Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1527: Xiaoqing will also make dumplings

Her lips are soft and surprising, so soft that he gave birth to a madness, wanting a kiss of Fang Ze.

He finally bowed his head, and when his lips were about to touch her lips, there was a light footstep from the door of the temple. He hurriedly got out of the account and stood outside the door.

I came in Xiaoqing. When I saw Meng Nan here, I was shocked. I was shocked and asked, "How are you here?" When you talk, you go to the white bed, the curtain is still hanging, and the curtain is gently The swing, as if someone had just touched it.

Meng Nan’s face turned red, and she smiled and said: “I came to see the white scorpion before the emperor’s life. I didn’t expect her to be sick. I’m going to take a look and I’m going to go back.”

Xiaoqing frowned, and walked quickly to the bed, quickly opened the curtain, seeing the white **** and sleeping well, exactly the same as when she went out, and her heart was big.

Then I turned back to Meng Nan’s face and said, “Even if you have the life of the emperor, you are coming in like this. I’m afraid it’s not very good.”

Meng Nan was very embarrassed and argued: "I didn't think there was anyone here."

Xiaoqingdao: "The girl doesn't like someone to accompany the bed, so no one in the room is guarding, but even so, you should know how to avoid it."

Meng Nan is a little annoyed. How can this girl be so unreasonable?

Xu is the voice of the two people talking too loudly, woke up the white bed on the couch.

There was a coughing sound inside, and then it was a half-dumb voice: "Xiao Qing, who are you talking to?"

Xiaoqing hurried past, took the clothes on the screen and went into the account: "Meng Daren came, saying that he came to the court."

The white screamed, and soon I put on my clothes.

Bai Hao has always liked to smear powder. In front of Meng Nan, it has always been plain and face-to-face. In the past, if it was, it was still beautiful and made him suffocate.

She is no longer the 12-year-old girl in the village of Huangtuo.

It has grown into a beautiful beauty like this.

He sometimes thinks that if he is also a person in the village of Huangtuo, if he can meet her before Chu, will she also love him like Ai Chuxi?

"But the emperor's illness is not good?" Bai Yu refused to comb his hair and asked quickly.

Meng Nan shook his head: "No, the emperor is much better, but there is no appetite. The food prepared by the royal chef does not match his mouth. He said that he wants to eat dumplings, so let me come to you. It is unfortunate that I didn't want to meet you."

It was like this, Bai Yu sighed and smiled faintly: "Xiao Qing will also make dumplings, the craft is not worse than me, let her do it." She really did not have the strength to do this today.

Meng Nan is not willing to let the sick white tiring, it is good to have a young generation.

Xiaoqing sees that Bai Yan doesn't mind Meng Nan's coming in, and he doesn't say much more. He pulls the white squat and sits down at the table, watching her drink the soup from the small palace woman. Meng Nan returned to Yuqing Palace.

When Xiaoqing and Meng Nan left, Bai Hao asked the little palace girl: "When did the Meng Daren come?"

The little palace girl said: "The slave brought him in, about a quarter of an hour ago."

Bai Hao snorted and nodded. "He will come back later and let him wait in the hall."

The little palace girl stunned and felt that she had made a mistake and was guilty of sin.

White swaying: "It will be fine next time, I am lacking, you will retire."

It’s not that she has the heart to guard against Meng Nan. It’s really Meng Nan’s eyes that are still the same as before. If I often meet like this, it will inevitably lead to any unpleasant words, and Meng Nan will have a dissatisfaction.

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