Godly Hunter

Chapter 204: Brother is back!

"Boy! You will soon regret it!"

The out-of-print master looked at Chen Mo with a chuckle and said coldly.

"I'm going. I'm dead. I'm still stiff!"

Chen Mo politely threw a strong spear and directly inserted a sea spear into the out-of-print master, instantly killing more than 1,300 HP of the out-of-print master.

The out-of-print master also had 7,000 health, and was started to be killed by a round of traps. Nearly two thousand, and then was hit by the two arrows of Cesi Hero's water dragon arrows. After two sea spears, more than two thousand have been lost. If the pastor had not added thousands of blood to him before, he himself drank another medicine and recovered thousands of blood. He would be almost dead now.

However, if Haorou is entangled in this way, Chen Mo and Ceci Heilo take advantage of the opportunity to attack several times, and the out-of-print master will be dead.

"Are you okay?"

Looking at the end instantly, there is not much health left, and the out-of-print master can no longer calm down, roaring at the out-of-print knight!


The out-of-print knight hurriedly replied, and at the moment when he replied, I saw a ray of light around him, but it was actually twenty or thirty people teleported it!

"Kill!" Chen Mo's face changed!

Damn, it seems that this guy has really completed an s-class task. There are so many rare scrolls!

Chen Mo and Ceci Hero, as well as Heluo Ou, were all madly attacking out-of-print masters!

The out-of-print master was horrified, but it was only a moment when his health was almost completely exhausted!

"Hahaha! You can't kill me! It's time for your death!"

The attacks of Ceci Hero and Herault hit him first. His blood was still a little bit, but the out-of-print master glanced at him and laughed.

The surrounding companions arrived in time. He was healed by a healing skill, and his blood volume recovered by hundreds, making the total blood volume exceed one thousand.

The hunter's attack was in his sight, but it was just a normal attack, and he couldn't kill him!

And then, his priest companions will continue to add blood to him, this hunter, no chance to kill him!

Chen Mo did shoot an out-of-print master with an ordinary crossbow. Under the level of suppression, this ordinary cross-bow can only deal up to seven hundred injuries, and it can't kill the out-of-print master.

However, when Chen Mo's crossbow shot at the out-of-print master, the out-of-print master's health was suddenly exhausted!

—630! —700!

This is not one injury, but two injuries!

One ordinary crossbow hurts, and the other is a poisonous attack skill that Chen Mo has not used much!

This is a skill that is not very useful, at this time, it is impressive.

An out-of-print master dies, the system prompts, and a white light rises on Chen Mo.



"Heruoou, you take Haiwei pull first, I will take it!"

Chen Mo felt extremely comfortable.

Level 30!

Shocker Crossbow! Phantom Sea Spear!

He can change everything!

However, Chen Mo was dizzy without excitement. Both Haiweila and Hai Ruoou couldn't afford to lose. They had to let them escape first.

"it is good!"

Seeing so many adventurers appearing, Hai Ruoou nodded politely, turned around, ran backwards, pulled Hai Wei pull and ran.

Chen Mo also planned to run away, but after seeing an out-of-print master dies, he dropped something he had never seen before, he quickly grabbed it, and hurried back with Ceci Hero, so many people, if Being caught by them, even if he is difficult to escape.

"Catch him quickly and get things back!" Seeing Chen Mo picking up what he dropped, the out-of-print master changed his face and shouted, but in a state of soul, no one could hear him.

"The people who killed us still want to run!"

An assassin Lengheng seemed to hear the outcry of an out-of-print master. I didn't know what acceleration skills were used. The movement speed increased sharply, and the speed rose to at least 30 in an instant!

Chen Mo glanced, and found that the assassin was either someone else, or he had cheated the sharp knife and waited for it!

Obviously, he wants to use speed to chase Chen Mo.

In his eyes, even if this hunter is even more powerful, after using up all his skills and killing out-of-print masters and other people, it is not possible to pose any threat to him in a short time. He only needs to delay the pace of this guy slightly, behind Companions can come around and the hunter has nothing to hide.

"It's really killing me! Let you be the first to try the power of Dark Gold Spear!"

When Chen Mo saw that he was rushing towards him without fear of death, he smiled and replaced the phantom sea spear in his backpack!

"Phantom strike!"

Chen Mo is polite to use his strongest skills at hand!

Phantom Strike!

This trick is amazingly fast. With the special effects of Phantom Sea Spear, the enemy has absolutely no room to hide!

He saw a gray-black phantom slamming at him with a slash and two breaks. His pupils shrank, and he wanted to avoid it, but he was hit before his body moved!


One phantom strike, 300 damages, and two hits without a doubt were spiked!

A real spike!

"My grass! Nearly six thousand injuries! What skill is this!"

