‘The pirates of the Machinist Pirates shouted in worry, but if they entered the arena at this time, they would break the rules, and the captain would really lose. So they could only anxiously cheer for the 'Black Gear' Giger on the martial arts field.

Aeron fell to the ground and slowly walked towards Jigur who collapsed on the ground.

Jig, whose face was covered with blood, struggled to get up:"Damn it...kill, kill you!"

Iron walked up to Jig, grabbed his collar, and roared:"You idiot! Haven't I beaten you awake yet!? Are you worthy of being a leader like this?"

Jig looked at Aeron blankly, not knowing what he meant.

The pirates in the audience were also stunned and fell silent.

Aeron looked at Jig angrily, knocked him to the ground, and whispered:"No one can blame you for ruining your career and future just because of a fight. But as a Leader, but together you ruined the future of all the employees in your shipyard who trusted you!"

"Have you ever thought that these ordinary people are suitable to be pirates? You don't even know how to rob, and your future ending will either starve to death or be annihilated by the navy! What does a leader do? The leader needs to lead his men to win a better future! Have you done it even a little bit?"

Jig's face was covered with snot and tears at some point:"But...but we can only build ships...The world government doesn't let us build ships, what else can we do? There is no place to take us in!"

The pirates in the audience also wiped away their tears and cried softly. If ordinary people were not forced to have no choice, who would be willing to become pirates? They have never resented their captain, but sometimes they would recall the peaceful and stable past in their dreams. A good day when they are not being hunted. But the sea is so big, how can it accommodate them?

"I'm here to take you in."Elen put his hands in his pockets and said calmly.

Jig looked at the short blond man with tears in his eyes, suspecting that he heard wrongly, and stammered:"We, we are criminals wanted by the navy with a high reward.……"

Aeron sneered:"So what? My 'Coral' Chamber of Commerce happens to be short of a team of shipwrights. If you are not afraid of heavy work, just come. As for the World Government and Navy, let them come to me."

"Now, I just ask you one thing - are you willing to join 'Coral'?"

"I just want to ask you one thing - are you willing to join 'Coral'?"

On the silent field, only Ellen's calm questions echoed.

Pat, pat.……

‘Black Gear'Jig's tears couldn't stop pouring out. The man in front of him was not making fun of himself, nor was he trying to stay calm. This man is serious!

"‘All members of the Mecha Pirates!! gather!!!"

Jig stood up and roared with all his strength!

The pirates with tears on their faces passed through the audience silently and gathered quietly under the stage. And 'Arc Gun' Bill and the red-haired man Donnie headed The four cadres stood in the center of the martial arts arena.

Jiger slowly walked in front of the cadres, then turned to look at Elen.

With a pop, his right fist touched the ground and he knelt down on one knee in front of Elen. Then there was the sound of kneeling down in unison, and all the pirates and cadres were half-kneeling on the ground like Jig.

"From today on, there will be no more 'Machine Pirates'! We, a total of 247 people, are willing to join 'Coral' and be loyal to Lord Aeron! He will not hesitate to fight against mountains of swords and seas of fire!"Jig yelled at the top of his lungs, speaking from the bottom of his heart.

"Hello, Father!!"All the cadres and pirates roared in unison.

Aeron showed a relieved smile and said gently:"Then, from today on, 'Coral' will be your home."

The audience and the people and tourists watching in the distance were completely shocked by the scene in front of them. If it was just a bloody fight, they would only treat it as a talking point in the future. But today's scene has a profound impact on their hearts. It caused an indelible shock.

Philia Yron, this man is really a born leader! And what kind of magnificent waves will such a man set off in this sea?


The next day, Tanar Town. 'The Mecha Pirates’……No, it should be called 'Coral'. With silly smiles on their faces, the members of the boat crew happily restored the pier in Tanal Town to its original state, and began to work feverishly to transform the abandoned park on the west side of the town.

On the dock, Aeron shook hands with the old mayor and said with a smile:"Mayor, thank you for agreeing to temporarily take in these fools."

The mayor waved his hand with a smile:"Master Aeron, where are you talking about? Since They have all joined the 'Coral', and Tanar Town is also under the protection of the 'Coral', so we are in the same group. Besides, the abandoned park has been abandoned for a long time, so let the boat crew build a The residential area is also of great benefit to us."

Ellen smiled and nodded, then turned to look at Jig and said seriously:"Jig, I will give you the first task now - to temporarily station in Tanar. The town is waiting for my instructions and will defend the town during this period."

Jiger had already put on a blue boatman's uniform, and his beard, which was like a tangled wire, was neatly groomed. A little nervous, he suddenly saluted and said loudly:"Boss, don't worry! Whoever dares to rob Tanar Town, our boat crew will rip off their heads and play them as footballs!"

Iron laughed. He patted Giger's knee (he couldn't reach his shoulder) and said gently:"Don't be so nervous. It's a very simple task, right? Wait for me for a month. In one month, I will ask the shipbuilder named Morrison I'll give you an explanation."

Jig's eyes turned red again:"Boss! I don't care anymore, you don't have to worry about that!"

Elen shook his head:"A man, of course you have to get it back if you are bullied. But it has been a law that has been in place since ancient times! If you call me Father, then I will find a place for my brother."

Jig was so moved that his face was covered with tears and snot, and he burst into tears.

Wu Hongji, who was standing a little further away, was a little distracted when she saw this scene.

Perona curiously waved her little hand in front of Wu Hongji and teased:"Xiao Wu, are you crazy about Brother Yilen again?"

Wu Hongji patted Perona's little hand in shame, He shook his head and said with emotion:"No, I saw the figure of an adult in the past from Yi Lun's body."

Robin was also curious:"Miss Wu, who are you talking about?"

Wu Hongji hugged her The famous sword Hong Siam said in a melodious tone:"Once upon a time, there was a great underworld boss in Wano Country. He was called 'Flower Leopard Goro'. He was the number one gangster in Wano Country ten years ago and dominated the underworld of Flower Capital. The leading eldest brother is also very respectable among the eldest brothers in the other five towns and is also very good to the common people. He is a true knight with both strength and reputation. Not only the concubine, but also Lord Kozuki Oden also admires him. Him."

Perona said excitedly:"The leader of the underworld who is as powerful as my brother! If my brother sees this 'Flower Leopard Goro', he will definitely hit it off!"

Wu Hongji sighed, a look on her pretty face A melancholy smile:"Yes... It's a pity that he refused to obey the 'Black Carbon Orochi' and was killed by the snake... Hanazhibao Goro has become a legend forever."

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