Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1004: Kinko Giant

In an unknown space somewhere, he turned into a handsome young man again, and the majestic Qinglong knelt on the ground.

In front of him, there was a three-meter-tall golden light giant, with a godly face, a happy expression, and his body exuding a faint light, which seemed to be a great existence with infinite power.

"God Lord, I have already seen Li Yun."

"Well, get up, you did a good job." The golden light giant calmly praised, making Qinglong tremble with excitement, and knocked his head several times before standing up.

"Please forgive me, God Lord." Qinglong lowered his head and said in guilt, "I failed to bring Li Yun back..."

He only mentioned Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu were not qualified to mention it in front of the Lord.

"No need, just let him toss around outside."

The golden giant smiled indifferently, and said: "Remember, I am not allowed to use too strong forces before I have my order. Leave some time for them."


Qinglong thought about it, but still couldn’t figure out why the God Lord did this. He hesitated and asked respectfully: "My God, please forgive my ignorance. I don’t understand why I should give the Spiritual Practice Method to outsiders. ?"

"Only the soul that constantly resists and doubts is the most powerful force in the world." The golden giant said meaningfully.

Qinglong still didn't understand, so he had to retreat respectfully and returned to the base to continue quietly waiting for the divine master's order.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Ring Ling Ling~"

Early in the morning after the war, there was a rapid knock on the door and the bell ringing outside Li Yun's room. The two superimposed on each other, showing the impatient mood of the people outside.

As soon as Li Yun opened the door, a petite figure in a black two-color skirt rushed in, and said quickly: "Bad guy, are you with Jiayu sister tonight...Ahhhhh!!!"

Before she finished her words, she actually saw Xiao Jiayu in Li Yun's bed wearing white silk pajamas, her beautiful face covered with blushing in the morning, and she was lazily holding the quilt while sleeping happily.

"you you you!"

The hand of the little maid shook with excitement, and she pointed her little finger at Li Yun's face. She couldn't say a word for a long time.

Li Yun smiled awkwardly at her and the eldest lady, and said, "If I said that Xiao Jiayu and I did nothing last night, do you believe it?"


"Believe you, big-headed ghost!"

The eldest lady nodded calmly, but the little maid jumped up violently, ran to Li Yun's body and hammered his chest vigorously with a small fist, and cursed in a delicate voice: "Miss don't believe him, and a beautiful beauty Sleeping together, how is it possible that nothing happened at all? You are deceiving lady again, big villain!

"It's not correct to say that there is nothing wrong." Li Yun whispered to Missy: "But I did not violate your agreement with Missy."

He actually wanted to tell Zhao Xing'er that he had also slept with Missy, and it was not one night or two nights, but...


Li Yun was surprised to think that the little maid should know about this. After all, when she was in the nanny base, the lady would talk to her on the phone before going to bed.

"Miss, look at him!"

Xing'er was angry but couldn't move Li Yun, and ran back to Missy, tearfully complaining: "He slept with you, Miss, but he still slept with other girls, uh, no, I I mean, I actually slept with girls other than me and the young lady..."

Li Yun suddenly looked at Zhao Xing'er, who had a blushing face in surprise, what the **** was thinking of this little maid who had been following the lady's side?

"...I know this." Murong Qingyue seemed to have noticed her little maid's mind, but didn't know how to solve it, so she pushed it to Li Yun and said, "Wait later, find a chance, Li Yun You can talk to Xinger."


Li Yun didn't know what to talk about, so he had to agree first.

The shame on the little maid’s face has grown a little bit more, but she, who was originally lively and charming, now shows such a shy and infinite expression. The round and cute face is like a small apple that makes people want to take a bite. The girl is charming and charming. The bright expression was very moving, and Li Yun couldn't help looking at her frequently.

It seems that Zhao Xing'er has grown up too, very beautiful and full of youthful vitality.

"It's noisy... eh? Miss you are here."

Xiao Jiayu finally got up.

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