When I heard this, Yu browed and stood up: "Isn't this a mess? Come fast, take me to see."

Xiaoli’s original flustered heart was settled when she saw the uncle. She was precocious and she was only a 17-year-old girl. She did not know what to do if she encountered such a thing.

When she walked into her own corridor, Xiaoli discovered the existence of Chu Yu. She had been immersed in the joy of seeing the uncle before, and did not find that there was a man next to the uncle.

The corridor was very dim, but there was no such thing as obscuring the man’s beauty.

She also watches TV, and the man in front of him is much more handsome than the superstars.

I found Xiaoli’s curious eyes, and Yu Ge was busy: “This is Uncle Chu, your father’s friend, and I will visit you and your mother specially.”


Xiao Li is not very happy, she wanted to call her brother.

See Xiao Li did not make a sound, Yu Ge did not reluctantly, after all, is a girl, seeing such a handsome uncle, some shy is inevitable.

Chu Hao followed them through the dark corridor, came to an old elevator, and looked around curiously. He did not expect that there would be such a place in the country where the prosperity of these days is not like.

He thought that all the places where people lived were similar to those of Linyang, and the difference would not be worse.

Sure enough, with a pair of eyes, it is difficult to see the true face of the world.

The elevator opened and two old people came out from inside, a white-haired old man, a grandmother wearing reading glasses, and the two supported each other out of the elevator. Each person still had a small bench in his hand. It should be going out to the sun.

After entering the elevator, Yu Ge explained: "These old people are mostly more economical. They are not willing to use heating at home, so they will go outside to get the sun to warm when the weather is good."

Chu Hao nodded, this kind of thing is very common in Chu, it is not unusual.

Even in different times and time and space, there will be the same habits. It is no wonder that Bai can adapt to the life of Chu, and he can adapt to life in a very short time.

This is the commonality of human beings!

The meeting of the gods, the elevator door opened, Xiaoli went out first, and the two followed.

Xiaoli’s pace is very fast, and she is obviously worried about her mother’s condition.

Open the door and enter the house. The house is small and you can see everything at a glance.

Xiaoli’s mother is lying on the floor of the living room, and her mouth is still full of blood.

Xiaoli was so scared that she screamed and threw the greens in her hand.

No matter how she shakes, she can't wake her mother.

Yu Ge stepped forward to push Xiaoli and picked up the woman from the ground: "Don't cry, go get a blanket and go to the hospital now."

Xiaoli snorted and ran into the room with tears, and soon came out again, wrapping the blanket on her mother.

It’s a bit hard for Chu to see Yu’s husband holding a woman. “Come on.”

Yu Ge immediately shook his head: "No need, I--" He said that he had not finished talking, his hand was light, and his younger brother had been hugged by Chu.

He took his brother and sister out and walked.

Xiao Li’s crying tears couldn’t stop. She and her mother were dependent on each other. She only had a mother, her mother only had her, or her mother was gone. How can she live?

"Xiao Li, a little stronger, your mother will be fine." Yu Ge looked at Xiaoli from the rearview mirror and quickly started the car, carrying them to the Jiren Hospital.

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