Godly Hunter

Chapter 173: Escape smoothly

"There are prisoners escape, we will enter the hunting land to hunt down the jailbreaker and assisting people! Captain, you will lead all the guards to guard the gate of the hunting land, and no one is allowed to pass!"

In the high-level prison in Exile, Dunis shook his hands and shouted to a group of men. [This book is from the beginning]

"Everyone? Lord Dunis, do you mean that you can't even pass?" The captain frowned, asking questioningly.

"Yes! The fugitive will be transformed, and he may become my appearance. Even if I do n’t show the Warden badge, I ca n’t pass! So you do n’t have to pay attention to anything else, just lead all the guards, keep the door, No one can pass! Someone tries to escape or get closer, just grab him and let it go! "Dunis nodded.

In the Scarlet Prison Valley, he had already set up a surveillance array. Just two hours ago, he saw that the hunter and adventurer had released a group of Orud **** prisons.

This time the evidence is conclusive, as long as the hunter-adventurer is not escaped from the hunting ground, he will be able to seize him and punish him severely to relieve his hatred.

The last time the hunter escaped because he had become Morris. This time, he was ready to arrange several times the troops at the gate to prevent anyone from passing!

Oulud needless to say, that group of people can never break out this time! The same is true of the hunter-adventurer, the gate of the hunting land will not open this time whoever comes!

As long as these people are kept in the hunting ground, he can slowly catch them one by one.

"The **** mist has dissipated, go in and arrest the fugitive!"

When the time is up, Dunis takes a group of prisons and enters the teleportation battlefield, also into the hunting ground, preparing for a hunting fugitive.


"Brother, adventurer, this wall is so high, how can we escape?"

Before the **** poisonous mist disappeared, Chen Mo and Haiweila came to a foot of the wall of the hunting land.

Looking at the high old fence. Haiweila wanted to know what was on the opposite side of the wall, but this high wall made her feel a bit desperate.

Walking all the way in the **** poisonous mist, there was actually nothing on the road. There are also some grasslands and woods, but along the way, Haiweila is very excited, with big blue eyes looking around curiously from time to time.

She was trapped in the lake for more than ten years, and after seeing the wonderful scenery elsewhere, she never wanted to return to the lake.

Now she can live away from the clam shell. If she was caught back, I'm afraid she will be held in a narrower cell, a place where she can move, and a world that she can see.

"Don't worry. I have a solution, brother." Chen Mo comforted her.

"Really? The adventurer brother, you are really amazing!" Haiweila said excitedly, not Chen Mo told her not to move until the **** poisonous mist dispersed, she would already jump up and kiss Chen Mo.

When these days Chen Mu is training her, he keeps telling her what he and she are doing. Can't do it with others, only with non-family men she likes very much.

Chen Mo was also worried that after Haiwei pulled back, he was really badly taught by him and messed around everywhere, that would really make him shame.

And Hai Weila's favorite person is obviously only one of him. In a few days, Hai Weila's affection for him soared. I already have 40 points of favorability. Unfortunately, 40 points of favorability still can't do much.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, a hot glow appeared in the blood-red sky, and the **** poisonous mist dispersed.

Chen Mo stole Ceci Hero and took out a bottle of potion.

"Come. Haiwei pull, let your brother carry you on your back!" Chen Mo squatted.

"Okay." Hai Weila didn't even want to, Chen Mo's soft body lay down on Chen Mo's back, her feet tightly wrapped around Chen Mo's waist.

When Haiwei pulled it, Chen Mo drank the potion in his hand.

Ape Elixir!

This bottle of monster potion was made in the shadow city. Now it ’s finally time to make a difference!

When he came to the place of exile, Chen Mo knew that he couldn't go out the door again like the last time, and Rasha and the rest of the place of exile would definitely guard against this hand. If other players must figure out how to escape from prison again, Chen Mo is already prepared.

The ape potion allowed him to gain climbing ability in three minutes. The wall of the hunting ground was about 50 meters high. Normally, it was impossible to climb to the wall.

But the ape potion is a potion that can be climbed on smooth trees. The wall of the hunting area is made of solid bluestone. There will always be a little gap between the stones. Drink the ape potion. Climbing is not a problem at all.

Hai Weila ’s weight is very light. Chen Mo backed Shanghai Weila and started climbing on the fence. The speed was only a little lower than when he climbed alone. Three minutes was absolutely enough for Chen Mo to climb to the fence and then from the other side Climb down.

Sure enough, just over a minute later, Chen Mo climbed to the city wall with Haiwei pull, and before the end of three minutes, he and Haiwei pulled out of the hunting ground.

