Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1056: Conflict (on)

Guo Fuyu's expression stagnated, and his expression quickly became gloomy.

His expression was accurately captured by Li Yun, and he wondered why Guo Fuyu would be so hostile to him, could it be a religious person?

The gloomy expression of Guo Fuyu just now... is a bit like a cold-blooded spiritualist.

"It just needs your cooperation."

Li Yun added, making everyone present to discuss again.

"Cooperate with what?"

"How to cooperate?"

"How to get out of trouble, Li Yun, just say it!"

After being trapped for three hours, everyone was terribly scared. They just wanted to get out of this terrible place, and were not interested in whether it was because of Li Yun that the gods attacked this place.

Li Yun confidently said: “The religion still doesn’t do anything to us. It is likely that they are preparing something. Or, they can’t directly attack us, so they can only find a way to destroy our spirit, so as to achieve their goals. ."

Before they could speak, Li Yun continued: "The evidence is that when we were dragged into this illusion, Murong Qingyue and I, the only one who might have the power to resist, were deliberately knocked down by the gods with mental power. Give me time to resist with Murong Qingyue."

"Really? They can't kill us directly?"

"In other words, both you and Miss Murong have a way to fight the illusion?"

"Is it true...have the ability to build such a huge illusion, but there is no way to kill us directly?"

Everyone started to express their opinions again, and finally they all looked at Li Yun.

"There is another piece of evidence."

Li Yun pointed his finger at the sky, and the crowd followed their faces unclearly.

"Why do the people who build the illusion of the gods and gods deliberately make the horrible scene like hell?"

Li Yun smiled confidently and said: "I'm afraid, the purpose is to destroy our fighting spirit, reduce our mental strength to underestimation, or even commit suicide directly. In this way, the gods can achieve their goals without any effort.

Even if their purpose is not this, but the religious people make such terrible scenes, one of the purposes must be to intimidate us, even if for nothing else, we can not follow the religious intentions, so that we are afraid of chaos. Position, this is not desirable! "

The people who said this were speechless, Li Yun seemed to be scolding them for being frightened just now, especially Wang Quangui. He lowered his head and dared not look at Li Yun, and he was particularly ashamed.

As the head of the security department of Xiangshan, he showed this kind of fear, which is really too much.

Li Yun looked at the people firmly and said: "In any case, we must not be afraid because of the fear in our hearts, strengthen our beliefs, strictly guard our will, and prevent being deceived by the gods with illusion again."

Everyone didn't respond, but at least their expressions were much better than before, changing the gloomy expression that seemed to be suicidal.

Yishanshan clenched her small fist and looked at Li Yun admiringly. If he is there, things will definitely turn around!

"Speaking is better than singing." Guo Fuyu sneered, "Do you still want us to fight for you? You know, these are the disasters you caused, and we were implicated in!"


"Uh, it seems, really."

"I blame them, it's okay to fight with the gods."

"I knew I couldn't live in Xiangshan. God knew that the church of God was so terrible!"

The situation took a turn for the worse. The people who were full of confidence in Li Yun just now were driven by Guo Fuyu's words, and their grievances against Li Yun rose one after another.

If it weren't for him, everyone would not fall into the current dangerous situation!

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