What is this nonsense?

Meng Nan looked at Bai Yu with surprise. What do these words mean? How does she do this kind of cloudiness?

The white cockroaches expected him to be like this, faintly smiled: "He has no intention of imperial power, so take the opportunity to let go."

Meng Nan swallowed a mouthful and asked: "He is gone, will not come back?"

She nodded: "Yes, I won't come back."

"What about you? What do you do? Why don't you go with him?" Meng Nan asked urgently.

Others may not understand the white, but his Meng Nan can be better understood.

White is not the kind of person who likes to entangle in the whirlpool of power. The life she longs for has always been the life he has been living in.

Simple, free.

She will stay, there must be another reason.

Bai said: "I can't go for a while, my friend can only take one person at a time. But it doesn't matter, he will come to pick me up."

Meng Nan snorted and did not know how to answer the news.

The two quietly drank tea, took a cup and took a cup, and no one spoke again.

Early the next morning, when Bai Hao came down from the upstairs room, he watched that the carriage in the courtyard had been set up. Awu and Meng Nan stood in the courtyard and spoke. The voice was very small and they could not understand what they were saying.

Jin Xiaoan put one bag in another carriage.

Seeing her out, the two stopped talking. Turned to face her.

Bai Xiaoxiao asked: "What are you talking about?"

Meng Nan shook his head: "Nothing, just say a few words."

She turned to look at Awu, Awu gently shook her head, no snoring.

Bai Hao sighed: "Can you leave?"

A Wudao: "I have already done breakfast, don't eat it and go again?"

Bai Hao shook his head: "No, just eat dry food on the road. Go early, go back to Beijing early, and Grandpa is waiting for me."

The two carriages came out of the yellow camel village in tandem. The villagers quietly watched them leave, and the gossip of the stomach wanted to say, but they did not dare to speak.

Nowadays, the identity of the day is not ordinary, and anything can be their sin.

Jin Xiao'an's horse was not very comfortable. He got into the carriage and squeezed the fire with Meng Nan.

The wind in the northwest is big, it is just snow, it is very cold.

If you don't have a charcoal stove in the carriage, it will be very difficult.

"White girl is very careful, even this is ready, I did not expect this before." Jin Xiaoan used iron pliers to pick up the melon in the small furnace, and turned over.

I can already smell the aroma of the melon.

"She has always been careful." Meng Nan smiled, and a beautiful face appeared in front of her eyes, her smile was faint, and she was close at hand.

I don't know if it is the reason for the charcoal grilling. His heart is warm, and the coldness that had been trapped in him all day seems to have been exhausted.

"And, she is now a queen, how do you call him Miss Bai?" Meng Nandao.

Jin Xiaoan grinned and said: "I call her Miss Bai, don't you call her a white girl?"

Meng Nan took his eyes and said: "Can you be the same as me?"

Jin Xiaoan did not say anything, just sullenly smiled, smiled for a while and then raised his head and asked: "Zongzi, what are we going to do this time in Beijing? Last time, the people sent by Mr. Dongfang, you are not very simple. Have you refused? I also swear to me that I will not step into Kyoto again in this life. How can it be changed in a few days?"

Meng Nan's face was reddish, and he didn't hear his questioning. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

What can he say? I can't say it, because it was white who invited him, so he went back with her.


See you tomorrow!

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