Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 1449: I will listen to you in the future.

Zhizi Mo Ruo, Lin Yang is what kind of person, he is clear.

He must borrow another ship from the spacecraft. It is impossible to just go to distraction.

How could his son, Lin Jianwang, ask for him in order to go out and share his heart?

"You said, what do you have to do in space? If you don't make it clear, I will never help you."

White things, he can't say, if he said, even if he was picked up in the future, he might have to face any trial and confession. This must be rotten in his stomach.

"I just go to distraction, you know the things that are white, and it is not a big blow to me. I want to leave here for a while, but I can't forget her wherever I go."

"You can forget her when you go to space?" Lin Jian Wang frowned.

Lin Yang shook his head: "I don't know, so I want to give it a try, Dad, help me this time, I will listen to you in the future."

Lin Jianwang’s eyes lit up. “Do you really listen to me?”

Lin Yang nodded: "I speak and count, as long as you are willing to help me,"

The lady on the side of Lin Jian’s dynasty gave a look.

Lin mother rushed over and smiled and said: "Your Zhao Bobo's daughter just graduated from the United States and returned to China. It was just 22 years old this year, and it looks beautiful. It is also a doctor. If you see it, you must talk. Come."

Zhao Bobo? Lin Yang’s mind floated a face. Ten years ago, Zhao’s little girl suddenly confessed to him and said to be his girlfriend.

That little girl was only twelve years old. He was already a college student. How could he start a small girl and refused it on the spot? He also warned her not to love her, and to study like a cloud.

This blink of an eye, in the past ten years, this little girl actually learned medicine?

Seeing that Lin Yang did not speak, Lin Mu said: "You should not be a small person. People are also high-school students who graduated from the medical school in the United States. When they returned to China, they received a lot of letters of appointment."

Lin Yang chuckled: "She received a letter of appointment once in a while. Are you really not a letter of appointment from the Rende Hospital of Zhao?"

Of course, Zhao’s Rende Hospital issued a letter of appointment, otherwise who else, after graduation, said that it is a high student, but no one knows what her ability is.

Lin Mu's coughed twice. "No matter what, you go see it, the girl has always liked you, this time she also offered it."

Lin Yang turned to see his father: "Dad, did I go to see her, would you help me?"

Father Lin nodded: "Of course, as long as you go to meet her, I will help you with this, how?"

Lin Yang nodded and said something: "Okay, a word is fixed."

Lin Mu almost didn't jump up. She didn't give him a blind date before, but he never went there, never went there.

Even the perfunctory will not be willing.

It seems that he is also a bit interested in Miss Zhao, after all, the two were also known.

The next day, look at the lake slope.

When Lin Yang entered the coffee shop, he saw a girl wearing a pure white embroidered light pink floral dress waving at him.

The girl smiled very sweetly, and her eyebrows bent, just like the same year.

He walked quickly and politely nodded.

"Long wait!" He sat down opposite the girl, and the faint smile on his face was polite and alienated.

The girl sighed: "Linyang brother, you are as cold as ever."

Lin Yang smiled: "How come, what do you drink?" He opened the subject at will.

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