Godly Hunter

Chapter 185: Meet Little Warrior again

Haiweila and Chen Mo followed closely. Before the two entered, there was a bang in front, and a rushing seawater came!

Chen Mo was nervous for a while. According to the impact of the sea water, I was afraid that all three would be rushed back to prison. {Starter}

But what made Chen Mo strange was that at this time, a light blue light appeared on the three of them, and the impact of the seawater had no effect on the three.

"This is the special magic state that the first person to enter will get. Afterwards, people who want to chase it will be washed away by the sea water." Hai Ruoou explained.

It turned out that the escape secret was designed with care.

The sea was nothing to the trio, and the trio soon swam into the real sea.

Chen Mo took the clam shell from his backpack and gave it to Haiwei La, who took it happily, asked Chen Mo and Hai Ruoou to come up, and then he quickly moved in the deep sea with a cry.

"This time, no one will follow."

Chen Mo was relieved, and felt that it should be really safe after this escape.

"Adventurer, thank you, and saved Haiweila and me again!" Hai Ruoou thanked Chen Mo gratefully.

"Thank you, the adventurer brother!" Hai Weila smiled sweetly.

System Tip: Increase your favoritism by 30 points!

The system prompts: Haiwei pull increases your favorability by 10 points!

rub! The favorability of two people increases at the same time! Hiroo increased from zero to 30, and HiVio increased from 50 to 60!

If you do n’t spend so much effort and do n’t get rewards to do tasks for you, it ’s still a little rewarding!

Hai Ruoou will not say anything, it will increase 30 points of favor at once, it looks a lot, but Chen Mo knows that it can't do anything, but Haiwei pulls it from 50 to 60, which is a big step forward. .

With a perfect score of 100, a score of 60 is a pass. In this way, Haiweila ’s favorability towards him should be regarded as a major breakthrough. I wonder if he can lose some of the newest moves on Haiweila?

Chen Mo wanted to touch Haiwei's thighs to try, but he was afraid to mess around with Hai Ruoou.

The three of them moved in the clam shell for half an hour in the deep sea. This time, no one came after them again. They were indeed safe.

"Miss Hai Ruoou, I want to ask you something, I don't know if you can answer it for me." Chen Mo intends to ask questions that were interrupted before.

"Of course, if you ask me anything, I will tell you what I know." After increasing favorability, Hai Ruo's attitude towards Chen Mo was obviously better.

"In the Treasury of the Sea Clan, I saw the goddess of punishment like a statue. I don't know those goddess of punishment. Where did your family get it?" Chen Mo asked.

"The magical witches? Those who are not real magical witches, but made with the blood of the magical witches, are very similar to the magical witches, and have great power, but to drive them, you need to use a certain For some special props, we have been with them for many years, and we have never seen them move. "He Ruoou thought for a while and said," As for the source of these puppets, I remember coming from a small territory of a human race. In ten Many years ago, our family landed in a small tribal territory. Some people in the territory used these puppets to fight against us. We defeated the puppet masters and took these puppets by the way. "

"From Terran? What's the name of the place where you landed?"

Chen Mo listened, and thought.

"Catlin? It seems to be Catlin or something."

Sure enough, it was Katrine!

He has the contract signed by Enoch. With that contract, he will be the lord of Catlin in the future!

Although this Catelyn sounds like a small seaside town, she seems to have a special relationship with the witches of the place of punishment.

Enoch's bloodline allows her to summon the Witch-Slayer, and the wooden sign she gives can also drive the Witch-Slayer.

This territory, he wants to take it down anyway!

Even if he is still low, it is a waste of time to go there.

"By the way, Miss Heluo, do you have a sea spear weapon suitable for me? I need a sea spear weapon to defend myself now."

Hai Ruo's favorability increased, and Chen Mo asked her for the benefit directly. If Hai Ruoou had a sea spear weapon, he could take it out easily, which was better than his hard work.

Now, for the sake of Hai Ruoou and Hai Wei pull, let alone the high level of the Hai clan, but also completely offended the high level of the Hai clan. I am afraid that it is difficult to get into the Hai clan. You can get back some benefits.

"Sorry, I don't have it. However, if you need a sea spear weapon, I know that there is a weapon suitable for you on an island not too far from here." He Ruoou said sorry, but It was a message to Chen Mo.

"Oh? Is there anyone else on that island? Will I be arrested there?" Chen Mo asked curiously.

