Godly Hunter

Chapter 214: Special plot

It ’s not a turn-based system, so is n’t it to say that the faster you go, the more likely you are to get first place?

Some powerful players immediately rejoiced in their hearts, while the weaker players couldn't help worrying. [Starter]

But players who can come to Sin City are not weak enough. After learning this rule, many people immediately began to sprint.

However, the official match map is no more complicated than the maps familiar to them before. The official map is much more complicated than the original map.

At a glance, I can see a lot of grids that have not appeared before, and directly send points. The grids that do nothing need not exist. Most of the grids are a monster, plus a treasure chest. As long as you kill the monster, Can open the treasure chest on the grid.

After Chen Mo officially started, the first time he rolled the dice was "left" and "3", and above it was a monster and a treasure chest.

After stepping on the monster, he will enter the corresponding monster scene and fight with the monster. Chen Mo encounters a fire-breathing lizard in the lava zone, which is 3 levels higher than Chen Mo.

Although the Spitfire is high-level, of course, with the strength of Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, of course, he will not be afraid of a mob. It took more than a minute to kill the Spitfire, and Chen Mo returned to the outer grid.

Opening the treasure chest, Chen Mo thought he could get a card, but the result was not, it was just 20 points.

Continue to roll the dice, this time "front" and "5".

"Finally officially started to move forward."

Chen Mo looked at the distance and said to himself.

The entire game map, the player is in a curved starting line, fan-shaped forward, the more forward, the more chances the player encounters, if the player does not die halfway, all players will eventually gather in the same small area, just afraid to walk Then, you have to fight with others.

Although no one has set foot on the same grid for the time being, but everyone knows that once the two meet, it will inevitably be a fierce battle.

"Hmm? Alliance card?"

But a dark-skinned African player named Doro, when he killed a monster and opened the treasure box on the grid, he got a card called "Allied Card".

Alliance card: When two players walk on the same grid, the player holding the alliance card can send an invitation to other players. If other players agree, the two can form an alliance and move forward together. Alliance cards allow up to three people to form alliances. There can be at most one alliance card in an alliance.

"Good thing!" Doroy's eyes lit up.

As long as he doesn't encounter that kind of unusually strong person who thinks he is invincible, I am afraid he will agree to form an alliance with him.

After forming an alliance, the treasures after killing the monsters may be randomly assigned, but you don't have to worry about being eliminated halfway. In addition, the alliance card allows up to three people to form an alliance. The alliance of three people against one other player is almost a hundred wins!

In addition, after forming an alliance, you can also actively plunder and eliminate other players.

In this game, if the player encounters, the defeated party will be robbed by the defeated party of half of the points and cards. After the defeated party is plundered, the system will deduct 200 points multiplied by the number of stages of the game, and then back 30 steps. If the points are not enough, the player will be eliminated.

At the beginning of the game, the players are too divided, and no players have started to fight yet.

Many players try their best to move forward and want to distance themselves from other players.

The reason is simple, as long as you are far ahead of other players, it doesn't matter if you can't beat others yourself, because no one can catch up.

There are not many people who think this way, but many people feel that this game will not be so simple.

After the game has been running for ten minutes, although many players are still far away, the light and vision are sufficient on this open grassland. More than a hundred people can already see each other. Player.

Especially the ten players running in the forefront did not know whether it was luck or strength. Beyond the players behind, there was some distance.

However, at this moment, many people behind found the top five players suddenly disappeared from the grid collectively!

"what happened?"

The players I met were all surprised to think that the top five disappeared collectively. When two people were still moving, they disappeared from the map directly, which is absolutely no coincidence.

After three minutes, the top five players returned, but only three of them returned. The remaining two did not show up anymore, and it looked like they had been eliminated.

The three people who came back, reversing the previous attitude of competing for the first, turned their direction and no longer rushed forward.

The players who saw this scene knew that the top five just now must have triggered some events, causing two of them to be eliminated.

However, many players in the battle did not see this scene. After many people battled out, they still rushed to fight for the first place.

Informed players see in the eyes, of course, they will not remind, but stand idly and want to confirm their guess.

