Godly Hunter

Chapter 169: Heavila

"He's level 25!"

Seeing Chen Mo's abnormal injuries, someone took a look at the reconnaissance skills, and then screamed in horror. (Starting)

"how is this possible!"

The seven-colored wings and his hands were wide open and unbelievable.

Five days ago, when he left, he was level 15 and only 5 days passed, how could he be promoted to level 25?

"It's really level 25!"

Seven-colored feathers and others do not believe that one by one use their reconnaissance skills. Then exclaimed one by one.

"Boss, you can't beat it, run away!"

Someone screamed at the seven-colored wings.

This guy is so changey, he can kill them by attacking twice, and their attack falls on him, but it is painless and itching. When the pet starts to attack, a group of people will be all Went out.


Seven-colored wings are very reluctant, but looking at a group of men who have no fighting spirit, he knows that if he fights again, he will only die in vain, and can only grit his teeth and let everyone escape.

To be honest, Chen Mo has no interest in killing these guys. They want to run away, and he is too lazy to waste time deliberately hunting them down, but other babies can ignore it. The leader of the Seven-Colored Wings must be killed.

Chen Mo rushed to the Seven-Colored Wings. The Seven-Colored Wings also expected that Chen Mo would not let him off easily, so he let his men step forward to intercept, but unfortunately, those few men were really vulnerable. After Chen Mo killed them, he slowly followed them Seven-colored wings, kill him.


In the resurrection point of the Exile, after the resurrection of the seven-colored wings, the sky roared.

This guy was so hard-hearted that he decided not to stay in the exile, and like six madmen, he committed suicide again.


After killing the seven-colored wings, Chen Mo continued to hunt in the hunting land.

Two hours passed, he still had no clue, but was on the road. He saw a lot of players who were new to the hunting land, did not kill monsters, and was looking for something in the hunting land like him.

After another half an hour, Chen Mo suddenly saw two new people in the exile hurriedly rushing in one direction.

Chen Mo was moved. Followed quietly.

It hasn't been a way to look like a headless fly, he has to see what those people are looking for.

After walking with the two men for more than ten minutes, Chen Mo walked through a dune grassland and came to a wide lake.

By the Great Lakes, there are two groups of players, each with more than ten players.

Chen Mo was surprised to see this lake. He had been there early in the morning, but there was no place to live around, and nothing was found underwater.

These two groups of people. Gather here, what are you going to do?

Chen Mo curiously hid and hid on the hill, watching the development of the situation below.

After a while, after a man and a woman came from each of the two groups, the two groups were completely separated. Seems to be confrontational.

"You are the **** battle in the end? I didn't expect the famous Bloody War guild of Shadow City, but also took this task!"

A heroic, assassin, wearing tight black leather armor, looked at a sharp-eyed warrior in front of her and raised an eyebrow.

"Your Shuiyun Tower is not bad. No one knows you in Storm City, and you are a lightningman. You are more famous than me." The **** battle laughed a little, and the words were very modest.

"Since you know I'm awesome, that's the best. This task, we Shuiyunlou first, let us let you go! As long as you want, Shuiyunlou is your strongest ally "Lightning Peter Pan said quickly.

"Haha. Peter Pan, you are really joking. In the game, there is no point in coming first, but if you give us the task, our blood war guild can also become a firm ally in the Shuiyun Tower." Smile.

"So, do you want to see the true story by strength?" The Lightning Peter Pan sneered. These guys just love to pretend.

"Ming people don't say anything secretly, no one can let this task go, let's stop talking nonsense. But even if you don't see the task goal, everyone will kill each other, which is a bit too reckless. Why not, let's Push the target person out and confirm it, and everyone will use their own means to kill the task target. "The **** face said positively.

"Okay." The Lightning Peter Pan thought about it and agreed.

The strength of the two sides is similar. If you do n’t even see the mission goal, you will consume it first. When the mission goal is not killed, you will laugh.

It is not so easy to come to the exile once.

The two took their own people to the lake, squatted down, and poured a bottle of medicine into the lake. A huge lake soon became red and green.

"Are these two groups of people also looking for important figures of the Nazu?"

Chen Mo didn't know what the two were talking about, but after seeing this scene, he finally changed his face.

This is not impossible, and the possibilities are still great!

The Huoyan clan just wants to kill Haiwei pull, and who kills her, the Huoyan clan will not care! The city owners who want to come to the three main cities all know the intention of the Huoyan clan. In order to get the help of the Huoyan clan, the three main cities have each released the task of killing Haiweila!