"It's so abnormal, is this guy still human?"

Looking at this horrible injury, the people out of print guilds were stunned.

"How is this possible! How can it be so different from the previous skill damage!"

The out-of-print master in the state of soul, looking at this hurt by Chen Mo, couldn't help it.

It's not that they haven't seen it, but it hurts, it's too shocking!

At present, a person who can hit 2,000 injuries in one blow is scary, and this hunter has hit nearly 6,000 injuries in one blow. Not that they saw it in person, they would laugh at the person who was daydreaming!

Frightened by the damage of this blow, the out-of-print guild was a person who was pursuing it at full strength, and the pace couldn't help slowing down.

Under this harm, did they chase them to death?

"Chasing! What are you waiting for! Chase after and grab that thing back! That's the sea spear skill, the cooling is very long!"

Out-of-print masters are well-informed and know the shortcomings of the sea spear skills, but those members in out-of-print guilds do not know, and they will not dare to catch up with the curse of out-of-print masters in their soul state.

Chen Mo was faster than them. They slowed down, and Chen Mo easily escaped their pursuit.

"Strong! Too strong!"

After getting rid of the chase, Chen Mo took the Phantom Sea Spear and couldn't help but feel excited!

The dark gold sea spear is really powerful. There are not many in the game that can bear his sea spear and not die!

With this sea spear, he can almost walk sideways!

Look at the out-of-print guild with so many people, no one dares to chase it, and know how powerful the deterrent is!

"Hehe, so exciting!"

Haiweila was very excited when fighting for the first time.

"Fighting is very dangerous. Willa, you will be less involved in the fight in the future!" He Ruoou worried that Haiweila became hooked on the fight and said quickly.

"It's good to let her know. Even if she doesn't want to fight, there are times when fighting comes to her door." Chen Mo said.

Hai Ruoou said nothing, she knew that Chen Mo was right.

"By the way, you're hit by Joanna's dark erosion. How can you heal you and restore your strength?" Chen Mo asked.

After this time, he knew that Hiroo could be his help. In this case, if there is a chance, he will have to heal Hai Ruoou. If Hai Ruoou recovers his strength, he will be equal to another point of strength.

"There are two ways. The first is to find a priest who can master the dispel skill to help me dispel the effects of darkness and erosion. The second is to find the water of life or the fruit of life, both of which can restore my strength. , Or finding bright crystals, has the same effect. "

When it comes to treating himself, Herrio's spirit refreshed slightly.

If she can heal, she can protect Haiweila without worrying about her being wronged.

Grandma's bear, it seems that trying to cure Heluo is really not easy!

Master-level dispel skills, God knows how long it takes for a priest to practice, at least for a short period of time in the future, it is almost impossible to appear, after all, a priest, how can he not single out the regional elite like him, get Reward for Grandmaster skills.

And even if there is such an anti-priest, the chance of random dispelling skills is extremely small.

But the water of life, the fruits of life, and the crystals of light, these sounds like bullshit. It is even harder to get it. If you have strength and no luck, you ca n’t think of it.

In short, if you want to restore the strength of Hai Ruoou, you still have to look at luck. Good luck, maybe one day when he goes to the field, he will be able to pick the same items to restore Hai Ruoou on the ground. Games may not be found.

Sending Haiwei La and Hai Ruoou back to the beach, the two really said goodbye to Chen Mo.

Hai Ruoou will then take Haiwei to a small neutral island and live in seclusion with Haiwei. Chen Mo can go to that island to find them if needed.

With the coordinates given by Hai Ruoou, Chen Mo turned and walked towards Donghai City.

At noon on this day, some players in Donghai City, when leaving the city gate, saw a black-named player turned towards the city gate and was caught by the city gate's guards.

Actually, there are black name players who will go and be arrested!

In Donghai City, some players who heard the news were marvelous.

Now that the game is in progress, many players have come to the place of exile, and the harsh state of the place of exile has spread among the players.

Players who know the situation think that instead of washing the evil value in the exile, it is better to delete the number and start again.

It can be seen that the land of exile is a terrifying place in the player's mind.

"Hahaha, brother I'm back again!"

After Chen Mo was arrested in Donghai City ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ the city guards transported him to the exile.

This is the third time he has come to the exile. After 10 days, he returned to the exile. Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little sigh.

I haven't seen it in the last ten days, and the place of exile seems to have changed a lot!

Players will not say, the place of exile seems to have changed.

When Chen Mo was arrested by the guards, he got rid of the title of great crime, or the city guards might have cut him directly.

And being teleported, in order to get his privilege, Chen Mo wore the title of great crime, and then went to Rasha.

As a result, Laxia did not find him, but he saw another magnificent and beautiful breast with black curly hair!


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