Godly Hunter

Chapter 193: Redeem rewards

"Heicheng is like this, how many people have to be killed and how much sin!"

"Look at how many people go in and how many people come out."

"My God, there are at least twenty teams missing. The little warrior has a low level and can't kill anyone. So let's kill him all alone?"

"Too cruel."

Looking at Chen Mo and the little warriors who came out, the team of players who came out first at the entrance of the valley was shocked.

Some players who are still a little bit eager to move and want to win a team of players, after hearing these comments, finally died.

After six hours, they also dug a lot of ore. If the killing fails, they will not only waste six hours, but also lose experience and equipment.

"Time is up, fellow adventurers, please go to the old place and exchange the ore you have dug for the required items."

Igner appeared on crutches, and the crowd calmed down before Igner spoke.

Most people are familiar with light cars, and when Ignatius finishes speaking, everyone swarms past.

Chen Mo and the little fighters were not in a hurry. They were too crowded. If they were attacked, there would be no place to hide. Anyway, Igner wouldn't run there anyway.

"Damn, this guy is so cautious!"

Indeed, some people wanted to attack Chen Mo by stealth while they were crowded. Seeing that Chen Mo was motionless, their plans were unsuccessful, and they could not help but hate secretly.

In front, some people directly redeemed rewards at Ignatius, and some people talked to Ignatius and were taken away by another side. That's gambling luck.

The number of people around Igner gradually decreased, and Chen Mo still could not come forward. Several teams waiting for Chen Mo to step forward and talk about the thing and then attacked and killed people were a bit impatient.


A team that had been looking for Chen Mo, but was unable to find Chen Mo until the end, then gritted their teeth, and when Chen Mo didn't notice them, the six of them suddenly launched an attack.

"court death!"

In a few hours, nearly 30 teams were killed in a row, Chen Mo's sense of battle was extremely sensitive. How could this team's movements be hidden from him. After the movement of these six people, Cesi Heilo rushed to kill the past with a shadow attack, and directly started the hurricane skill.

Chen Mo used the crossbow to make a knife and walked over. He had no intention of killing six people in one fell swoop. There are many people here. Vortex traps should be used just in case.

Now he puts on a gold glitter necklace, his attack power rises a lot, and he faces this small cricket team. There is no need to use the vortex trap at all. He just kept on using crossbow attacks, hitting several people with almost the same amount of health, and then arranged a blasting trap below.

As soon as the hurricane skill was over, six people fell back to the ground and the blast trap exploded.


Six big injuries floated and six people died collectively!

"My grass!"

"It's so different, so bad!"

The other teams who wanted to shoot against Chen Mo could not help but rushed out first, and couldn't help but feel a joy in their hearts, thinking that the opportunity came.

But I didn't expect that Chen Mo and his pets just took a few moments, and in 20 seconds, they lost a whole team without any injuries!

Several teams of people were immediately calmed down.

I've seen killers, but I've never seen such killers. This is simply a butcher, an executioner!

"Go! Redeem rewards, don't mess with him!"

Seeing Chen Mo bend over and pick up the ore that had fallen from that team, the other teams completely lost the courage to do it, all shaking their heads and walking towards Ignatius.

There was no one around Ignatius. Chen Mocai and the little soldier walked towards Ignatius together.

"Two adventurers, let me see, how much ore did you dig ... 6700 pulls?"

Igner received Chen Mo and the little soldiers as usual, and Chen Mo and the little soldiers handed in tasks, that is, they gave the ore to Igner. Ignatius lived an unknown age, but couldn't help being shocked when he saw the ore worth 6,700 pulls.

"Awesome! A long time ago, the big man from another big island with which our family has a relationship said that the Jiutou mining area of ​​our small island is barren. When you come to that big man, there are sometimes incorrect judgments. You adventurers are really different! Well, what do you want to exchange for so many ores? According to regulations, only one weapon can be exchanged for one person. People, only 2400 ore can be exchanged for two arbitrary weapons. "Ignat said with a smile and admiration.

"One person can only exchange one weapon?" Chen Mo frowned.

"Yeah, I came here last week, why haven't I heard of this rule?" The little soldier didn't even listen to it, shouldn't they waste so much ore?

