Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1075: Dream in Dream, Game Copy

Speaking of hardship, Li Yun remembered one thing, and quickly asked: "Miss, in the morning of the Xiangshan attack, do you remember that you slapped me?"

"...Remember." Murong Qingyue glanced at him and said dissatisfiedly: "You wanted to be tough at the time, so I did that."

She seems to...have changed back to a righteous eldest lady.

Li Yun said embarrassingly: "At that time, I was affected by the spiritual attack of the gods."

He told the true situation to the eldest lady, and pointed out that she was probably affected by his attempt to force her to kiss her at the time, so he constructed a sad Li Yun in this world.

"Is that so?" Murong Qingyue was a little confused, she couldn't tell which one was true.

"Yes it is."

Li Yun said to her earnestly: "In fact, the real us are still lying in the Fragrant Mountain. We are... still in the illusion of the gods!"

Thinking about their current situation, Li Yun suddenly had a headache.

On the first floor, Li Yun and the people of Xiangshan are now in a state of fainting and falling to the ground.

On the second floor, the eldest lady and him fainted on the bed of Xiao Jiayu's house, but at the same time, this is also a falsehood, an illusion constructed by the gods.

It is equivalent to saying that Li Yun entered the illusion of the gods and entered the world of the eldest lady again from the illusion.

The double illusion is similar to the dream in the dream of "Inception", dreaming in a dream.

Using the Internet, the large-scale illusion constructed by the gods is equivalent to the game, and the world of the young lady is equivalent to the copy in the game!

This makes it easier to understand.

Li Yun and Missy are still in the realm of fantasy, but they are also in Missy's spiritual world at the same time, just like brushing a copy in the game.

Of course, this is much more complicated than the copy in the game, so complicated that the owner of this world doesn't know that the world is fake.

The eldest lady looked at him with a confused expression. Li Yun was amused. The eldest lady who was cold and beautiful as a fairy, but now shows such an expression, I am afraid that everyone who knows her will be surprised.

"No hurry, we can think slowly."

Li Yun hugged her and sat in the 75-story building, looked at the distant scenery with her, and slowly said: "Qingyue, when you and I first met, in your cognition, I was What kind of personality?"

"It's very good to me." Miss Murong replied quickly, "Saved me three times, and I am very destined, I also like the character, there is no irritable place, and there is no anxious color of ordinary men, very graceful and temperament ."

Li Yun smiled. The eldest did really value the things that helped her three times. Without this beginning, I am afraid that a person with a cold personality like the eldest would really not ask a man to come to her Dingwei Building 70 at will. Floor.

"Miss, when we first met in Dingwei Building, you seemed to have a good impression of me?"


Murong Qingyue nodded gently, "At that time, after being helped three times by you, I developed curiosity and a hint of affection for you, and went to ask my family to investigate whether you were really helping me.

After knowing that you did meet me three times unintentionally and saved me three times, I felt that you might be different from other men, and you have a deep bond with me. It turned out later that you were indeed my destined son. "

Hearing the unreserved voice of the eldest lady, Li Yun was both touched and guilty, and said softly: "Miss, I always feel sorry for you and Jiayu, originally I..."


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