Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1110: Realization of Fantasy (Part 2)

"Fantasy realization?" Everyone couldn't help repeating what the eldest lady said. Yishanshan was even more excited. She likes this kind of magical and unusual thing most, and this skill called fantasy realization is perfect. Cut to her interest.

"Can it also be called'what do you want, what do you want, what do you want,'? Simply put, it is a crow's mouth?" Li Yun looked at Xiao Jiayu, and he thought of the previous experience. Xiao Jiayu explained that the licker can swallow genetic evolution , They really evolved.

"Fuck you~" Xiao Jiayu gave Li Yun a cute roll of eyes, and said: "The name'Fantasy Realization' that the lady came up with is so beautiful, what kind of crow's mouth, you have no romantic mind!"

"Yeah, I'm better to use the name fantasy realization!" Yishanshan quickly agreed. If she also uses fantasy realization in the future, wouldn't she be treated as a crow's mouth every time?

Li Yun smiled, "It's called fantasy realization, it's just," he looked at the eldest lady, "Why do we have to believe that this music box can make music?"

"Isn't the music box capable of making music?" Chen Jingyi said puzzledly, "unless it is broken."

"Do we believe that it is a music box, so it is a music box, just like the poison theory you said before the eldest." Yishanshan expressed her opinion, and then couldn't help taking the music box created by the eldest before. , Playing curiously in the palm of his hand.

She wanted to do this a long time ago.

"Well, that's correct."

Miss Murong thought for a while, and said: "Human spiritual power, or human soul, has magical power. What everyone believes in, it can also get the power of existence in the world of spiritual power."

She made another book and came out. There was no problem, but after that, the eldest made it also emit music. Soon, within a few seconds, the book disappeared into pieces with a bang.

Now she didn't need to explain, everyone understood.

The music box is something made by the eldest lady. The original source of power was also from her mental power, but after it was made, because the book was forcibly added to the function of music, Li Yun did not believe that the book is true The book, so in the case that the eldest lady did not deliberately maintain its existence, the book disappeared because of the mental power of Li Yun and others.

Human spiritual power, even if it does not appear, is still a magical existence, especially in this environment.

Xiao Jiayu's eyes lit up, "Then we can make a bottle of T virus antidote and inject it into the wounded soldiers and people. As long as they believe this is the antidote, it is really the antidote!"

"Huh? It seems okay." Yishanshan was equally excited. She was worried that the injured people would become zombies when she saw them outside. If there is an antidote, they can be saved!

"Yes. No need to make it, although you can just give them some water, as long as they don't know it is water."

The eldest lady said affirmatively, and then looked at Li Yun, "We even make a super recovery liquid similar to Li Yun you, but the effect is too amazing, they don't want to believe that the effect may not be so good."

Yishanshan didn't know what the super recovery fluid was. Guessed it might be something similar to a constitution pill. Li Yun gave her a constitution pill, and the effect was amazing after eating it.

"Believe... the antidote... the super recovery fluid."

Xiao Jiayu murmured to herself, and quickly figured out the reasons, and said to the lady excitedly: "The antidote to the T virus in the movie is green. Did we also inject the injured people with green harmless liquid? Can you even believe that this green liquid is the antidote, thereby enhancing the efficacy of the T virus antidote?"

"Yes it is."

The young lady added: "In the world of mental power, nothing is harmful."

In other words, even if the green liquid is taken out of the poison bottle, everyone believes that it is the antidote to the T virus, and it is the antidote to the T virus!

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