Aeron's eyes became more serious than ever before:"Mr. Pippin, I will not just stay in the Western Sea, and you will be my first stepping stone. Come on! As you wish, we will fight head-on and win with one blow. burden"

" brat who talks shamelessly!"Pippin's body has expanded to a height of 7 meters. The large amount of white mist sprayed from his nostrils made his face blurred, leaving only two spots of scarlet around his eyes.

The two no longer engaged in verbal exchanges. All attention was focused on the opponent. The veins on Pippin's left fist were exposed like a millstone, and a metallic light appeared faintly on Aeron's right fist. In an instant! The ground under their feet exploded at the same time, one big and one small. The figures merged together instantly!

"War Bull·Must-kill Roaring Horns!!!"

"Metal zipper chain saw finger cots!"

The moment the two fists collided together, it was like a cannonball exploding. The violent shock wave spread rapidly to the surroundings, shattering the surrounding windows, followed by a dull sonic explosion, which stirred up a large amount of dust and smoke.

Tick tock...Tick-tock...

Drops of blood fell to the ground. Pippin, who had returned to human form, staggered and fell to the ground. His left arm disappeared from the elbow to the palm, and the wound was bloody and fleshy, like It was as if he had been cut repeatedly by a chainsaw.

Aeron stood up slowly and moved his right shoulder. Apart from his face being a little pale, he seemed to have no injuries.

Navy Captain Crone took a few steps closer to the battlefield and discovered that Aeron's The surface of the right fist is covered with a metal glove made of zippers, and the chain teeth on the surface are still vibrating at high speed like a chainsaw. Is the chain fruit's attack power so terrifying? No, it's not the chain fruit that's scary, but the person Ellen. Not only the use of the fruit's ability, but also the strength and physique of the 'War Bull' Talma Pippin were completely suppressed by this man.

Should we solve this hidden danger here for the sake of justice? He also Without thinking of a countermeasure, there were rapid footsteps behind me.

Two men in black quickly approached the battlefield. The leader was a tall, middle-aged man with long green hair tied into a ponytail. He wore a pair of gold-rimmed eyes. , with a musket stuck in his waist. The other was a short, fat man with an unattractive appearance. He was walking not far to the left of the green ponytail, with a very dangerous look in his eyes.

"Brother Philia, have we disturbed the happy time between you and your boss?"

The green pony-tailed voice with malicious intent written all over his face was sharp and harsh. He pulled out a musket from his waist and pointed it at Aeron, who was standing motionless.

"I didn't expect that the legendary waste fruit could be developed to this extent by you, little brother. You are worthy of Philia Illen, who single-handedly defeated six cadres of our 'Suleiman Family'."

Since defeating Talma Pippin, Aeron has been looking at his right hand thoughtfully. It wasn't until Green Ponytail chirped a lot of nonsense that he looked up at the two new people who appeared on the battlefield.

"‘Suleiman Shah the Guntail, and Capone Beki the Outlaw. Nice to meet you, both of you."Ellen slowly took out his handkerchief and wiped his right hand, as if he were receiving guests at home:"Please forgive us, Coral, for having some important matters to deal with at this time. If you don't mind, please wait a moment. I'll treat you two well after I finish dealing with this matter."

It turned out to be the two of them! Navy Captain Crohn immediately knew the identities of these two people when he heard their names.

The green ponytail 'Guntail Snake' Suleiman Shah is the leader of the gangster 'Suleiman Family'. This is a family-style gang that controls the underground world of more than ten towns including Katsuri Town.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames. Suleiman Shah, the 'Gun-tailed Snake' is an animal He is a person with abilities in the form of a coniferous snake, and is very good at marksmanship. He is cold-blooded and stingy, and he likes drinking and womanizing. He is basically synonymous with"social scum".

And that short, fat man, the"villain" Capone... Becky is the leader of the 'Capone Gang', a new gang that has emerged in recent years. The Navy knows very little about his abilities, only that he is a superhuman and has excellent defense. This Capone Becky is not a fuel-saving lamp, and he has hobbies. He actually beheaded his defeated generals and then collected the heads.

It seems that the two gangs joined forces to take advantage of the internal strife of 'Coral' and catch them all. But with such accurate timing, it seems that it should be……

"Hey hey hey hey...Brother Filia, stop pretending! Suleiman Shah's slender forked tongue protruded from the corner of his mouth, like a poisonous snake:"Since Brother Capone and I are here today, we have no intention of letting you leave alive. You and Coral will become us obediently." Gang’s Nutrition Bar Pihehehehe!"

Capone Becky next to him lit a cigar, took two puffs and then puffed out a burst of smoke, with a cold smile on his face:"That's right. Since you can't be used by me, I can only destroy you completely before you grow up. Oh, and thank you for helping us kill that muscular brute Talma Pippin. He's really hard to deal with when he's crazy."

Ellen smiled and shook his head, threw away the handkerchief, turned around and faced the two uninvited guests.

"It seems that the two visitors are not kind... It's time to get to work, Perona!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, here he comes!"There was a burst of laughter from above the heads of Suleiman and Capone, and they looked up to find a petite figure holding an umbrella floating above their heads. The second round!

Two versus two!

Philia Ylon, Sea Circle He was born in 1495 in the village of Koli in the West Sea, a small fishing village whose main livelihood was fishing.

Philia Iron's father, Philia Cassio, was a simple fisherman who was taciturn and abiding by his duties. Since his beloved wife died in childbirth while giving birth to Elon, he has devoted all his love to his son.

Elon's life before the age of 7 was simple and peaceful. Influenced by his father, he never He doesn't cause trouble when he fights. He has a gentle personality but doesn't like to talk. His only hobby is reading books besides fishing with his father.

However, Ellen has a little secret. Ever since he can remember, he has occasionally heard some voices directly transmitted into his head..Iron told his father, but after seeing many doctors, he still had no clue. In order to prevent his father from worrying anymore, Iron told his first lie in his life. He lied to his father that he would recover without taking medicine and would never hear from him again. Those strange sounds.

In fact, he heard them more clearly.

In the year 1502 of the Atlantic calendar, Ellen and her father went to sea to fish as usual when the weather was good.

However, the sea was as fickle as a jealous woman. One second ago, it was still The weather was calm, then a storm came the next second.

The sky became dark and lightless, violent lightning streaked through the dark clouds, and the small fishing boat heaved desperately in the strong wind and waves.

Filia Cassio, this A great father stuffed his son into the only empty barrel on the ship, and then used his last strength to throw the barrel far into the sea.

"Dear Aeron, there is only one destiny in life. My destiny has come and your mother has come to greet me. But you still have hope, you must live well!"

The huge waves engulfed this lonely boat. When Iron woke up, he found himself in a clinic in Cori Village. The doctor told him that it was the passing fishermen who found him unconscious and scattered wooden barrel fragments on the seashore.. But unfortunately, old Cassio could not be found.

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