Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1001: The death of Xiao Jiayu


In Li Yun's incredible gaze, Xiao Jiayu's beautiful head suddenly exploded into countless pieces.

The brain flew tens of meters away, and the blood splashed all over Li Yun, and even the pieces of meat on Xiao Jiayu's head smashed his face all over his face.

Her headless body shook, and weakly fell towards Li Yun.

Li Yun saw that her neck was full of jagged wounds, and the huge unknown force directly exploded even the spine.


Unconsciously hugged her still warm body, Li Yun's brain roared, he remembered that she had embraced him with a smile before, and offered kisses on her own initiative. With her beautiful red lips, Li Yun can still understand now Remember it.

Just died like this?

Li Yun tried so desperately to save her before, but now, Xiao Jiayu is dead? Before, it was all in vain?

No, this is impossible. Xiao Jiayu was fine just now, how could he be dead.

He has saved Xiao Jiayu and it is impossible for her to be harmed.

"No, it's impossible!"

Captain Gu and the three people were all frightened. Li Yun seemed to have lost his soul at this moment. There was no color in his eyes. He stared at Xiao Jiayu's empty neck blankly. He reached out to touch Xiao Jiayu's beautiful and smooth face, but his head It's all gone, what else to touch.

"what a pity."

Xiao Wanrou said indifferently: "If you join my sect, it won’t happen. Unfortunately, it’s too late to say anything. Without joining my sect, your girlfriend can’t be resurrected. Tsk, maybe, only My **** can save her."

"Resurrection...Save her."

Li Yun muttered to himself, the reason lost due to Xiao Jiayu's death regained a bit, and finally a bit of color in his eyes restored, "Yes, I can save her, I can use the super recovery fluid to save her!"


He quickly exchanged a bottle of Super Recovery Fluid again, but was shocked to find that he couldn't open the system store at all now, and the virtual information that should have appeared in front of him was now gone.

The system seemed to be dead too, left him, disappeared...

"This is impossible!"

But now is not the time to entangle this, Li Yun tremblingly took out the spare super recovery fluid from his pocket, which he left for himself to use at a critical juncture, but now he can't care about so much, so let Jiayu use it first!

Xiao Wanrou looked at this bottle of things, her eyes flashed with an unidentified color. Is this what Li Yun can rely on for resurrection?

Maybe, you can **** it to see what it is, the **** master will definitely not blame him.

Li Yun poured the super recovery liquid on Xiao Jiayu's broken neck, waiting anxiously for one, two, or three seconds.

Five seconds, ten seconds...

However, the super recovery fluid still did not respond, Xiao Jiayu's head still did not come back, and the blood did not flow back back! !

"It's impossible!!" Li Yun roared and cursed: "System, come out quickly, come out immediately!!!"

"Asshole, come out at once!!"

"get out!!"

Li Yun used to hate the character that the system had to score points when he died, but at this moment he couldn't wait to give all the points to him immediately in exchange for Xiao Jiayu's resurrection.


Xiao Wanrou looked at Li Yun who was kneeling on the ground with a playful look, with a painful and distorted expression on his face, showing that there was no resistance in his heart anymore.

"Heh, I didn't expect to defeat his spirit so easily. It's really simple."

Probably, it was these sad feelings between men and women that made him so miserable.

"Now, do you want to join my **** teaching?" Xiao Wanrou asked again.

"Add... in?"

Li Yun looked up, staring at her fiercely, "I will join in and find a way to resurrect Jiayu, but before that, I want you to pay for your life!!!"

A powerful mental shock came out, which was already the most powerful force that Li Yun could condense.

Intense unwillingness, regret, and pain are intertwined, making his mental power break through to a new realm.


There was a crisp sound in the brain, and a wonderful understanding poured into his mind, instantly letting Li Yun understand his current situation.

"No...this is fake! The world is fake!!!"

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