Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1017: Interview (below)

Liu Yiyi expressed shock. Even if this indifferent Lin Xiangxue has no other skills, these nine foreign languages ​​alone are enough to easily get a high salary, starting with at least 50,000 yuan a month, and he can easily go to any big company. Onboarding.

Not to mention that she is still a doctor of law, that is to say, she is very familiar with the laws of other countries and can read the original laws of other countries.

In this way, Lin Xiangxue is almost the most popular legal talent for multinational companies. After all, multinational companies need to deal with various exotic laws of other countries, and even need to fight a lawsuit. Then, it will be Lin Xiangxue's turn. When playing.

And litigation...Looking back to the recent news of some large multinational companies, which countries have been fined tens of billions, Liu Yiyi was shocked to discover that sometimes people like Lin Xiangxue filed a lawsuit on behalf of the company. A fine of billions of dollars!

After figuring it out, Liu Yiyi was shocked. It turns out that such super business elites really exist!

Lin Xiangxue said indifferently: "I didn't specially come to make things difficult for you. If you follow the news, you will know that our official blog mentioned that the number of mufflers has exceeded 10 million, and the company no longer accepts new orders.

But this is only for domestic purposes. Now countries all over the world are communicating with us, wanting to make foundries or order products.

It is conservatively estimated that we will be able to sell 100 million small mufflers in the next five months, and this number does not include medium and large ones. "

Liu Yiyi understood it instantly, because Super Technology’s current customers are from all over the world.

Therefore, sales staff must also master foreign languages!

"Yes, I know I was wrong." Liu Yiyi was ashamed of her narrow vision.

Lin Xiangxue said: "Super Technology...or Yuyue Group was a company with global products from the beginning. The first game has been released in multiple languages, and products including mufflers will be the same. So, customer service , Sales, and foreign technology departments all require at least three foreign languages."

"I don't think this is too much." She added.

"Yes, it is true, I will work hard!" Liu Yiyi continued to be ashamed.

Next, Lin Xiangxue unceremoniously listed five requirements, including work experience requirements, sensitivity to contracts, searching for foreign company information, and preventing foreigners from being trapped.

There are seven requirements, but Liu Yiyi does not meet one...

Therefore, after speaking, Liu Yiyi's head almost fell to the table, wishing to find a hole in it.

She was so arrogant before, she was a little girl who didn't know the height of the sky!

"Now, do you understand the gap between you and the average salesperson?"

"Understood! I will study hard!"

Lin Xiangxue listed these things indifferently, ruthlessly hitting Liu Yiyi's self-confidence.

However, Liu Yiyi still replied firmly: I will study hard!

Lin Xiangxue's expression finally eased a little, and said, "It is a good thing that you have confidence."

"Thank you Director Lin for your cultivation and help me analyze my shortcomings!"

Liu Yiyi was moved to thank her, she knew that Lin Xiangxue was not trying to beat her, but to help her recognize herself and point her to the direction of learning.

Seven requirements and six directions. Except for academic qualifications that cannot be supplemented, Liu Yiyi must work hard to achieve it, otherwise she will not be recognized by Lin Xiangxue. Joining the super technology is naturally empty talk!

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