Everyone stood in the middle of the road with swords, killing these zombies was like killing a chicken, and soon layers of corpses were piled up on the ground.

Although these security guards are veterans, they have never seen so many corpses in peaceful times, and their faces have turned pale.

Although they were killing zombies and not humans, so many human-shaped corpses were piled on the road, and the blood flowed to the low-lying places to gather in a pool, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Three minutes later, the gunfire became sparse.

Five minutes later, the gunfire gradually stopped.

"It's not so good, Li Yun, why are there endless zombies? We are almost out of bullets!"

Several people began to panic, and there was a steady stream of zombies, but their bullets were limited.

Li Yun had already started calling for reinforcements, but Wang Quangui needed manpower to inform the sleeping Xiangshan people, and he couldn't make it for a while.

"You back, I rushed over to see the situation."

Li Yun handed over his submachine gun and bullets to them, drew out the sword of love and rushed into the group of zombies. At this time, it was still easy to use cold weapons.

"Wait, Boss Li, it's dangerous..."

The few people who were left wanted to stop Li Yun's actions. As soon as he spoke, Li Yun had already entered the zombies and started killing all around.

"I'm fine, I will support for a while, you send someone back to call for reinforcements!"

Several security guards looked shocked at the figures rising and falling among the zombies. Every time he swung his sword, he would cause a large number of casualties. Even if he did not hit the zombie’s head and neck, the terrifying sword would still It caused huge damage, and cutting the flesh of these zombies was like cutting tofu, with broken hands and feet, and the intestines flying all over the sky.

"This... Boss Li is really amazing!" He sighed and said while looking at Li Yun like he had unparalleled combat skills.

"That's not it, the boss has been against the gods for so long, how can he do without a bit of hard work!"

"My Cao! If one day I can kill an enemy with a sword instead of a submachine gun, the Sajia family will be complete in this life!"

"Go, you just saw the handsome figure of the boss, and you want to hook up girls with this hand!"

"Boss Li didn't just rely on this hand to get so many peerless beauties? But it's really awesome, heroes and beauties, awesome!"

Because of Li Yun's slaughter, the people who relaxed again began to discuss gossip. Li Yun alone blocked the zombie wave, giving them a strong confidence that they could defeat the zombie wave and the religion.

However, Li Yun became more and more frightened as he killed him. These zombies continued to flow in, even if he was as strong as the young lady, he could not hold back beating the zombies.

"Li Yun, are you all right here?"

Wang Quangui's voice came from behind, and Li Yun glanced back. He had already arrived with someone.

"Director Wang, you lead someone to block this place, I'll go and see where the zombies come from!"

As he said, Li Yun tapped the ground with his toes, his figure was raised, and then he slammed on the **** head of a zombie, stepping on the zombie's head and flying towards the depths.

"Uh, be careful!"

In desperation, Wang Quangui had to follow his instructions and set up a formation to deal with these zombies who had lost Li Yun's goal and moved on.

Li Yun flicked over the tide of zombies, Zhen Qi protected his feet, and some zombies who wanted to grab his feet were all shaken away by him to prevent being bitten by the zombies and contracting the zombie virus.

"Zombie virus?"

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