"That's right, there is only one destiny in a person's life, Perona. Our destiny belongs to the top of the world, kill them!"


" With the sound of a gunshot, the first person to start the battle was the 'Guntail Snake' Suleiman Shah. He grinned and directly pulled the trigger of the musket, and the bullet accurately hit Perona's forehead.

"Hey hey hey! Sure enough, the more beautiful the girl, the stupider she is! How dare you be so lighthearted when facing the enemy on the battlefield?…………Um? ?"

Suleiman's taunting stopped abruptly, because he watched helplessly as the bullet penetrated Perona's forehead, but there was no blood or brain, as if it passed through the air and nothing happened.

"Ouch, ouch! This bad uncle actually made a sneak attack!!"Perona puffed up her cheeks angrily, shook the small umbrella in her hand, and then flew directly into the air. At the same time, Ellen also jumped directly to the right.

The next second, a fierce hail of bullets enveloped the two brothers and sisters. location

"army! ? No, he is a person with abilities!"Loyal spectator Navy Captain Krohn was shocked. There were only four people on the battlefield, but the firepower just now was at least a legion!

"Ha... Is it really okay to expose the fruit's ability so directly? Mr. Becky."Iron kept walking, and with the power of the zipper under his feet, he instantly took a few meters with each step, and quickly approached Suleiman and Kapenbeki directly along the walls of the surrounding houses.

"Humph... I can't afford to hide my trump card against a good player like you. Kids! Fire!!"

Capone Becky's reaction was not slow either. He opened the palm of his right hand, and a miniature door appeared in his palm. Standing at the door were several miniature strong men in black holding cannons. The palms of his hands shot out a large number of missiles in the direction of Aeron. Cannonballs.

At this time, Aeron had already jumped onto the fountain sculpture in the center of the town. The cannonballs blew the sculpture to pieces but did not hurt Aeron. He seemed to have foresight and easily dodged all the shots without even looking. When he jumped up again to avoid a cannonball, the ground beneath him suddenly exploded, and a huge mouth burst out from the ground and bit into Aeron! It was Suleiman the Gun-Tailed Snake!

Aeron was there It was difficult to rely on strength in the air, so he could only barely deflect his upper body to avoid the snake's poisonous bite, but Suleiman's snake body twisted, and the huge snake body covered with green scales directly entangled Aeron three times and strangled him in mid-air!

"Hey hey hey! Brother Yi Lun, try my special service’!"As he spoke, he wrapped the snake's body tightly tightly, and even an iron man would be squeezed into an iron bean!

Perona was shocked and was about to fly down from the air to rescue her, but found that there was nothing in the center of the snake's entanglement.

Aeron zipped himself into two strings and slipped them from the gap under the giant snake, and then quickly zipped them into shape. Before he could fully recover, another bullet was accurately shot at his right eye!

Suleiman's snake-like tail was directly transformed into a continuous fire blunderbuss, and he took aim at Aeron's foot. The parts are not fully closed yet unable to move, so they directly hit the fixed target.

Soon enough, the end of the cuff of the suit on Aeron's left arm instantly decomposed and popped out, turning into a chain knife with a sleeve and no blade. Then he held the chain blade with his left hand and slashed with his backhand to directly chop the bullet into pieces. The chain blade suddenly turned into a soft whip while it was in mid-air and hit the giant snake's abdomen directly.

"Ahhhh! You little bastard!!!"'Guntail Snake' Suleiman screamed and rolled on the ground. He felt really uncomfortable this time. The powerful destructive power of the chain blade directly destroyed the soft armor on his abdomen and injured his internal organs.

"Suleiman avoids...ah, forget it. Fire at will!"Kapon Beki's army volleys directly enveloped the positions of Illun and Suleiman.

"Wow ah ah ah!! Becky you bastard!"The smoke dissipated, leaving a big hole in the ground. It was obvious that Suleiman had gone underground to avoid the indiscriminate shooting from his teammates, but Iron was also missing.

"Boss! right!"There was a sound that only he could hear from the right side of Becky's forehead. He turned his head and raised his hands, and violent artillery fire was fired towards the right. The already crumbling Black Ax Bar was directly hit by this burst of artillery fire. It was in ruins, but Aeron was faster! As expected, he jumped to the sparsest place where the artillery fire hit, avoiding all attacks, and then suddenly rushed towards Capone Beki!

He Every time you take a step, golden sparks are scattered under your feet, which is exactly the"Metal Zipper·Spark Tour"’!

"Tsk! Brat... cavalry assault! The musketeers opened fire from the front!"

Capone Beki's feet directly turned into tank tracks and quickly retreated backwards. His speed was not much slower than that of Aeron! Four cavalry troops in a team of ten people jumped out of him, outflanking Aeron from both sides. Kill him, and at the same time, a horizontal row of suspension bridges opens out of his chest. The twenty-man musketeers half-knelt inside the suspension bridge and fired directly at Aeron, who was chasing him! Before it was over,

Aeron's profile suddenly appeared. A huge shadow appeared, and Suleiman, the 'Gear-Tailed Snake', transformed into a giant snake and emerged from the ground and glided towards Aeron to intercept him. The huge mouth he opened was about to bite Aeron! The cavalry team facing him had also arrived. , several machetes with piercing cold light are about to fall on Aeron.

A perfect siege situation!

"You bad guys!! Mini Ghost Firefly Band!!"

With a roar, hundreds of white ball-shaped ghosts with strange faces swooped down from the sky like a swarm of insects! The first to suffer was the cavalry. Every ghost would resemble a small monster the moment it came into contact with them. It exploded like an air bomb. It was just a face-to-face encounter. The forty-man cavalry team was instantly depleted!

It was Perona. She spent some time in the air to create hundreds of mini ghosts. These spherical ghosts with strange faces did not have the features that would be used in the future. The Negative Ghost has the negative ability in the comics, but its advantage is that it is easy to make and can be produced in large quantities. When it collides with an object, it can explode like an air bomb. The power is not great, but it wins by quantity.

Suleiman screamed strangely and turned into a body. The scaly, half-snake, half-human figure awkwardly dodged several ghost bombs with his slippery body. At this moment, Aeron waved his hand fiercely at him, and a zipper directly locked Suleiman's neck and pulled him alive. In front of him.

Bang bang bang bang!!!

Hundreds of shots should have hit Aeron, but at this moment they hit Suleiman directly. He screamed and turned back into a human form and passed out.

Aeron He grabbed Suleiman's green ponytail, spun it around twice and threw it towards Capone Beki like a shot put!

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and Capone Beki was thrown directly towards him before he could react. Suleiman was knocked to the ground. And Aeron was already in front of him, and Perona in the sky created a second batch of mini ghosts.

Offense and defense transition!

Aeron looked down at Capone Beki who collapsed on the ground. , haven’t let down their guard yet.

Although Capone Becky of this period was very good at keeping secrets, how could Ellen, who had read the comics, not know his abilities?

Capone ‘Gangsta’ Becky, will be related to the times in the future Protagonist Monkey·D·The Supernova Eleven, who Luffy and others call the"Worst Generation", have a bounty of up to 300 million berries. They are the castle people who ate the"Fortified Castle Fruit". This man has strength, brains, and courage! Just because he dared to seek the head of Yonko BIG·MOM but still managed to escape unscathed after failing, he is not an ordinary little character.

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