Godly Hunter

Chapter 622: Pass easily

Sister, it's no wonder that only a team is even faster than him. The original task of the first layer can be completed in a team, and then he has an extra reward for completing it alone!

The team that entered the second floor one step ahead of him, Chen Mo didn't think how powerful they were, and now he sees the system prompt to understand.

It seems that team formation has the advantages of team formation, and single player also has the advantage of single player. Team tasks are easy to complete and single rewards are higher.

Task at this level: Smash a mutant rat den! After the clearance, you will get 50 points rewards. Every time you destroy a mutant mouse den, you can get an additional 20 points rewards!

The second layer of missions followed, and like the first layer, the rewards for customs clearance were better than the extra rewards. Chen Mo looked at it immediately and decided to smash a mutant mouse den and then leave as the first layer.

The environment on the second floor is a bit like the first floor. It is still a gray-black grassland, but on this gray-black grassland, there are more hills.

Then Chen Mo found that, unlike the first layer, this mutant rat's den was not difficult to find at all.

He walked up to a small hill, and saw that there were holes in the hill. When he took a closer look, these were mouse holes. Don't look, there is a mouse nest in the hole.

The hole is not small, and players can bend in to touch it.

However, after touching it, Chen Mo found that in this hill, not only was a rat's nest, there were actually three rat's nests at the same time.

Did he see it?

Quite simply, the mice hollowed out the inside of the hill and built three huge mouse nests with a radius of several meters inside. Each mouse nest had a huge mutant mouse head.

The mutant mice on the second layer are not as big as the mutant cockroaches on the first layer, and each mutant mouse is the size of a hen. The mutant mouse has a larger head, which is two or three times that of a normal mutant mouse.

There are three huge mouse heads in front of them, and obviously there are three dens.

There are six or seventy mutant mice in three dens.

Every mutant mouse has red eyes and bark. The teeth are sharp and sharp. Normally, one person can deal with several, or you can, but with dozens of them, I am afraid that they will be killed by swarms of mutant mice.

It was attacked by dozens of mice, and the numbness of the scalp was felt when I thought about it.

The difficulty of the second layer seems to be to face multiple rat nests at the same time. If you don't want to face multiple rat nests, you have to find a place with only one rat nest.

But it won't be easy to find. Chen Mo didn't want to waste time. In front of the three mouse dens, a total of nearly seventy mutant mice and three mutant mouse heads, he was not alone.

As soon as his body moved, Chen Mo rushed in.


Chen Mo rushed in, and the sixty or seventy mutant mice suddenly screamed in anger.

Under the command of three mutant mouse leaders, sixty or seventy mutant mice. Surrounded Chen Mo with a secret and wanted to kill Chen Mo.

Chen Mo dared to rush in. Be prepared, of course.

Gold imprint!

Scarlet Prisoner!

The golden mark and the **** prison cage, facing a large number of mobs, is definitely a god-level skill!

Chen Mo is not afraid of many mobs, he is afraid of few mobs!


The dark golden mist exploded, instantly covering dozens of mutant mice.


The awakened blood shadow appears as a twin, its body shape moves. Instantly attack dozens of mutant mice that are slow to move within the golden imprint effect.

Thousands of injuries flew from the mutant mice's heads, and the mutant mice's blood volume suddenly dropped.

Chen Mo is not idle. He also uses range abilities such as Vortex Trap to attack the mouse group.

Under the attack of Chen Mo and Xueying, the blood volume of sixty or seventy rats was madly decreasing.

The mutant mouse's level is only 55. Like mutant cockroaches, but has 800,000 blood.

Individually, mutant mice are undoubtedly easier to deal with than mutant cockroaches, but mutant mice appear in groups and mutant cockroaches appear one by one. The task on the second level is definitely more difficult than the first level.

The first layer can always be completed as long as it takes a little more time. If the second layer is not careful, the player will be killed by the rat group.

However, for Chen Mo, the 300,000 variants of mutant mice have nothing to do with it. Under his attack with Blood Shadow, the mutant mice ’s blood volume dropped rapidly. Nearly sixty mutant mice have died, leaving only a dozen mutant mice and three mutant mouse leaders.

The three mutant mouse leaders barked angrily, but they did not play any role after joining the battle.

The three mutant mouse heads have stronger defenses, more blood, and stronger recovery power than ordinary mutant mice.

Chen Mo and Xueying are separated, and it is estimated that three mutant mice are avoided, and ordinary mutant mice are eliminated first.