"You haven't heard that it is normal, because I haven't said it. Normally, no matter how hard you try to mine in the Jiutou mining area, it's not enough for one person to exchange a weapon. Of course, the weapons directly exchanged can only be exchanged for one. Now, you can use your remaining ore to bet your luck. We have forged many weapons, sealed them into a block of stone, and stored it in the storage cave of our clan. Maybe you already know that these weapons and stones are stored there. The cave is divided into several levels, and the 200 ore is the lowest level. A team can enter it by spending 200 ore. Each person splits a stone, and any weapon inside can be taken away. More advanced Some are intermediate caves that cost 400 pulls of ore, then advanced caves of 800 pulls, and then top caves of 3,000 pulls. "Ignat said with a smile.

"Is there a weapon sealed in all the stones?" Chen Mo listened and became interested.

"Of course not. There is a half chance that the 200-pull ore cave has nothing, and the highest-quality weapons will be green, but in the 400-pull intermediate and 800-pull advanced caves, you will almost never return empty-handed. The chances of the weapon are high, and there is a small chance of getting a purple weapon. "Ignor shook his head.

"What about the top 3000 caves?"

"Stones in top caves must have weapons when they are split. And there is a 60% chance that they are green weapons, a 40% chance are purple weapons, and a 100% chance are dark gold weapons!"

Dark gold weapon?

Chen Mo heard a joy in his heart, and the dark gold weapons really existed!

However, there seems to be something wrong!

A green weapon with a 60% chance and a purple weapon with a 40% chance, the two add up, that's a 100% chance, and what is the last 100% chance of a dark gold weapon?

"Excuse me, what is the dark gold weapon in the top cave?" Chen Mo asked in confusion. The little warrior also looked curiously at Ignatius.

Everyone likes dark gold weapons. In particular, she still had a dark gold **** in her hand and knew the power of dark gold weapons.

"This is a secret. If you want to know, you have to go into the top cave yourself to see for yourself." Ignat smiled.

rub! Don't say nothing. Isn't it just 3,000 ore? I have a lot of ore!

"We decided to enter the top cave once!"

There are many ore. Don't use it for nothing. And seduced by the dark gold weapon, Chen Mo and the little soldier immediately decided to enter the top cave to see what was going on.

"Okay. Once you enter the top-level weapon storage cave, it costs 3,000 ore, and you still have 3,700 ore. You can exchange a weapon and other props with me." Igna nodded, one hand moved, and two of them The ore is 3,000 less.

The 3,000-pull ore just let two people enter the top-level cave, which is a bit wasteful. Six talents were originally the most cost-effective, but waste is waste, and it is impossible to enter the group together.

A list of exchangeable items appeared in front of them, and Chen Mo and the little soldier looked over.

At the forefront are the professional weapons. Chen Mo took a look. 800 La can be exchanged for a random purple weapon. In addition to the occupational uncertainty, the level is also uncertain. The weapon obtained will be level 25 or 30.

The designated weapon that can be exchanged for 1200 can not only specify the class, but also the level. You can choose 25 or 30.

Of course, Chen Mo would not require a 25-level weapon. It would not take long for the 25-level weapon to go back, and it is estimated that it would be eliminated. He directly opened the 30-level weapon.

So what weapons do you want to exchange?

Chen Mo currently uses three main weapons: hand crossbow, gloves and sea spear.

Originally he came here to get a sea spear weapon. If he could only get one weapon, he would not hesitate to choose a sea spear weapon, but now he can enter the weapon storage cave to get an extra weapon, which may even be With the weapon of dark gold, he couldn't help but hesitate.

If he can get a dark-gold sea spear weapon, it must be whoever sees it, and thinks about it!

On the contrary, it's just a purple sea spear weapon. Unless you see a player with very little blood, or you want to be a second person, it depends on luck to get critical damage.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo asked Igner: "Mr. Igner, can we get weapons of the specified category in the top cave?"

"For other adventurers, even if they enter the top cave, they are also random weapons, but you only have two of them. I can let you go in and let him point out that the weapons you want are hidden in those stones." Ignat said generously.

"Then me, please help me redeem this electric shock crossbow."

After listening to Igner's words, Chen Mo no longer hesitated and chose a purple hand crossbow at level 30.

System prompt: you get the equipment "Shocker Crossbow"!

Stunner crossbow

Description: A hand crossbow made of thunder attribute material, which can make a paralyzing attack ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Quality: Purple

Limited: Hunters and Assassin players above level 30 can equip


Base Physical Attack 140--190

Base Magic Attack 120-160

Strength +50

Dexterity +40

Additional Skill: Electric Shock

——Electric Shock: Add the lightning attribute energy stored on the weapon to the hand crossbow at one time, and let the hand crossbow be charged. The next time the player attacks, you will get 1000 additional lightning damage, and paralyze the target for 3 seconds. Time is 5 minutes.


The first is here! !! (To be continued ...) ()

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