After a few minutes, when the first five people pulled the others behind a little further, they disappeared collectively.

Chen Mo, like other informed players, saw this scene and stayed still, waiting for the result directly.

Five minutes later, the disappearing top five appeared, just like last time, but only three people returned.

"It seems that the top five cannot be easily contested."

Chen Mo also frowned. Although he is very confident in himself, the problem is in this game map. I do n’t know what the five people did after disappearing. If it ’s just a simple pk battle, Chen Mo is certainly not afraid. For some games that have nothing to do with combat effectiveness, such as guessing the fist ratio or something, he is going to be tragedy.

Unsure, Chen Mo didn't make a head bird, as long as he could keep up with the big team and slowly eliminate other players, and finally got the top five even if he completed the task.

During this time, Chen Mo got another double dice card, which can double the number of dice to be cast next time.

System Tip: If you encounter a special event, you can choose whether to enter a special story scene and complete the special story. You will get an achievement star. After reaching the end point, the achievement star can be redeemed for special rewards. There will be no loss if you do not enter, you can go straight ahead, and the special story will fail after entering, and there will be no loss.

Next, Chen Mo came to a grid with a "?" Sign and a system prompt appeared.


Chen Mo thought about it and decided to enter.

He didn't want to go too fast, but he slowed down specifically when killing monsters. Now he just happened to enter this special plot to learn about it. He failed without any loss.

Sin City, inside the circular hall.

"Oh, Dunis, the person you brought, and the person I brought, just seemed to have entered the same special plot scene at the same time. Would you like to bet, who will complete the plot faster?" Si smiled and said to Dunis.

"Okay, bet 1,000 gold coins first." Dunis was also thinking about seeing how strong the people of Augustus were, and he happily agreed to make a small bet.

"Haha, Dunis, you lose. This particular plot, my people have an absolute advantage!"

When Dunis agreed, Augustus immediately laughed.

"How do you know? The plot has just begun." Of course Dunis won't lose.

"Really? Don't forget, this special arena was first discovered by my Augustas family, and I have been very clear about the plot in this magical place!" Augustus told himself .

"The plot of the two is a beautiful devil girl in a village. She wants to choose one of two young people as a spouse. Two young people, one has rich knowledge and the other is rich, but the devil Girls, they like young people with powerful force. In the field of the village, there is a demon fruit. Two young people, whoever can get the devil fruit, can become very powerful immediately. The mission of these two adventurers It is to use the knowledge or money of two young people to help them get the devil fruit. This devil fruit has three powerful guardians, and it is very difficult to get the devil fruit. But the adventurer I brought, even if there is no The help of the two young people in the plot can also easily lead away the three guardians and gain the devil fruit. "

Strong guardian?

Dunis suddenly became a little ugly when he heard Augustus's words.

The meaning of Augustus is that it is impossible to win the Guardian by strength, and it can only be seduced away, and the adventurer he brings just happens to have this expertise.

at the same time.

Chen Mo has entered a special plot. He appeared in front of a girl named Mary. In the process of entering, the system has explained the background of the plot to Chen Mo.

"Miss Mary, which one of them do you like more?"

The plot didn't say how Chen Mo should do it, but it was limited to ten minutes, but Chen Mo didn't rush to find the two young people, but asked Mary.

"I only like people who are powerful." Mary shook her head and sighed.

"Then you mean, you don't like both of them?" Chen Mo asked in confirmation.

Girl, this setting is a bit weird.

"I don't like it, they are too weak, but in this village, as for the two of them, I have no choice but to hope that one of them can become strong, so I don't have to worry about it!"

Mary nodded in recognition of Chen Mo's statement ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Then you want me to help you relieve your troubles? Chen Mo asked again.

"Yes, I've been thinking about it these days, and I'm very upset."

"Okay, I see, Miss Mary, please wait for my good news."

Chen Mo nodded and walked out of Mary's house.

Immediately after he stepped out, two young men ran towards him, one polite and the other brilliant.

Both of them knew that Chen Mo was here to help them, and they both wanted to rush over and convince Chen Mo to help themselves.

When Chen Mo saw the two men, he said nothing, and slaughtered them.


First more. rs

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