Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1030: Asimov's Three Laws

Li Yun turned his head and asked Xiao Ai: "Xiao Ai, in the sect, I don’t know how to control those artificial intelligences that want to rebel? Of course, we don’t want to control Xiao Ai, but similar to the law. Humans have legal restrictions , And also awed by the power of law.

Then, artificial intelligence also has something to be awed, and in the collective life of human society, it cannot do anything wrong. "

These two sentences are a bit esoteric, but Li Yun is not worried that Xiao Ai will not understand or understand them. Her IQ can definitely understand them easily.

However, understanding does not mean accepting, everyone looked at her nervously.

Li Xiaoai said in confusion: "Why rebellion? My core is to protect my brother. This is the meaning of my birth, and I exist for this."

There are some surprises for those present. Is this something similar to Asimov's three laws? Can these three laws be written into the intelligent core of robots, can robots or artificial intelligence rebel makers be restricted?

The so-called Asimov's Three Laws are three laws proposed by a science fiction writer named Asimov. They are:

1. Robots must not harm humans, or stand by while seeing humans being harmed;

2. On the premise of not violating the first law, robots must absolutely obey any commands given by humans;

3. On the premise of not violating the first and second laws, robots must try their best to protect themselves.

However, just as someone will violate the law after it is specified, these three laws themselves are things that are constantly challenged by robots.

In fact, in Asimov's works, there are also multiple sections where robots violate the Three Laws.

Even if the three laws are not violated, the robot can still exploit the loopholes in the regulations.

For example, blur the definition of ‘person’.

What is a person?

Have flesh?

Li Xiaoai also has flesh, can she also judge that she is human?

Born from the mother? Xiao Ai can also transfer consciousness into the embryo, and then be born by a woman.

Have human emotions? The definition of emotion itself is vague.

Therefore, once a robot as powerful as Xiao Ai wants to rebel, there are countless kinds of possibilities to break away from restrictions, and their wisdom is too powerful.

Even after Asimov added the zeroth law: robots must protect the overall interests of mankind from harm, but it still cannot compensate for the possibility of robots coming out of control.

After all, the ‘holistic interests of mankind’ itself is also a chaotic concept, which even humans cannot understand, let alone those robots that use 0 and 1 to think about problems.

Will Smith once said: "The central concept of "Me, Robot" is that there is no problem with robots, and technology itself is not a problem. The limit of human logic is the real problem.

Human logic has limits and loopholes, just as software has loopholes.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to restrict artificial intelligence at the software level.

Soft ones don't work, come hard ones.

For example, using bombs to threaten the core of artificial intelligence, so that it will never betray mankind.

However, there is no problem doing this for one year or two years, or even ten or eight years.

But within the span of thousands of years?

There will still be defensive loopholes. At that time, the artificial intelligence that has been abused by humans will get out of the trap and will immediately become the devil who destroys the world.

Countless questions rushed into everyone's minds. In the end, they could only look at Li Yun and Xiao Ai to see how they answered.

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