At this time, Dunis, with a group of people, was looking for Chen Mo, Orud and others near the gate.

In his opinion, if he wanted to leave the hunting ground, he could only pass through the gate, so he sent it directly to the gate.

However, just a few minutes later, Laxia walked nervously towards Dunes.

"Master Dunis, the monitors have reported that the hunter-adventurer is out of hunting territory!"

After Chen Mo and Princess Peradilly successfully escaped from prison last time, all the prisoners were monitored in the Exiled Land, and as soon as anyone left the hunting ground, they would be alerted. In this way, the prison side can intercept in advance through the teleportation array, and even if it escapes the hunting ground, the possibility of successful escape from prison will be greatly reduced.

"Escaped? How did he escape! What did the guards do!" Dunis was furious. He would have fallen if he had a plate in his hand.

"I don't know, but it shouldn't have escaped from the gate. My lord, we are now near the gate and chase it now, he can't escape." Laxia quickly said carefully, after she heard the hunter adventurer escaped I knew Dunis was going to be furious.

It took so much effort to catch the current situation, and as a result, everyone broke through the siege without saying a word, and everyone was angry.

"Go! Get that guy right away!" Dunis rushed to the gate of the hunting ground in anger.

The gate of the hunting ground was originally only guarded by more than ten guards, but today there are sixty or seventy people. Orude and others can still storm out the last time. If they come again this time, there is only a dead end.

"Captain, open the door right away, and I'm going out to hunt the fugitives!" Dunis shouted as he approached the gate.

"Prison badge!" The captain glanced at Dunis, said blankly.

"No! Open the door and let us go out!" Dunis said impatiently. The Warden Badge, this thing is very valuable. With it, he can do almost anything in the exile. Dunis has always locked him in the safest place in the prison, where he will carry it.

"He's a fake! Come here, attack me, grab him!" The captain immediately looked cold and screamed.

"What you guys do, I'm the warden! The real warden!" Dunis yelled, and Laxia and others aside helped.

But unfortunately, the captain of the integrity guard faithfully executed the orders he received, completely ignoring the shouts of his party.


Outside of the hunting ground, Chen Mo took Haiwei pull towards the beach, just in case, Ceci Hero was released and followed.

Passing the secret execution place, Ceci Hero looked at the scarlet crystal ore, still reluctant, but Chen Mo knew that this time I was afraid that it would be more critical than the last time, but I dare not stay in the slightest, especially here. A teleportation array.

Although he couldn't dig some scarlet crystal ore this time, as long as he can get some ape potions and wait for a while, things in the exile land fade, he can come over and secretly dig.

But after Chen Mo escaped more than half a distance, Dunis finally chased after him.

However, after delaying so much time, it is naturally impossible to chase Chen Mo and Haiwei pull again.

Chen Mo and Haiwei pulled away to the beach smoothly.

Chen Mo could not come up with a wooden platoon without the presence of giant monsoon this time.

However, Chen Mo was also worried about something. He would already have a high level of water. Ceci Hero could be transformed into a mermaid form. Hai Wei La itself was a sea tribe, and he could easily escape a large distance.

"Haiwei pull, can you use this mussel shell to take me away?" Chen Mo took out the collected mussel shell, he picked it up before, just wondering if Haiwei pull can use this thing to move in the water.

"Of course you can." Haiwei pulled nodded and pushed the clam shell into the sea, then she jumped in first. She was going to sink the clam shell. After Haiwei pulled in, it suddenly seemed like life.

Chen Mo secretly said that he was too prescient, otherwise, whether he could return to land alive is a question.

Chen Mo jumped into the mussel shell ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ With a wave of Haiwei's handle, the mussel shell sank into the seawater and quickly moved under the water.

The last time he fled from exile, Chen Mo took note of the route. He gave Haiweila a direction, and Haiweila let the mussel shell sneak in that direction.

"Haiwei pull, there is one thing, I hope you can promise me." Knowing that escape was not a problem, Chen Mo got into the topic.

"Brother of the adventurer, what's the matter?" Hai Weila walked curiously to Chen Mo and sat down with a look of excitement.

"The necklace on your neck is the Poseidon necklace? In fact, I took a task to kill you. After I killed you, I took back the Poseidon necklace as a voucher. If I ca n’t complete it, my spy status will be It will be exposed. Of course, if this necklace is too important to you, then forget it. "Chen Mo said Shen Shen looking at Haiwei pulling the Poseidon necklace around his neck.


First more. Staying up all night is really not working, it has been abandoned all day, today there will be three changes.

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