Lin’s father was blocked by a word, and he glanced at him and walked straight in and sat down on the sofa.

Zhao Lin also followed, and the bodyguards stayed outside.

Lin’s father looked at Zhao Lin gently. “Come here, uncle.”

Zhao Lin’s well-behaved voice, quietly glanced at Lin Yang, and quickly walked to the couch where Lin’s father was sitting.

"How? Did the guests come to have a cup of tea?" Lin Yang went to the single sofa opposite him and sat down. "No, I don't like tea."

“Don't like to drink tea?” His eyes fell on the two teacups on the coffee table. There were also herbal teas that had not been poured out of the cup. The bottom of the cup was bicolor tea.

Lin Yang only did not see, "Yes, don't like to drink tea, you have something to say, you don't have to take it."

Lin father pointed at the teacup: "I want to know, these two cups, one is yours, and who is one?"

"It's mine!" Chu Yu got up after hearing the movement, and walked out with Lin Yang's pajamas, holding a mug in his hand, like the male master of this family.

Lin’s father was not too angry, pointing to Chu, and pointing to Lin Yang: “You, what is your relationship?”

Chu Yu poured a pot of hot water next to the magnetic water machine, and then went to the sofa next to Lin Yang to sit down, tilted Erlang legs, smiled and said: "What relationship can be, not the relationship of temporary cohabitation."

Lin Yang's brows pumped out, thinking that this guy came out too timely, there is a tendency to fear that the world is not chaotic.

Lin’s father was so angry that he had a chest pain. He pointed to Chu and said: “You, go now.”

Chu Yu shook his head: "Unless Lin Yang let me go, others said it is not."

Lin’s father has been an official for a lifetime. He has always commanded others, and no one dares to refute him.

But at this moment, he actually took this guy in front of him.

"You said something!" Lin father shouted to Linyang.

Lin Yang shook his head: "He is my friend. Now I live here for the time being. There is nothing else. Don't think too much."

In front of this situation, can he not think too much? Wearing the same pajamas, using a couple's cups, even the hairstyle is the same, I am afraid that the bedroom that just came out of Chu, is also the bedroom of the two!

When I think of this, he will not only have chest pain, but also his head hurts, his lungs hurt, and it hurts everywhere.

He can be a son of Lin Yang. He was once fascinated by the dead girl in Baiyun. Now he has a man. . .

As long as he knew this, he would rather have his son marry the day and not the situation like this.

It is a pity that the things in this world are not all decided by him.

At least the son said that he did not count.

Zhao Lin rushed to the side of Lin's father, constantly stroking Lin's chest: "Uncle you are suffocating, maybe things are as Lin Yang's brother said, you don't think too much."

Lin’s father took a sigh of relief and went to Lin Yang with his eyes: “You 瞧瞧 Xiaolin, then yell at yourself, are you like a son? Your dad is almost mad at you, you are like this. Indifferent?"

Lin Yangdao: "I am a doctor, who will be mad, who will not be mad, I know more than you." He turned to Zhao Lin, whispered: "And, later Bring this woman with you when you come, don't blame me for not letting you in."

After listening to this, Zhao Lin’s eyes suddenly became red, and she looked at Lin Yang with a look of grievances: “Lin Yang’s brother, things are really not what you think, can you listen to me and explain?”

“Explain?” Lin Yang pointed to Chu Yudao: “He went earlier than me, you might as well explain it to him.”

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