He thought that the Hai people were only three cities. Now listening to Hai Ruo's words, apart from those three cities, the Hai people have other places.

"There are also sea aborigines on the island, but you don't need to worry. These sea aborigines are longing for primitive sea life and are unwilling to join the three big sea cities. They have little contact with the three major cities. Even if they face your people, they It's also a neutral attitude. "Hiruo Wei smiled slightly.

Is there such a place in Haizu?

Chen Mo immediately became interested.

"Are you sure there is a weapon suitable for me? How can I get it?" Chen Mo asked quickly.

Hai Ruoou began to answer Chen Mo's questions. After Chen Mo listened, her eyes narrowed gradually. After hearing what He Ruoou said, he knew that this island, he had to go once!

"You are waiting for me here, be careful not to get caught."

After half a day, the mussel shell stopped a kilometer away from a small island. After Chen Mo ordered the two to say a word, he walked out of the mussel shell by himself.

Calling Ceci Hero, and turning Ceci Hero into mermaid form, Chen Mo asked Cesi Hero to take him and swim to the island quickly.

As Chen Mo marched towards the island, a boat came on the only landing beach on the island.

"Weapon Island! Brother is here!"

"Haha, this is another new week. I hope there will be a better harvest this week!"

Groups of people landed ashore, and the island seemed very popular.

"Hey, Taishan, you guy is still here. It was a shame last week. If I was absolutely shameless, I will come to this weapon island again." A somewhat wretched fat man looked down at a small boat in front of him A team said with a smile.

A strong young man in this team, looking at the insignificant fat man, snorted coldly: "Luo fat man, I was almost out of luck last week. Don't think you can beat me this week, I have prepared a killer!"

"Killer? I want to see what kind of killer you have!" Luo Fatzi looked disapproved.

"Little warrior, come out and let this fat little man know what a killer is!" Taishan sneered, and behind him, came out a depressed Loli soldier.

Loli warrior with huge face and **** is a little warrior in the whole game, but she doesn't know how she came to this deep sea.

"It's her! Isn't she in the team of Aurora!" Luo Fatzi's face changed when he saw the little soldier.

"Hahaha, the boy from Aurora dared to laugh at me last week. I ambush halfway and sent him back to my hometown, and the little soldier naturally joined my team! How about, fat man, this killer can do it! This week you think you Can you still beat me? "Tai Shan was proud of looking at the fat Luo Luo who looked like he was eating.

"Hmm! The boy from Aurora is really useless. I knew that I would kill him!" Luo Fatty regretted it. This little soldier on this weapon island is definitely a super killer. There is her In the team, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is very easy to take the first place after the mission starts.


At this moment, a splash of noise appeared in the sea water between the two men's boats, and Luo Fatty and Taishan could not help looking at them.

I saw a dark-skinned guy emerging from the water.

Black name players! It's still the black name player who appeared like this!

Luo Da fat and Tai Shan were both shocked. Both were experienced masters, and it was definitely not easy to know who came.

Being able to kill and kill Hei Ming is a skill in itself. It is even more difficult for Hei Ming to show up.

The incoming person is naturally Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo didn't kill to kill the black name, they were right to avoid it.

"Big brother?" This was a little warrior with a gloomy face. After recognizing Chen Mo, he immediately yelled in surprise, and jumped to Chen Mo with a few happy jumps.

"Little warrior?" Chen Mo was surprised for a while, he had never expected that he would meet acquaintances in this place, and still be a little warrior with a mission madman.

"That's right, it's me, I'm a little warrior!" The little warrior was afraid that Chen Mo didn't recognize her, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice, indicating that Chen Mo didn't admit that she was the little warrior he knew.

"Why are you here?" Chen Mo held back and asked curiously.

Little warriors will appear here, he must be very simple ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ It's a long story. When the little soldier heard this, his face was bitter, and he had a meaning of looking back.

"Boy, what do you mean, she's from my team!"

The two men wanted to tell the old, and Taishan on the side felt bad when they saw it, and immediately yelled with a warning voice.

The black-named player who popped up actually knew the little warrior. The little warrior also meant to trust this guy. He worked so hard and risked killing the team of Aurora to get the little warrior into his team. Why? May let this black-named guy steal the little warrior!

"Little warrior, come back here!" Taishan did not forget to yell at the little warrior.

The little soldier heard the words, did not say nothing, and quickly hid behind Chen Mo.


Third more. Update here today for recommendations! rs

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