Without ordinary mutant mice, the three mutant mouse leaders can't naturally pose a threat.

"Here, there are not many holes here, and there may not be too many rat nests! It is not difficult for our two teams to join forces to complete the task!"

When the three mutant mice were dying, a group of people heard their voices, and two teams of twelve appeared in the hollow hills.

"what happened?"

When they appeared, they couldn't help but see that Chen Mo was killing three mutant mouse heads.

"The three mutant rat nests were removed by him alone?"

Both teams looked at Chen Mo in surprise.

There were three mutant rat nests in front of them, and they could grab them from Chen Mo as long as they started.

But looking at the calm Chen Mo, they did not dare to do it.

The three mutant mouse bosses were squeaked and killed under Chen Mo's hands. The fool knew that the other party was not an ordinary person. It was impossible for him to go to the trouble without casualties.

Death would be eliminated, and the two would not dare to mess with nature.

Until Chen Mo killed three mouse bosses and smashed three mouse dens in one go, both teams could not resist trying to seduce.

"Are these mutant mice weak?"

"It seems that the three mutant mouse leaders have only that little strength, and the ordinary nature will be weaker."

"Doesn't that mean that our two teams can deal with multiple mutant rat dens?"

The scene where Chen Mo killed three mutant mouse bosses, the two teams looked at them, but just watching the battle between Chen Mo and the mutant mouse boss, they felt that the strength of the mutant mouse boss was very weak, and there was not much threat to the players. Deal with several.

Thinking of this, the two teams immediately went to the other hill.

There were only four rat dens in this hill, and the two teams decided to start.

"! What kind of metamorphosis was that person just now? It was able to deal with three mutant rat dens at once!"

Then they immediately knew the true strength of these mutant mice.

Under Chen Mo's hand, it seems that there is not a great mutant mouse leader. They almost killed their lives. The two teams suddenly shouted and were pitted. They could only fend off the mutant mouse's attack.

Chen Mo did not expect that these two unlucky teams would be so bold and eager to learn how to deal with mutant mice. He was already following the coordinates given by the system prompt and came under the giant pillar on the second floor. After the gatekeeper checked the voucher records, , Smoothly came to the third floor.

This time, Chen Mo should be regarded as a player who quickly came to the third layer. On the third floor, Chen Mo also received double the customs clearance reward.

However, only the basic customs clearance was doubled. On the second layer, he destroyed three mutant rat dens. On the third layer, he also earned a total of 140 points, plus 40 points on the first layer, which he now owns. The points are only 180 points.

The task of the third layer is similar to the first and second layers. It is still a monster killing task, but the task of the third layer has become simpler and more direct. It is to kill three mutant poisonous snakes.

The mutant viper is highly toxic. It lives in the poisonous swamp zone on the third floor. In the poisonous swamp, even if there is no attack from the mutant snake, the player will continue to poison the blood. The damage from poisoning is considerable.

Some of the most advanced player teams to the third layer are still discussing how to complete the task safely, Chen Mo has entered the poisonous swamp with carelessness, and killed the mutant viper crazy.

Today, Chen Mo is most afraid of toxin damage. He is not tight about the problem of full toxin resistance, but poisoning will restore blood volume. In the poisonous swamp, he will not be able to die. As for the mutant poisonous snake, Chen Mo will There is no threat at all.

Not afraid of toxin attacks, mutant snakes can only die quickly under the attack power of Chen Mo's metamorphosis.

At the third level, you can get 100 points reward. After completing the mission, you can get an additional 20 points for each additional poisonous snake killed.

The reward is still not good, but because the third level is too simple for him, Chen Mo is polite to kill thirteen mutant snakes in a row.

In the case of rewards, he counted double. His third level had already earned 400 points, far more than the first and second levels combined.

Chen Mo killed so many mutant snakes in succession, and was seen by several players from the rest of the region. Seeing Chen Mo so easy to complete the task, these players are like seeing ghosts and can't believe their eyes ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ They worry about how to complete the task, but someone is so easy to overdo it, making them incredible.

After the third floor, Chen Mo came to the fourth floor.

The fourth layer is still changing the soup without changing the medicine, but compared with the third layer, it is more difficult and the environment is worse.

This time the player has to complete the task in a cold sea.

It is difficult for many players to complete the task on land. In the icy waters, the difficulty is doubled.

However, in addition to poison resistance, Chen Mo is not low in ice resistance, but also water-based. For him, the fourth stage is easy, and the points in the fourth stage are easily obtained by him.


Third more. (To be continued ...)


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