Xiao Jiayu's voice came from a distance, and then she hurriedly ran from a distance.

"Jiayu, why don't you go to class?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"It's still in class now, and I sent them to class to save them." Xiao Jiayu said nervously, she was terrified of the power of the religion.

But compared to this fear, worrying about Li Yun's safety is more important.

Seeing her worried expression now, Li Yun was a little moved, but it's not the time to talk about this.

"Director Wang, I want to check Xiangshan, what do you think?"

"This..." Wang Quangui was embarrassed, he knew what Li Yun meant.

He has already inspected Xiangshan, but he didn't inspect the castles and villas in Xiangshan. Li Yun is still asking for an inspection now, and it is obvious that he has to enter the house for inspection.

Seeing this, Chen Jingyi proactively said: "I'm afraid it won't work, Li Yun, don't you know that the people living in Xiangshan are all upper-class people? They pay more attention to privacy than ordinary people. Even if there is a search warrant, they will push three blocks, let alone no search warrant. ."

Li Yun frowned slightly. If he had evidence, he would definitely apply for a search warrant, but now...

"Then let the Xiangshan people leave first, and come back after confirming safety!"

"Uh...I'm afraid this won't work either." Wang Quangui still disagreed.

In desperation, Li Yun took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Xiaotian, and gave a general description of the current situation. Although Zhang Xiaotian could not say what this mental power cage was, he should be able to put forward his own opinions.

"Run away!" Zhang Xiaotian said the first sentence in an eager tone. Obviously, he knew this mental power cage and knew that Li Yun could not resist this kind of thing at all.

"Escape from Xiangshan first, I'll be there immediately!" Zhang Xiaotian added, then hung up the phone and notified Murong Nantian and the others.

Li Yun was taken aback by his reaction, what exactly was the attack on the gods?

"Wang Quangui, now as a member of the special team, I order: I will gather everyone now and prepare to escape from here." Li Yun took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I will bear all the consequences, Director Wang, go."

The special operations team has the highest command when facing the religious religion, and Li Yun is now able to force orders in this capacity.


Wang Quangui had no choice but to notify the order.

He knew that Li Yun's current status was extraordinary, but even so, it was still extremely difficult to move this Xiangshan Thousand Hands.

Those who can live in Fragrant Hill are not just people in Zhonghai City who are worthy of less than tens of billions and there is no way to buy real estate here. In the ten castles on Fragrant Hills, each family is worth more than 100 billion.

However, Xiao Jiayu and Ms. Li both support Li Yun's decision. These two families can be regarded as Xiangshan's immensely influential families and can suppress some of the opposition.

"Miss, Jiayu, you..." Li Yun looked at them, he wanted the two girls to leave.

Xiao Jiayu saw Li Yun's thoughts at a glance, and hummed: "I'm not going, and the eldest must not go either?"

She looked at her provocatively, but Miss Murong glanced at her indifferently, and did not express any opinion. She did not know whether she accepted the challenge or ignored her. In short, Xiao Jiayu was anxious and wanted to win her. Getting stronger!

Li Yun had no choice but to let them follow him closely.

After a while, the two hundred and ten families living in Fragrant Mountain, except for some vacant houses, excluded representatives from gathering on a lawn at the foot of Fragrant Mountain.

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