Only in this way can we explain why suddenly a large group of players came to the exile. These different players inadvertently came to a lake and put poisonous potions in the lake to force the creatures in the lake to come out.

"The woman, Joanna, has no sincerity."

Chen Mo couldn't help complaining when he saw a large group of people rushing over to do the task, as well as special task props, and he only got a teleportation scroll.

But is Hai Haila really inside this lake?

Chen Mo has high-level water, but he searched in the lake for himself, but he did not see any large creatures, but only some strange harmless fish.

The answer will be seen soon.


The lake became red and green for a while, the lake made a loud noise, and a huge mussel shell emerged from the water and surfaced.

The clamshell opened and a beautiful woman with long pink hair was exposed inside.

The beauty only wore a pale white pajamas thin like a cicada. The **** body under the pajamas was looming, and she wore a blue gemstone necklace on her white neck.

For the first time, a group of male players saw a beautiful woman dressed in such a **** way, and when she saw her, she couldn't help it, and then someone shouted, "It's her! Haiwei pull!"

Hai Weila's small face was flushed with red eyes, and his large sapphire eyes looked at the players around him, with a panic expression on his small face: "Are you a human adventurer?"

"Hurry up!"

Lightning Peter Pan is a female player, but will not be fooled by Hai Wei pull's seductive figure. She gave a cold drink.

The surrounding male players immediately came to their senses, knowing that the other party was just one, and there was nothing unwilling to do.

For a while, * Road long-range attack. Fierce shot at Haiwei pull!


In the end, the **** battle also came over, and he didn't care about admiring the beauties, and shouted quickly.

In the **** guild, there were only a total of twelve people, and there were also seven or eight long-range attacks attacking Haiweila.

The members of both parties have long distance wars. Obviously, they have obtained far more detailed information than Chen Mo.

"You abominable human adventurers!" Hai Weila saw so many attacks coming to her, looking shocked, and quickly pressed the blue necklace around her neck.

A pale blue magic shield spread out from the sapphire on the necklace, protecting Haiwei pull in it.

"Poseidon necklace!"

Whether it's a **** battle, or the Lightning Peter Pan. All eyes brightened.

"Strong output, but pay attention to the use of powerful skills, wait until the magic screen cover!"

The **** battle drank in the end, and in Lightning Peter Pan, the same order was given.

The magic shield is open. Hai Weila sighed a little, but looked at the constant attack from the outside, her smile was a little worried.

The water below is highly toxic. She will not be able to hide back into the water until the poison is dispersed. Sooner or later, the magic shield will be broken, and then she will no longer be able to resist the attacks of these human adventurers.

She still has a lot of strength. These human adventurers are not her opponents, but now her ability is sealed, and the only thing she can do is to use a protective magic on the necklace of Poseidon to resist the attack of the enemy.

After being held for so long, did she inevitably die in the end?

Attacks continued to fall. Smashed on the magic shield, a wave of clear blue ripples, very beautiful.

The energy of the magic shield is rapidly diminishing, the attack falls, and the magic shield has gradually begun to deform. It's like an inflated balloon that explodes at any time.

"It's about to break, come on! When the magic shield breaks, it will be fully output!"

In the end, the **** battle and the Lightning Peter Pan, seeing this is a big drink.

Neither of them noticed, behind them, a figure quietly touched.

This figure, of course, is Chen Mo.

The beauty in the mussel shell is Haiwei pull. Of course, the two guild competitors, he must be killed first.

However, he was not in a hurry, but waited until the magic shield was about to break before he started to act.

The two guilds were a little bit apart, and Chen Mo was a little regretful, otherwise he could do it all.

Chen Mo and Cesi Hero are divided into two paths. He walks behind the **** guild, while Ceci Hero goes behind the Shuiyun Tower.

"Okay! Broken! Give me a full attack!"

At this moment, the magic shield suddenly burst, and players on both sides were excited for a while, and Chen Mo seized the opportunity to reveal her figure.

Vortex Trap!

Behind the blood battle guild ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Chen Mo moved quickly and began to arrange the vortex trap.

Although he showed his body in such a carefree manner, no one noticed his existence at this tense moment.

"who are you!"

Until the whirlpool trap was about to be completed, Chen Mo arranged the last part of the whirlpool trap into the queue of the blood battle guild. Only one person glanced at Chen Mo and exclaimed in shock.

who am I?


Chen Mo grinned, completed the vortex trap, and launched!

At the same time, on the other side of the Shuiyun Tower, Cesi Heilo rushed into the crowd and launched a hurricane!


First more.

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