Godly Hunter

Chapter 210: New kid

"Too much bullying? Between us, we've been dead forever. Of course, I'm going to beat you to death. Where's the bullying!" Sneered across the board. (Starting)

"I said, Brother Yidao, it's better to kill them directly, and it's more trouble to rob them." Next to the sword and two breaks, a young archer said.

"No, it's too cheap to kill them directly. I just want to give them hope and then let them despair." The two-shot decision rejected the youth's proposal.

Kill the sharp knife directly, they will not have much loss, just make them more active resistance, but if they have been made to think that they can kill the monsters and wash away the evil, then kill them with one sword and two. . Slowly, they knew that in the place of exile, they would never have a way to go, only suicide would return.

"Brother Yidao, this trick is brilliant!" The archer youth heard it, understood it, and admired it.

"Boy, what are you looking at!"

At this moment, a young soldier stood beside him, and saw a person approaching them with a big swing, he immediately shouted politely.

"It's him!"

Everyone saw a knife, a sharp knife, etc., and when they saw someone, they were shocked.

"Brother, are you dead to exile?"

Sharp knife saw Chen Mo, could not help but smile bitterly.

They saw Chen Mo escape that day, but he did not expect that he had come to the exile.

But if you think about it, you can understand that this person's crime value is too high, and he will not be cleaned at all at half-time, and it is normal to accidentally be killed.

"Don't you get caught by the guards?" The two-edged sword was wary.

Yesterday, he saw that Chen Mo was taken away by the guards, but he did not expect that Chen Mo was released just over a day later.

The experience of being killed by Chen Mo with a sea spear was vivid. Although he felt that he was not afraid, he could not help seeing Chen Mo with two swords.

"It looks like you are miserable." Chen Mo looked at the sharp knife and waited, smiling.

These people are indeed full of misery. The equipment they are holding is estimated to be the lowest-level equipment eliminated in the exile. It is probably a level 15 or 20 weapon, and the most is blue. They are nearly 30 levels. With such a weapon, it is really impossible to get on the table.

Moreover, apart from a weapon, several people have no other equipment. I am afraid that this weapon also cost a few people to get it.

With the weapons, they can boil slowly with their ability, and soon they can boil well, but they did not expect that the killing and killing were also sent by Chen Mo, and then they were tragedy immediately.

"This ..." The hands of the shadows and others were all grinning.

Chen Mo is right, they are really miserable.

"New kid, who are you! Don't bother if you don't want to die! Now the place of exile is the world of Shuiyun Tower and the Blood War guild. I am the blood war guild! If you want to know the truth, get out early Otherwise, we will be blacklisted by our **** battle line, you don't want to confuse in the exile, these people are your role models! "Archer Youth, seeing Chen Mo came, did not put them in the least In his eyes, he just talked to the sharp knife and others, and seemed to want to help the sharp knife and others, and he immediately gave a warning.

Shuiyun Tower and Blood War Guild?

Yes, it is estimated that more than ten days ago, he sneaked into the two guilds. The two guilds could not complete the task. They could only stay in the exile and waited for the teleportation team to open before returning to the three main cities.

With the strength of those two guilds, unite, there is naturally no rival in the place of exile.

However, this guy called him the new kid?

Mother, brother is the highest qualified person in the entire exile!

Three into the land of exile, ask who else besides him in the land of exile! And even the warden is asking him to help with the task!

"Well, it turned out to be an advanced player at level 30. No wonder dare to worry about it! Boy, warn you again, don't want to get in trouble, get out now!"

The archer player lost a reconnaissance skill towards Chen Mo. After seeing that Chen Mo's level was as high as 30, he said aloud, but he didn't take Chen Mo's 30 level in his eyes.

In the place of exile, the two guilds of the Shuiyunlou and the Blood War guilds united and had absolute control over the place of exile. Before that, there were more than 30 players who wanted to fight the two guilds. As a result, they were killed You ca n’t take care of yourself, and you dare not go online for days.

With those lessons learned, the archer youth is not afraid of a level 30 black name player, unless the opponent is also a companion with more than ten people.

Chen Mo glanced at this guy who didn't know how to live or die. He was too lazy to talk nonsense with his hands, and he politely shot at it with a sea spear.

The crowd felt only a flash of black light, and then the archer youth, who had just spoken extremely arrogantly, lay directly on the ground.

"My brother!"

When Chen Mo approached the crowd again, a group of people around the archer youth reacted and hurriedly called the name of the deceased youth.

"Fuck! Kill this guy and take revenge on God!"

