The two men were about to reply when suddenly a joking voice clearly sounded in the ears of everyone on the dock.

"oh? You want to sink my ship? Then I'll reciprocate the favor...metal zipper·steel chain finger!"

A golden stream of light flying from far to near appeared in the eyes of everyone on the pier. In just a moment, the huge pirate ship that the 'Engineer Pirates' were proud of was parked not far from the pier. It was split into two halves by this golden chain blade! Even the sea water was drawn into a deep groove!

‘Black Gear Giger stared dumbly at the wreckage of the pirate ship sinking slowly on the sea in the distance, and murmured:"My 'Cruel Justice'’…………who is it? Who dares to harm me with the Cruel Justice?’!!’"

There was a scream from the round arch at the end of the pier. A few pirates covered in blood staggered towards the pier, but were chopped down by a few crisp flying slashes. land.

Several figures appeared at the arch.

Aeron was wearing an exquisite black suit. He hooked his outstretched right index finger, and the terrifying chain blade that shocked everyone quickly returned to his fingertips. Perona, Wu Hongji and Robin followed him. Those flying slashes just now were Wu Hongji's masterpiece. The white-haired mayor with blood on his forehead followed tremblingly, looking at Aeron with excitement.

Aeron looked coldly at the stunned pirates on the dock and said word by word:

"From now on, the town is covered by 'coral'. I want to play? Okay, I will be your opponent!"

After listening to Ellen's arrogant speech, Downey, the red-haired man carrying a big wrench, shouted angrily:"Where did you come from? ? Haven't you heard of the name of our 'Machine Pirates'? ?"

"……Never heard of it. Robin?"Elen turned to look at Robin. At this moment, he had to rely on his all-powerful secretary Robin.

Robin thought for a while and said:"The Machinist Pirates, a pirate group that has risen in the past two years, is characterized by the whole group. All pirate members have passed the fifth-level fitter certificate and apprentice shipbuilder qualification certificate. Captain 'Black Gear' Giger is a famous shipbuilder and an officially registered first-class fitter. Chief of Staff 'Arc Gun' Bill has also obtained a senior florist qualification certificate."

"…………"Aeron suddenly didn't know what to say. He coughed twice and then asked:"Then why are they being rewarded by the navy?"

Robin took out a pamphlet from his chest and flipped through it, and said:"Two years The former 'Black Gear' Giger clashed with Morrison, a shipbuilder directly under the World Government, and beat the latter to serious injuries. He then resisted arrest and injured several naval officers. After being wanted, he led his own shipyard employees and accountants Bill went to sea to become a pirate."

"Black Gear" Jig in the distance suddenly burst into tears when he heard Robin's plain words. Not only was he crying, but his hands were also dishonest. He swung his huge arms wildly and smashed several metal bollards on the pier, like a giant baby.

All the pirates under his command turned pale and trembled and shouted in unison:"Captain! Stop it quickly, don't think about it! Don't think about that 34-year-old handsome blond man named Jet Morrison who is 2.4 meters tall and is popular with women. Bastard! Don’t recall the scene where he tore up your design and threw it in your face and then laughed at you!!"

‘Black Gear' Jigg paused, then cried louder!

……The reason why your captain is in so much pain is because you bastards are rubbing salt into the wounds, right? Aeron and others complained silently in their hearts.

While these idiots were making a fuss on the dock, Aeron continued to ask Robin in a low voice about the misdeeds of this 'Machine Pirates'

"Well... although all aspects have confirmed that the strength of 'Black Gear' Giger is amazing, what they did before was too harmless for the pirates. When they first went to rob merchant ships, they were even scolded by the passengers of the merchant ships and fled. When they robbed small towns, they not only harvested nothing, but also left food and money for the poor townspeople; and most of their living expenses were lost. It was money earned from internal fights with other pirates, and the rest was earned by repairing ships in distress."

Ellen pinched his eyebrows and asked helplessly:"Then why do they want to show their pirate style again this time?"

"The reason why they are determined to change their image this time is probably because three months ago, the World Government, on the advice of shipbuilder Morrison, canceled the first-class qualification of 'Black Gear' Giger, who had not reported to the official shipbuilders' association for two years.. It is said that the"Engineer Pirates" have been on a crazily revengeful journey on the sea in the past two months. When they saw the tourist boat designed by the shipbuilder Morrison, they immediately robbed it, and they specially stared at the captain and the guards on the tourist boat and beat them hard, and finally destroyed the tourist boat. Just burn it down."

Robin could hardly speak anymore. These pirates have been miserable. This time they finally made up their minds to change their image, and it happened to happen that Aeron was on vacation in the town.

And these pirates can't be ruthless at all.. After rushing to the town, they actually recategorized and cleaned up half of the garbage that the previous townsfolk had swept away. If they hadn't burned the paper dragon model that they regarded as waste, the mayor would not have conflicted with them and been beaten..

At that time, Aeron was walking towards the dock angrily with Perona and the others. When he saw an old man with a white beard being beaten by a group of pirates, he started the fight without saying a word. But when he saw that the pirates did not kill him, he also Just give them a good beating. Those who were chopped down by Wu Hongji were purely because of their own bad mouths, no one else could blame them, and Wu Hongji also chopped at non-vital positions, so she was merciful.

White Hair The gray old mayor was also well-informed, and he recognized at a glance that the handsome blond young man in front of him was the fierce man who defeated the 'Oss Shichibukai' reported in the World Economic Daily a few days ago. Chain Philia Iron.

In fact, it’s impossible not to know him... His little granddaughter cut out Iron’s photo in the newspaper and printed many large posters and posted them everywhere in the house. The old mayor In the past few days, I have to face Aeron's handsome face when I go to the toilet.

Facing the old mayor's request for the protection of 'Coral', Aeron readily agreed. This will be a good opportunity for 'Coral' to enter the Grand Line.. Naturally, Aeron agreed to expel the 'Engineer Pirates' from the island.

And now, Aeron became interested in the 'Engineer Pirates'. All shipbuilders This is a rare pirate group.

"Hey, giant baby, how long do you want to cry?"Iron's voice resounded through the pier.

All the tourists and the tour boat captain looked at Iron in surprise, fearing that he would offend 'Black Gear' Jig. If the latter got angry, they and the tour boat would be destroyed. It's all doomed

‘Black Gear' Giger stopped crying. He wiped the snot and tears from his face, stood up and roared:"You bastard... I haven't settled the score with you yet! I am proud of the masterpiece 'Cruel Justice'" You cut the number in half, how are you going to compensate me!"

Aeron said lazily:"Didn't I just say that? I'm protecting this town. You invaded this town to go against me, then I Isn’t it natural to chop down your ship?"

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