, big news!" An entertainment reporter looked at the scene of two people holding hands and smiling at each other on the camera. He was convinced that he had taken the treasure!

"That man, that man..." A fan watched Ishanshan walk in with tears in his eyes, and cried loudly: "Jing, don't go with him~~Don't~~"

"Damn it, it's great to be rich?! Ah?! Shining is also rich! Shining is definitely not after his money, woooo~"

"...I just beg Xiao Xing not to retire after getting married. Many celebrities disappear after getting married. Men are unreliable, so Xing must not be like this!"

Hearing the exclamation and wailing of many fans behind him, Li Yun held Yi Shanshan's silky little hands and couldn't help but smile bitterly. When she was with herself, she became more and more unscrupulous and intimate. Up.

"Shanshan..." Li Yun wanted to say something. He looked at Qian Xiaorou who was pretending to be unaware beside him, then stopped talking, only silently trying to get away from her hand.


Yi Shanshan clasped his hand, turned her head to show a gentle smile to Li Yun, and said softly: "Li Yun, I know everything, and I understand what I'm doing."

After saying this, she let go of her hand shyly.

Li Yun was startled, she knew...what?

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