Godly Hunter

Chapter 179: Enter treasure house

The northern coastline, about a hundred meters from the coast, clam shells stopped. [Starter]

"You have to wait, Leopold is still in Tianhai City, and he can observe here when he leaves." He Ruoou looked around and said.

Chen Mo nodded and waited patiently.

In the clamshell, Haiweila and Hai Ruoou were sitting together. The relationship was very good. During these time when Chen Mo was offline, the two had an in-depth exchange.

"By the way, Miss Hai Ruoou, you said yesterday that I entered Tianhai City and those Aboriginal people wouldn't bother me, so do you have anything that allows me to take out the items stored in the Terran warehouse? For To help Haiwei pull to the source of the sea, I think it is necessary for me to take out some things and prepare more. "

Chen Mo thought for a while, and suddenly thought.

This time into the treasure trove of the sea clan, depending on the situation, he may be equipped with the title of the great evil, in order to obtain a more powerful output ability, but in a dangerous environment, equipped with the title of the great evil, he will be completely exposed if he is not careful, so he thought Ask He Ruoou for a prop that can be used directly in the warehouse. If the situation is not right, he will throw the money into it.

Directly using the magic scroll of the warehouse exists in the game. Before he saw it on the forum, if Heirou had it, he would have an extra guarantee.

"So, I do have a magic scroll like this. Since you want to use it, give it to you." He Ruo nodded and took out a magic scroll.

System prompt: You have obtained the item "Warehouse Storage Scroll"!

Hey, it does!

The storage scrolls in this warehouse are very rare things. He may not be able to use them when he enters the Treasury of the Sea this time. It can be reserved for later use.


"Master Leopold, it's time to go to Youhai to distribute the reward for defeating the Terrans."

In the sea clan palace of Tianhai City, a female swordsman with silver armor said to the blond young man sitting on a red wooden chair in a plain voice.

"Becky Milo, the Heluo woman finally ran away?" Leopold held on to the armrest, thinking slightly.

"Yes, according to reports from those adventurers, Lord Heroeux escaped, and among those who rescued her, there seemed to be a pink-haired girl." Beckmilo nodded expressionlessly.

"A pink-haired girl, is Haiwei pull? Impossible, Haiwei pull is still in the land of human exile ... Forget it, it doesn't matter who it is. Now the most important thing is to face Haicheng. Queen Youhai, although the woman has always been wrong with Hai Ruoou, let her know that the distribution of spoils will definitely make me lose. For the time being, I must find a way to hide her. Also, I leave Tianhai City At that time, I'm afraid Heruo Ou will also take advantage of the opportunity to do something. Although she was in the dark and eroded, although she is not afraid, she will never have a good opportunity like today. Most of the women will have action and have to do Be prepared to guard her. "

"Yes, I see, Lord Leopold. I will arrange it."

Leopold murmured whispering, Beckmilo nodded, understanding.

"Let's go to Youhai City."

The two made arrangements accordingly. After the arrangements were completed, Leopold got up, left Tianhai City, came to the north port, took a giant magic ship, and headed for the western deep sea.

"The big ship ... Leopold set off?" Chen Mo and Hiruo Ou floated on the water, looking at the departing ship from afar.

"Yes, wait a few moments before you can act."

About half an hour later, Heluo said, "Well, Leopold has left a long distance, and we can go to that secret waterway."

The two returned to the underwater mussel shell, and Haiwei pulled the mussel shell and dived quickly.

After diving all the way to a depth of more than one hundred meters, the three came to a dark sea floor with a lot of corals.

He Ruo out of the mussel shell, Chen Mo followed her closely.

Constantly moving through the coral groves, Heluo took Chen Mo to find a dark hole hidden by many corals.

"Well, this is the entrance to the secret waterway. It can only pass two people at most. It is very safe inside. You can reach the treasure house of Tianhai City by walking along it." Hai Ruoou pointed at the dark hole. .

Seeing that there was no other explanation from Hai Ruoou, Chen Mo nodded and drilled into the hole.

It was dark outside, but Chen Mo felt that his vision suddenly brightened when he entered the hole.

I saw many tiny bugs adsorbed on the walls in the secret waterway. These bugs were emitting a faint light, pointing out the way for Chen Mo.

Chen Mo flicked his hands and feet, moving forward quickly.

The secret waterway is a bit tortuous, but as Heruo said, there are no other monsters inside, it is very safe, there is a guide of glowing bugs, and he moves fast.


About twenty minutes later, Chen Mo floated out of a small cave in a small cave.

