Aeron smiled and said nothing. At this time, the silver telephone bug specially designed for the Shichibukai-O, which was lying on the deck to bask in the sun, suddenly woke up and then made a sound of"beep, beep".

Elen, who was lying on the sun lounger, signaled the girls around him to keep quiet, then picked up the microphone on the phone and said easily:"Hello? This is Elen who is basking in the sun. What are your instructions? I respect you. Mr. Wulaoxing~" The phone bug's face turned into that of an old man full of majesty, and he said coldly:"……Still such a bohemian attitude, Philia Yron"

"Haha~ This is what I call a good attitude." Aeron joked back.

"Huh... stop talking nonsense. You must arrive at Mariejoia on time in one month. The first meeting of the 'Shichibukai under the King' is of great importance, and we will not allow any member to be absent!"

"oh? So, the remaining quota has been decided? Could you please give me some spoilers?"

"Donquixote Doflamingo."The five old stars on the opposite side of the microphone had no intention of selling it off, and told Aeron directly.

Aeron raised his eyebrows at Robin, and then said into the microphone:"Please be at ease! I will definitely arrive in Mariegio on time in a month, and I will order some good wine for you then! Seeing that Elen was so sensible, Wulao Xing also slightly softened his harsh attitude:"Since you have become a Shichibukai, you should show something.""

There was a click, and the other end of the phone was hung up.

Perona was a little confused:"Brother, what did this old man mean by his last sentence?"

Ellen stretched out, crossed his legs and lay on the sun lounger, and said easily:

"The old guys think that my reputation is not loud enough, and what they mean is nothing more than, 'If anything happens, we will take care of it, you can take the initiative and make something big happen!’"

"A bunch of stinky old men, then I will do what you want. Don’t regret it then!"

Cuklik Island is a typical summer island.

But unlike Sentin Island, where the Kingdom of Alabasta is located, Chuklik Island is an island covered by tropical rainforest. The Baishan Town on the island is huge, almost as big as Alghero." The

Beagle slowly docked at Sano Port, which is the largest port in Baishan Town.

Ellen and his party put on cool summer clothes and landed at the dock one after another.

They were just planning to find a local to ask about the library. About what Locas said about the mysterious doctor, suddenly there was a commotion on the pier.

Someone shouted:"The miracle doctor is here!"!!"

It was like throwing a big stone into the oil pan, and the crowd immediately seemed to explode. First there was a 'boom', and the noise immediately increased by dozens of decibels, and then the crowd rushed towards a small house on the edge of the pier. Go.

Aeron and the three girls looked at each other in disbelief, unable to believe that things would go so smoothly. Before they could stand firm, they found the legendary doctor?

"Anyway, let's go take a look first, and then you three go back to the boat and wait for me."

Iron was afraid that the crowd would be too crowded, so he asked Perona and the others to go back to the Beagle first. He put on a dome hat and sunglasses, bought an ice-cold soda from a roadside stall, and walked leisurely along the crowd towards the small Go to the wooden house.

This small wooden house is built on a high slope next to the pier. The construction workmanship is quite rough. There is a big sign hanging on the wooden door that reads [Consultation time - every Saturday and Sunday at 9:00 am~ 12:00].

Elen took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was exactly nine o'clock.

The crowd rushed to the door of the cabin and stopped consciously less than 5 meters away. People looked at the wooden door expectantly.

Creep - creak ——!

The door of the wooden house opened from the inside, and a man wearing a vest and trousers and a hat with a sign saying"【PENGUIN】The young man in the hat stood at the door and said loudly:

"All lined up! Wait until I call you before you can enter! Anyone who doesn't follow the rules will be kicked out and put on a blacklist! Do you understand everything? ?"

People quickly lined up spontaneously and said with a smile:"Don't worry, Brother Peijin, we all know the rules.

The young man known as Pei Jin nodded:"Everyone, wait a moment, the doctor is preparing things.""After saying that, he returned to the house and closed the door.

Aeron, who was mixed in the crowd, tilted his head.


What a familiar name...

Aeron joined the team with some suspicion and looked for For some reason, he struck up a conversation with the old man in front of him who had his head wrapped in a bandage:

"Uncle, your injury is not serious, but don't worry, the doctor will definitely be able to do something about it.

The old man said with a smile:"Yes, yes, the doctor's medical skills are very good." Although he always wears a cloak and cannot see his face, he is very kind and has good medical skills. He said that my injury will be completely healed if he treats it again. By the way, brother, what disease do you have?"

"I? tuberculosis. The old man comforted him with a smile:"It turns out it's tuberculosis. Don't worry, it's nothing."…………Lungs, tuberculosis! ? ?"

The old man yelled in shock. In an instant, the entire team ran away.

Ellen adjusted his clothes, bowed slightly to the people gathered in the distance and hurriedly took out their masks and put them on, and walked to the wooden house with a smile. In front of the door.

Not long after, the door of the cabin opened. Pekin walked out and was about to say something, but found that the long queue in front of the door had disappeared, and only a blond young man wearing a round hat smiled and smiled. He waved his hand

"Ah, I have a lot of leisure today...Okay, please come in."Pekin stretched out his hand to indicate that Elen could go in. After Elen walked into the house, Peikin closed the door and stood guard outside.

Elen walked into the somewhat dark cabin, which was divided into an outhouse and an outhouse. In the back room. There were various boxes and bottles in the outer room, with a faint mist floating around. Ellen sniffed and found that it was a disinfectant made from St. John's wort.

"Excuse me, I'm coming in."He lifted the curtain and walked into the back room. There was a pot of medicine placed by the window. What was boiled in it was a disinfectant made of St. John's wort. There were a lot of books piled up in the rest of the room. After a closer look, he realized that They are all medical books. There is a long table in the center of the back room, and behind the long table sits a burly figure wearing a wide cloak.

Aeron narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a strange tone:"Doctor?"

The cloaked man reached out and motioned for Aeron to sit across the table. After Aeron took his seat, the cloaked man asked in an unusually low voice:

"Where do you feel uncomfortable? The playful look in Elen's eyes became more intense:"

I have been suffering from low-grade fever recently, sweating all over my body and feeling weak. I often cough up blood, and my chest is tight and painful." The cloaked man tilted his head, and after a while he said,"Your symptoms are not good." Have you asked other doctors?"

Ellen leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair comfortably, and said easily:"Yes. The doctor in my hometown said there was no way I could be saved, so I came to Chukilik Island to look for the legendary mysterious doctor who could cure any disease. Please, doctor, I'm counting on you! The cloaked man was quiet for a while, and then nodded:"Don't worry, I will cure you." You go out first, I'll be there in a while……"

"Ah, please wait a moment doctor, I have a question to ask you."Elen raised his hand and shook it.

"ah? Oh, please speak. Ellen asked with a smile:"What I want to ask is, doctor, are you really not hot?" Fur people are generally afraid of heat, right?"

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