"Special insights and colors that are born with awakening? You mean a 'mind-reading' ability like the 'Red Earl'?"The old man holding the knife frowned.

"The special abilities awakened by each innate seeing and hearing color are different. I just have suspicions. The natural color of knowledge is much rarer than the color of overlord. I don't necessarily know that this boy will be the chosen one."The old man with blond hair and short beard shrugged his shoulders.

"In short, this matter is settled like this - Nico Robin stays in the hands of Philia Yron for the time being, and Philia Yron of the 'Vicious Chain' joins the 'Shichibukai under the King' and meets in a This will be announced in a few months."The old man on crutches with braided hair closed the coffin and said conclusively:

"In this way, the positions of the 'King Shichibukai' are all filled. They are 'Tyrant' Bartholomew Bear, 'Pirate Empress' Boya Hancock, 'Hawkeye' Jurokiel Mihawk, 'Sand Crocodile' Sand Crocodile, and 'Aquaman' Jinbe. , 'Tenyasha' Donquixote Doflamingo, and 'Evil Chain' Filia Iron"

"At this point, the world's 'three major forces' can finally maintain balance! A new era is about to begin!"

The people of Tanal Town have no idea that a shocking battle almost broke out at the old park site of the town. If the battle breaks out, Tanal Town is likely to follow in the footsteps of Luozhong Village, and tourists in the town and Residents are bound to suffer heavy casualties.

However, there is no word 'if' in fate. The festival celebrations are still going on in an orderly manner.

In the evening, the temperature begins to slowly drop. However, the flow of people in the town increases instead of decreasing, becoming more and more lively.

On the pier, Ellen and Robin each held a large glass of iced juice while chatting and waiting for Perona and Wu Hongji.

Not long after, the two girls finally appeared on the pier in a hurry. They rushed to Yilan carrying various bags. Next to Lun, he was almost out of breath.

"Aren't you two tired? You girl... drink slowly, don't choke!"

Perona grabbed the iced juice from Elen's hand and drank it down. Wu Hongji blushed and took the juice from Robin. She thanked her in a low voice and couldn't wait to take a sip.

"Haha~~ It’s so enjoyable! Hahaha!"Perona took a sip of the cold juice, wiped her mouth, threw the empty cup on the ground, and laughed loudly.

"Perona, don't let out such a salty uncle's laughter! Wipe the corners of your mouth clean! Put the empty cup in the trash!"Eren, as a guardian, couldn't stand it any longer, so he directly used his special move.——‘The guardian scolded three times in a row.

Forced by her brother's power, Perona had no choice but to take the handkerchief from Aeron's hand and wipe her mouth randomly, then picked up the cup from the ground and threw it away in the trash with a pouted mouth.

Wu Hongji drank more than half a glass of iced juice, and kept fanning her pretty red face with her little hand, and said crisply:"Ellen, there are a lot of ingredients in this town that I have never seen before! And they are so cheap! Can we go buy some more together later?"

At this time, Perona also came back, pulling Elun and saying coquettishly:"Brother! I just went to the vegetable market! I found a ready-made clothing store, and the styles made by the owner are so trendy. ~ Let’s go together!"

Wu Hong Ji next to her suddenly gave up, rushed over, hugged Perona and said reluctantly:"Peppe! Who do you think you are? You rude little girl, look at me. How to deal with you!"

"oops! Xiao Wu, are you going to rebel? Mr. Pepe is really going to take action this time! Robin covered his mouth and watched the two girls playing around with a smile.

Ellen covered her head and said helplessly:"……Aren't you two hungry? Let's go, I heard there is a good restaurant in town. Robin? Robin smiled and nodded:"It's a restaurant next to Central Street, called 'Bee Superman'." There are many repeat customers and the reviews are pretty good. I made a reservation for 4 people at the store at noon. Do I want to leave now?"

Perona and Wu Hongji gathered around Robin, with little stars in their eyes:"Sister Robin is so capable~"

Ellen opened a zipper space on the boat and put all the things Perona and the others bought into the space. Inside. Then a few people set off for the hotel.

The sky gradually darkened, and not long after Elon and his party arrived in front of the 'Bee Superman' store. This is a three-story hotel decorated in a retro style. There are no walls in front of the row of dining tables on each floor near the street. Several pillars support the eaves, but the railings are only half a person high and the workmanship seems a bit rough. The hotel sign is hung directly above the door, written in a slightly cartoony font. 'Bee Superman', with a cute cartoon bee drawn next to it. A circle of small light bulbs hung around the sign, but for some reason none of them were lit.

Robin whispered a few words to the waiter who greeted him at the door, and the waiter bowed slightly With a bow, several people were led to a dining table close to the street, which happened to be a place for 4 people. After discussing for a while, everyone decided to try the special dishes of Tanar Town, and ordered a few dishes according to Robin's suggestions. hot-selling dishes.

Soon, the small dining table was filled with local specialties. There were several very distinctive dishes among them, and even Ellen couldn't help but nod her head in praise.

‘Humahong' is fresh red nose fish cut into thin slices and sprinkled with secret sesame sauce and crushed peanuts. It has a rich and mellow taste. The fish meat has a firm texture and no fishy smell at all. It is very suitable for girls' tastes.

‘"Prayer of the Sky of Mercy" is made by mincing the fine chili"Green of Mercy", a specialty of the island, and then wrapping it with the mint"Prayer Page" of Chukilik Island in batter and frying until crispy. The spiciness of the chili is subdued by the special mint fragrance. Neutralize and achieve perfect balance. Coupled with dipping sauces made with a variety of ingredients, it has long occupied the first place in the food voting of tourists in Tanal Town in the past five years.

‘The preparation of Superman Jack' is very simple. Cut the eggplant into pieces and fry it over low heat until the surface is slightly crispy. Then spread a spoonful of the owner's proud sauce 'Bee Jack' on the cross-section. The sweet but not greasy sauce is absorbed by the eggplant, and it is filled with juice when you bite into it. Both adults and children love to eat it!

Aeron asked the waiter to open a bottle of low-alcohol fruit wine, and everyone drank and drank while talking and laughing.

As she ate, Perona felt her surroundings getting darker and darker. She looked around strangely:"Strange? Doesn't the store turn on the lights?"

Robin said with a smile:"You will know why the lights are not turned on soon, Perona."

The street became darker and darker. However, both the storefronts and roadside stalls on Central Street have a tacit understanding that no lights are on. Everyone is waiting for the most important moment of the Summer Dragon Festival. clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

The town's big bell rang seven times, and the most important moment of the Summer Dragon Festival has arrived!

Crowds of people crowded on the street, vying to get close to the paper dragon models with outstanding craftsmanship. The town's militia worked hard to maintain order. Whether they are shop assistants, stall owners, tourists who come here to visit, or residents who have lived in the town for generations, everyone is quietly waiting for that moment.

At the moment when the bell rang, the makers lit up the prepared lanterns covered with lampshades in their own paper dragon models. The paper dragon lanterns of different colors completely lit up the entire Central Street. Bright.

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