This is a very small cave, only a few tenths in size. Around the cave are uneven stone walls. Chen Mo groped on the stone walls for a while. According to the method of He Ruoou, he successively pressed in three places. The stone walls in front of his eyes receded to the sides, exposing a one-man wide passage. .

Entering through the aisle and walking for more than ten meters, Chen Mo suddenly lighted up.

"I wipe! Really a treasure house!"

Approaching the place where the light came out, Chen Mo walked into a pearly hall with all kinds of treasure chests everywhere. Gold, silver, black, bronze ... There are countless treasure chests, but as He Ruoou said, every treasure chest is covered with a small magic shield, Chen Mo stretches out his hand and is immediately opened by a bomb.

"Without these magic shields, it would really be well developed."

Chen Mo looked at a treasure chest in the lobby with eyes wide, and said with regret.

But he also knows that this is of course impossible. If so, just walk in and take away many treasures, and this game will not have to be operated.

Shaking his head, Chen Mo quickly walked to the far corner on the left, where he saw the blue treasure chest that He Ruoou said.

The blue treasure chest exudes a soft blue light, which makes people look very comfortable.

Chen Mo just wanted to call Ceci Hero to attack the blue treasure chest, but at this moment, he suddenly looked up at the surrounding walls. On the surrounding walls, there were dark statues of women with daggers. These dark statues gave her some Familiar feeling.

"Isn't this ... the punishment witch?"

Chen Mo suddenly remembered that these dark statues looked exactly like the punishment witches he had seen in the place of punishment and in Xinshou Village!

Count carefully, there are as many as twelve statues of the goddess of punishment.

With so many statues of the Goddess of Punishment, they are still in the treasure house of the Sea clan. Is there any relationship between the Sea and the Goddess of Punishment and the place of God of Punishment?

Well, you have to ask Hai Ruoou when you go back.

These statues of the punishment witches, without magic shields, should be placed here like gods. Chen Mo took a closer look and found that the statues of the punishment witches were too realistic. The people who made these statues of the punishment witches have definitely seen the punishment witches with their own eyes.

"I wipe! She moved!"

But all of a sudden, Chen Mo saw the closed eyes of a statue of a goddess of punishment and suddenly moved!

These statues of the punishment witch were originally closed with eyes, but when Chen Mowang passed, he saw the eyes of the statue of the punishment witch, suddenly opened, and looked at him!

Chen Mo knew that he was not mistaken. These goddess of punishment seem not to be statues but real goods!

"Grandma's bear, why did He Ruoou not mention them at all!" Chen Mo shed a cold sweat.

Not to mention the twelve magic witches, even if one, he can't handle it!

However, these punishment witches should not be the guardians of the treasure house, otherwise Heluoou will tell him, and when he enters the treasure house, these punishment witches will act.

Regardless, I can't see them and don't do the task.

Calling Ceci Hero, Chen Mo resolutely and Ceci Hero attacked the blue treasure chest in the corner.


One by one, the injuries floated from the magic shield. Chen Mo stared nervously at those **** punishment witches. If they were moving, he would flash people immediately.

However, the twelve magic witches completely ignored Chen Mo. The one who opened her eyes and looked at Chen Mo before, closed her eyes again.

Chen Mo was relieved and continued to attack.

"Alarm! Alert! Someone sneaked into my clan treasure and is attacking the magic shield!"

However, outside the treasure house, some sea people have been alerted and screamed.

"Contact Lord Leopold, we will enter the treasure trove to arrest the invaders!"

The sea tribe outside was a mess, but in the treasure trove, Chen Mo found that Ceci Hero had some snacks away, and her eyes drifted from time to time to a black treasure chest that was not too far away.

"Is there what you want?"

Seeing this, Chen Mo quickly asked.

There are too many treasure chests here. What you can get depends on your luck. If you can get something that he or Ceci Hero can use, it would be the best.

Ceci Hero nodded, and Chen Mo quickly said, "Go all out, get the contents of this treasure chest, and go to the black treasure chest next time."

Ceci Hero heard about it. Www.NovelMTL.com.

Chen Mo was also attacking with all his strength, but after outputting for more than a minute, Chen Mo frowned.

According to the current output speed, the magic shield of the blue treasure chest is destroyed for more than ten minutes. In this way, in the end, he can only open two treasure chests. Except for the blue treasure chest that must be opened, he can only remove it from the treasure chest. A prop.

After all, there was such an opportunity. If I wanted to come here to steal things again, it would definitely not work. Of course, Chen Mo was unwilling to get this benefit and leave.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Chen Mo replaced him with the title of the most sinful. Anyway, there was a warehouse storage scroll in his backpack, and his death was just a loss of level.

Putting on the title of the biggest evil pole, Chen Mo's output was immediately higher!


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