Some people yelled, but unfortunately, no one responded to his call.

They were not blind, and the archer youth was hurt by the spike, which was too scary, even exceeding 6000 points!

They are just over three thousand blood. They are afraid that they can kill them with a single blow. It is useless to have more people. Don't say that they only have six or seven people here.

"You, you haven't died. You came to the place of exile?" His eyes widened with severance and dread.

The damage that Chen Mo had just hit was in his eyes. The hunter's equipment was absolutely gone. He still had the ability to kill him!

"What, what happened?"

The sharp knife and others were stunned, looking at Chen Mo's injuries.

They are also masters. They have some powerful skills, such as the seven magic arrows that bloom for a hundred nights, and the five-ball fireballs in the teasing cups. They have the ability to kill players, but like Chen Mo, they hit 6,000 directly in one shot. Much of the horror hurts or scares them.

Moreover, the young man just said, Chen Mo's level is 30.

They remember when Chen Mo formed a team, Chen Mo's level was 25, so to speak, after their death, Chen Mo killed the entire team of out-of-print masters alone?

This is the only possibility, otherwise it is impossible to explain why his level soared in two or three days.

Several people looked at Chen Mo, as if looking at a monster.

However, after asking Chen Mo's sentence with one stroke and two snaps, without waiting for Chen Mo's answer, he sneaked away and fled.

The question he asked was only a subconscious question, and he knew that Chen Mo was definitely not dead and the equipment was still there, otherwise it would not be possible to inflict such a change of character.

"This guy walks fast." Chen Mo muttered, not expecting this guy to walk so decisively.

He asked Ceci Hero to come out and use a big move to make a cut, but Chen thought for a while and still didn't use it.

"Go!" The two were gone, and the others were afraid to stay and retreated quickly.

"Thank you, Silent Brother, I didn't expect you to be here too." Sharp Knife was grateful.

"Thank you, brother, it seems that you also killed out-of-print masters and others. Once the out-of-print masters have died once, they must drop the level. After we go out, there is no hope of revenge." Shadow Hand and others also thanked them.

"Don't worry about it. I killed him to improve my level." Chen Mo smiled, and then took out four weapons from his backpack.

Great swords, daggers, and two staffs are all green gear.

After killing out-of-print masters and others, Chen Mo also picked a few pieces of equipment in disorder, and before the surrender, let the little soldiers replace these 25-level green weapons.

I have been to the exile several times, and Chen Mo knew that there would be no weapons here, and how difficult it would be to mix them, so he brought along several weapons for the sharp knife.

"Ha ha ha, we finally have weapons! Brother Silent, we need weapons very much, and we are not polite to you. In the future, Brother Silent, if you have any help, you can send me a sharp knife!"

The sharp knife took the weapon, and laughed.

With weapons, they no longer have to be afraid of such a few puppets!

"Count me!" Said the Shadow Hand and the slutty tea cup.

"By the way, the silent brother, you better leave here quickly. Although the guy was arrogant, but he was right. Now the place of exile is dominated by the Shuiyun Tower and the Blood War Guild. Their people Killed, I'm afraid I won't give up easily. "Hua Kai Bai Ye suddenly uttered a reminder to Chen Mo.

They have been in the exile for several days, knowing that the two major guilds have great power in the exile.

The Shuiyun Tower and the Blood War guild did not bring many people, but they were united. Many people in the exile wanted to find a backing. The two major guilds were like snowballs, with more and more power. From the beginning, their strength has increased exponentially.

"Late! So fast, their people are here!"

But after speaking for a hundred nights, dozens of people appeared on one side of the passage.

Headed by two people, it is the Flash and the **** fight to the end!

After the archer youth was seconds, he immediately cried in the guild. In the end, the **** battle was more lazy to care about him ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ But when the archer youth said that the person who killed him was a guy called silence, the **** battle ended Can't calm down.

There are so many people in the **** battle guild, who have not completed the task and have to stay in the exile, delaying the leveling, completely because of the hunter called silence!

Unexpectedly, after this guy left for more than ten days, he returned to the land of exile again!

Although I know that this guy's level is already 30, but the **** battle is completely fearless.

He contacted Lightning Peter Pan, and the numbers on both sides totaled more than sixty!

With so many people attacking directly, he couldn't believe that he couldn't kill the other guy!

As soon as the Lightning Peter Pan was looking for revenge for silence, he said nothing, and brought people and **** battle to the end and killed Chen Mo.


Third more! Before 12 o'clock, there was a fourth change. rs

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